"Is it really the original stone, he may not be able..."

Before Accelerator's voice could be heard, the collapsed wall shook violently, and a black shadow flashed past, directly in front of Accelerator.

Another teleportation! Unable to understand or analyze, Accelerator's face showed panic for the first time, he didn't understand what power Chu Tian was using.

Whoosh! In the calm mid-air, a fist appeared in front of Accelerator without warning.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he took a step back subconsciously.

Wait a second: When he woke up in a second, Accelerator's line of sight was already shifted [-] degrees from just now, and several parts of his body were severely injured.

"I understand!"

In Accelerator's disintegrated pupils, the bright color woke up like lightning, and the confused expression turned into a ferocious look in the blink of an eye. This was the first time in his life that he felt the negative emotion of fear.

"Your ability is time-out!"

Chu Tian was stunned for a moment, then he put down the attack in his hand and clapped his hands to Accelerator instead.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

"Not bad, you are the first person to see through my abilities, and you deserve praise."

Accelerator maintained a stunned posture, breathing rapidly to fill his lungs, his heart was beating wildly, blood rushed to his forehead, and his face was flushed like never before.

Pause time.... What a terrifying power this is. This is the supreme ability to change the law. Only the rumored Demon God can do it! Accelerator's eyes widened and his red pupils shrank. He knew that he was not the guy in front of him. opponent.

"who are you"

For the first time in his life, Accelerator, the strongest of Academy City, showed a look of fear, a drop of cold sweat dripped down his cheeks, and the ominous premonition in his heart became more and more pressing.

"Didn't I say so? I just came out to buy something."

Chu Tian's brows twitched into the word Chuan.

"Vector operations are a good thing, but you're too weak..."

Chu Tian walked directly past Yifang Tongxing and patted the other party's shoulder: "If there is nothing else, I will go back first, people are still waiting for me to buy things and go back."

Accelerator's eyes were straight.

Come out to buy something, come out to buy something, and make yourself like this. Who the hell is this? Although there are [-] ideas in his heart, Accelerator didn't dare to chase after him, because he really couldn't think of any way to fight against Chutian Time. pause.

Chu Tian picked up the plastic bag on the handle, um, the things are still there: No need to go to the convenience store again, but as he was walking, he suddenly found a small tail behind him.

Sister Misaka followed behind Chu Tian with an expressionless face, following every step of the way. When Chu Tian left, she left, and when Chu Tian stopped, she stopped, as if begging to be taken away.

"what are you doing with me"

Chu Tian asked in confusion.


A moment of silence answered him.

Miss Misaka's face was expressionless, her empty eyes stared straight ahead, her head was full of blood and one arm was broken. The massive blood loss made her face pale, and in a deserted street, her appearance was extremely intimidating.

Chu Tian took a deep breath and said to her, "Keep walking on this street, and if you turn left twice in a row...the hospital...I won't send you off in a hurry."

"wait for me....."

"In the end what you want"

Sister Misaka stood blankly on the spot, the expression on her face remained unchanged, there was no sadness, no fear.

As an experimental consumable with a unit price of 18 yen, she can make unlimited batches as long as she has sufficient materials. Her knowledge is copied and recorded in her mind in the form of reading and writing.

It is precisely because of this empty cognition and the forced concept of cooperation that she never had any idea of ​​resisting the constant death and short life.

In the eyes of others, Miss Misaka is like a corpse, without the ability to think, only knows how to execute orders mechanically.

This is also an excuse for Accelerator to paralyze himself, all he killed was a humanoid shell, a living puppet doll.

But now, Chutian's chaotic intrusion caused Accelerator to lose the battle ahead of schedule, and the plan for the absolute capable person could no longer be carried out.

So, she chose to keep up with Chu Tian.


Misaka sister stared straight ahead with empty eyes, and I still couldn't come out for a long time.

"I'm really scared of you. I'm just... just going out to buy some coffee. What do you guys have to do with me?"

Chu Tian said helplessly, the other party's helpless appearance made him feel guilty.

He knows that if he leaves it alone...

, Misaka sister is very likely to deteriorate and finally die on the street corner.

Swipe! Two figures appeared out of thin air at the entrance of the hospital. The nurse on the night shift saw Sister Misaka who was seriously injured and immediately.

The emergency surgery was called by phone, and Misaka was put on the stretcher bed.

Sister Misaka pulled Chu Tian's sleeves, refused to let go, looked at Chu Tian with silent eyes without blinking.

"Why do I just want to put you here so I don't have to recover. I'm very busy tonight, so just stick with it for a while."

Facing the scumbag eyes from the nurses and sisters, Chu Tian turned around and left.

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