
Chu Tian sighed and sighed: "What a beautiful future, why do you want to fight with me to death, you won't get anything, why bother!"

"Nonsense, is your brain sick?"

Accelerator narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Chu Tian like a poisonous snake, frowning in dissatisfaction: "Don't talk nonsense, since you don't attack, then I'm welcome."

Chu Tian shook his head and closed his eyes, heaving a sigh of relief, and after breaking away again, a golden luster appeared in his deep pupils: "Young man..."

To be honest, for Mr. Fang, Chu Tian can't talk about likes and dislikes, because he only likes women.

Although Accelerator is self-deprecating, he talks about the evil party all day long.

In fact, deep in his heart, he has a strong desire for goodness, which he may not realize himself.

Because of the terrifying and destructive power of vector control, just a little force can cause others to be killed or injured.

Therefore, in order not to hurt others, he will not arbitrarily have disputes with others, block his feelings in his heart and not show it to anyone, showing an attitude of being completely disinterested in other people's lives.

To some extent, it is a result of passively trying to protect others.

In other words, Accelerator is a dead arrogant.

Of course, it is impossible for Aojiao to admit that he is arrogant.

Accelerator denied the kindness in his heart, and used 'the strong disdain to kill ants' as an excuse, forcibly put on the mask of arrogance and indifference, distinguishing himself from others, and being superior.

Although the character is a little awkward, it has not reached the point where it cannot be saved.

It's easy to clean up.

Yifang Tongxing laughed while holding his forehead: "You're just a mere idiot waiting, how dare you say it!"

Chu Tian Jingjing watched Accelerator laugh wantonly, his eyes indifferent: "I said don't look for me... because you don't know anything about power."

"I know nothing about power, what a joke!"

Accelerator was furious when he heard the words, as if he had been humiliated, his red pupils shrunk to pinpoints, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot.

There was no movement from him, the surrounding ground and buildings shook, and the ground and walls collapsed.

The sturdy reinforced concrete building was brutally torn open with huge cracks.


The tingling sound of metal friction sounded, and the sturdy reinforced steel columns were pulled out from the air, twisted into twists, and finally smashed to the ground, causing a large amount of gunpowder smoke and dust.

Accelerator with a mad and malicious smile, raised his hands naturally, the steel pillars were like javelins arranged neatly, until Chu Tian's body: "My ability is invincible, any force is vulnerable in front of vector control!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh——The shrill roar cut through the air, causing layers of ripples.

The densely packed reinforced steel columns, like shells, shot down from all directions, with the whistling sound of tearing eardrums, forming a desperate space of death.

The twisted steel column arrows were sharp and sprinkled all over the sky, forming a black curtain of arrows.

The next moment, the area where Chutian was located shook and swayed, and in the rumbling sound, the dust filled the air, and the gravel and gravel flew all over the sky.

When the dust dissipated, the ground and building in front of Accelerator were pierced by dozens of thick and sharp steel pillars, and there was almost no intact plane.

Chapter 645 Vector Operations and Platinum Stars

"People are gone!"

Accelerator's backhand whipped up a gust of wind, blowing away the dust, but Chu Tian's shadow was not found.

"That's right, it would be very disappointing if I was killed so easily."

Accelerator raised his head to look at the building not far away, and in his red eyes, there was an undisguised murderous intent.

Chu Tian stood on the building and put down Sister Misaka who was holding her.

Although this Misaka sister is a clone, Chu Tian doesn't want to die, after all... Who doesn't like to see Accelerator who is so excited and maddened below, Chu Tian brows frivolously, thinking back ability of the opponent.

Accelerator's ability is called "Vector Manipulation"

, the "vector" referred to here

, which is different from the vector in physics, his "vector"

The extension of the concept is large, in addition to the vector in physics, such as momentum, electromagnetism, etc., it also includes physical phenomena that define the direction, such as light, radiation, infrasound, oxygen environment, etc.

The ability of one party to pass can arbitrarily manipulate the direction of all vectors that are touched by the surface of the body, such as momentum, light, electromagnetic fields, etc.

Usually, except...gravity, oxygen and other harmless vectors that are necessary for life, the rest of the vectors are set to "Unconsciously"


Vectors that are invisible to ordinary people, such as radiation and infrasound waves, can also be sensed.

For example, he can kick the small stone thrown at supersonic speed or even superluminal speed, or manipulate the vector of the sole of the foot to move at high speed, or generate a tornado to make himself fly.

Just touching the finger to the other party can control the backflow of blood and bioelectricity in the whole body and cause sudden death.

Correspondingly, it can also remove viruses from the body, manipulate bioelectricity to promote hair growth, manipulate the air to generate a typhoon of level 7 by contacting the atmosphere, or compress air molecules to force the generation of plasma, or even absorb a part of the earth's rotation energy and convert it for powerful destructive power.

It can be said that Accelerator will not be harmed even if it is hit by nuclear weapons.

Because this ability can reflect the attacks of all weapons and abilities, it is regarded as the strongest ability in Academy City.

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