Four meters in diameter and ten meters in length, in the life support device made of tempered glass, in the red liquid, occasionally transparent bubbles slowly floated up.

A white-haired man in a green surgical gown was quietly suspended in the nutrient solution on his head and feet, motionless.

He is... Aleister Crowley! The name of the chairman of the board, this gentleman is quite awesome, once recognized as the world's strongest magician, and now the science side.

"A strange guy is in contact with Accelerator, Aleister, aren't you going to do something?"

A flat female voice mixed with indistinct murmurs sounded from an unknown corner.

On the huge screen on the wall, the person in contact with Accelerator, that is, Chu Tian's avatar, was displayed.

It's just that this avatar was captured by a camera, and I can't find any relevant information.

"It seems to be an incompetent, no harm."

Aleister, who was suspended in the red liquid, opened her eyes, and the sound came out without speaking.

"It is impossible for an incompetent person to be safe from the violent explosion. He...should be a person with physical strengthening ability, or a certain saint with less than [-] numbers. Could it be the missing stone?"

The female voice mixed with strange noises sounded again.

"It's definitely impossible for a saint, I don't remember such a person.

Even if it is a freshman, it is impossible. This is the urban academy, the base camp of the science side.

Without my permission, the magic world will not send such precious combat power to die..."

Aleister seems to be talking to himself: "It may be the original stone, or it may be... Illusion Master... He is in the group and is currently studying the diffusion position, similar to the power of angels. , may be the source of his ability."

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Chapter 644 Chutian vs Yifang Xingxing

"That's really dangerous. It's okay to let him get so close to Accelerator, right?"

"It doesn't matter! The purpose of the 'Project of the Absolute Ability' is to comprehend the will of God in a non-God's body! On the road of evolution, the unknown is the biggest enemy. Only those who transcend the environment and themselves can obtain the will of God."

"Surprising answer, I thought you would just obliterate the variable, it seems... you seem to be enjoying it"

"The unknown is always fascinating, it represents the vastness of the world, and we still know nothing..."

On the street, Chu Tian tried to fish in troubled waters to get away, but the results were not ideal. Accelerator glared at him with a bad expression, and Misaka sister also cast a suspicious look.

The three of them didn't speak, Chu Tian tried to break the cold scene, hesitated for a while, and said to Accelerator: "I said I'm just out to buy things, believe it or not"


Accelerator looked up and down... Chu Tian: "You were able to survive the explosion just now. It seems that you are much stronger than the garbage over there. Come on, let me see how capable you are."

Chu Tian's face hurts when he hears this, which will also allow you to find a reason to fight, "Please wait a moment, the unplanned battle may cause a deviation in the prediction calculation.

Misaka quickly added."

Sister Misaka pointed to Chu Tian's clothes full of gunpowder smoke and asked, "Are you the observer of this experiment?"

Chu Tian rolled his eyes: "If I say yes, can I leave now?"

"Of course, but to be on the safe side, I have to confirm the password just in case, please answer, the answer is what Misaka is testing you."

"I choose to give up."

"Parsing error, you are not the relevant personnel of the experiment.

Idle people, please get out of here as soon as possible.

Misaka makes the above confirmation."

Miss Misaka said with an expressionless face.

"Hey, the doll over there! I have a new prey tonight, and for the sake of my good mood, get out!"

Accelerator suddenly interjected, and waved at Misaka's sister who was disgusted.

"A move that is not in the plan, Misaka cannot agree to..."

Before Miss Misaka could say anything, she was knocked away by the repulsive force, and her body slammed into the wall behind her.

After landing, his right hand twisted at a strange angle, coughed up a mouthful of blood from his throat, and fainted with a groan.

"This... unknown idler wait, let's get started!"

Accelerator couldn't wait to speak, the madness in his eyes could be seen clearly even from a distance.

Chu Tian Yuguang glanced at Miss Misaka, who didn't know her life or death, and guessed from the time that Miss Misaka, whose code name was unknown, was likely to have feelings, which meant that the Project of Absolute Ability had been started for a long time.

Coupled with Kamijou Touma and Misaka Mikoto he met before, he can roughly guess where the plot has progressed.

Accelerator saw Chu Tian glanced at Sister Misaka and stopped.

What did he know, he laughed coldly: "Why, it doesn't matter if you are interested in goods with a unit price of 18 yen. If you beat me, she will die, so what?"

"If you want to let her go, just say so."


Accelerator bite”

Chu Tian sighed and said, "You're looking for the wrong person! The person you should be looking for most in this world is me..."

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