The water in the forbidden world is too deep, and he just wants to sleep peacefully and swim in the broad chest of the young lady.

It's a pity that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop.

In the alley, bullet casings with green smoke fell to the ground, and after a dull explosion, the billowing smoke completely enveloped everything.

Wearing a night vision goggle, Misaka Mikoto rushed out of the small alley, suddenly as if she was hit by a high-speed train, she vomited blood in mid-air and fell on Chu Tian.

Chu Tian opened his eyes slightly and looked through the slits of his eyes.

Blue and white strips, no safety pants, the character is determined, this is the replica of Sister Pao, not the deity of Sister Pao.

Da, da, da——the evil party Baimao who has a relationship with Chutian, the strongest vector control person in Academy City, Accelerator walked out of the alley with a ferocious face.

"What's the matter, is it already the limit? Hurry up and continue to run for your life, I haven't had enough!"

Miss Misaka sat on Chu Tian's body panting and raised her hand to shoot a chain of lightning, but it had no effect. The moment the lightning approached Accelerator, it was bounced off and annihilated in the air.

"Weak attack, or say you've given up"

Accelerator raised his hand and waved, the invisible repulsive force swept away, bounced Miss Misaka away, and fell to the ground and rolled a few times.

Sister Misaka couldn't hold up her arms, blood dripped down her cheeks from her forehead, looking at Accelerator who was walking towards her, her painful expression turned blank: "Misaka can't... correctly grasp the opponent's ability... ...but based on the experimental results so far, it is presumed that the other party has erected a protective cover around it."

"Oh, still have a breath!"

Seeing the pool of blood on the ground, and Miss Misaka who was trying to stand up, Accelerator tilted his head in admiration.

"Since the other party is walking on the ground, at least below... His soles have no ability to protect.

A sneak attack from there is the most effective way! Misaka came to this conclusion."

Misaka sister staggered to her feet and glanced at the front that Accelerator was about to pass by.


Chu Tian's face turned black, what's the matter? Could it be that this sister Misaka has a life detector on her head and pretends to be dead, but she still can't deceive you, "What are you mumbling and talking about? If you don't run away, I will deal with you!"

Accelerator joked like a cat playing a mouse.

"Misaka did not flee, but led you into a trap according to the plan! Misaka asked the other party to correct it."

A spark of electricity flashed across Miss Misaka's body.

Boom————The violent explosion engulfed Accelerator and enveloped even Chu Tian.

"Did you make it"

Miss Misaka turned a blind eye to her blasting behavior. During the planning process, anyone involved in the battle will not be considered for safety. This is a clause written in the plan. Sister Misaka said that she only works.

A hurricane erupted out of nowhere in the firelight, and came out unscathed: "It's a pity, your plan is completely in vain!"

"how come"

Yudaili, who never knew whether she had a heart or not, suddenly realized the fear of death.

"Formula Combat..."

Accelerator's face was cold: "It's still so boring, I'll give you a chance, if you beg for mercy, I'll let you go, how about it?"


Miss Misaka didn't answer.

"I'm not afraid of death or I don't know death..."

Accelerator's eyes flashed with disgust, and he raised his palm towards Sister Misaka.

A heavy murderous intent filled the air and enveloped the entire street, and the surrounding air began to gradually tense up.

"Go to hell..."

Accelerator's raised palm was about to fall.

"So many feet!"

A burst of ecstasy shouts sounded from the side, and the street was instantly quiet, and the scene was a little embarrassing.

"who is it!"

Accelerator turned back down vigilantly.

Chu Tian stood up, patted the dust on his body, saw Accelerator and Sister Misaka looking at him, scratched his nose and smirked: "Then what, don't fight, it's pointless for you to do this, this 6's Experiments are futile!"

........Seventh school district, there is a building with no windows, no doors, no stairs and no walkways.

According to rumors, the chairman of Academy City lives in this building with no windows or entrance: it can resist nuclear explosions, and access to and from it depends on space movement to lead the way.

Urban legends are not all groundless. This windowless building is indeed the home of the general chairman of King's Landing Academy City! From a practical point of view, this inaccessible building is undoubtedly a failure of failure. It doesn't make sense to build.

But inside the lesser-known, there is something special.

In the center, in the huge room lit by stars, countless screens with flashing pictures were set up on the surrounding walls.

After tens of thousands of screens, large and small, countless cable ducts extend from the inside of the building to the entire urban academy.

Through the nano-level lingering loop, a steady stream of intelligence is gathered into the network, and finally transmitted here.

Dense cable lines cover the room and are concentrated in the most central location.

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