
The roof of the arena, the best viewing location. …  

Sarutobi Hizan is sitting side by side with Shidai Kazekage disguised as Orochimaru.

"Blah blah blah..." Sarutobi Hiruzen was smacking his pipe, the old fox's true colors were unmistakable, he clearly knew that the wind shadow beside him was dressed by Orochimaru, but he still did not act according to his temperament.

After all, Tsunade was back, and he had brought him information in advance. He was already fully prepared, just waiting for this poisonous snake to sit still and take off its human skin and dig into the clip.

"This year's students are really excellent..." Sarutobi Hizan said meaningfully.

"Yeah, especially that new team, everyone seems to be able to fight..." Orochimaru said in a low voice.

"I just don't know if they can win next. The next two people, but Gaara Uchiha Sasuke and Sand Shinobu, the strongest two people in the entire exam group..." 4.1

Orochimaru's pupils shrank, but he didn't smile: "As expected of three generations of adults, the list of this duel was really manipulated by you..."


"Next is the seventh game! Sasuke Uchiha, against Chutian!"

As soon as the referee announced, the villain team discussed it.

Yin Shi: "I'm going to the group owner, shouldn't you be the finale? This is unreasonable!"

Natsu: "Yes! People of the level of the group owner should be the finale!"

Chu Tian rolled his eyes at the two of them and said, "You two or two, the finale refers to the second-to-last debut, understand?"

The group active value has soared to 800 million!

"What? Isn't the finale the last one! I've been reading for so many years in vain?"

"Group master! I don't read much, don't lie to me!".

Chapter 103 The Thunder Fruit! 【4 more】

"Everyone is calm, what the group owner said is right, I can testify!"

"That's right, we just taught this word two days ago."

Didan Elementary School's three-year-old dual-student masters—Haihara and Conan stood up.

"The word finale originated from opera, and is related to excerpts. It refers to the penultimate play of excerpts. Generally speaking, the finale is the highlight of a show, and it is often starred by the pillars and the top card. The last show The play, or the penultimate one refers to the [major axis].”

"Today, people tend to regard the "finale" as the last appearance and the last to last. In fact, this is a corruption."

"Understood, scientists are bull beer."

"I asked the teacher to refund the tuition, and I will come back later!"

The arena, the fighting ring, and Erzhuzi Sasuke stared at Chutian with longing and envy, and something called ambition grew in his heart.

There is a saying that blood determines potential, and talent limits height. The so-called Hokage is to fight for blood.

With Madara and Obito in the front, Itachi and Sasuke in the back, and Shisui who made soy sauce, the Uchiha 29 clan was stunned to forcibly collapse the ninja world's combat power system with a basket of eyes that defied the sky.

There is no magic, just a pair of eyes can't handle it.

If you can't figure it out, add hooks and change patterns!

Seeing Chu Tian take the battle in person, the entire venue was already boiling.

"Look, it's the leader of that super team! He's on the field!"

"That guy is so handsome! He seems even more handsome than Kakashi!"

"Sasuke is two heads shorter than him, like an odoudou!"

"It's over, there's actually someone more handsome than Sasuke! I, I fell!"

"I'm wet, how about you?"

"I'm wet too..."

"I also...."


Hearing the boiling voice in the arena, Sasuke frowned.

For some reason, he felt as if something had been snatched away, and he was very upset and unhappy.

"Although I don't know what means you used to get through the forest of death, but one-on-one, I won't lose!"

At this time, Erzhuzi had already opened the writing wheel, and was bitten by Orochimaru in the forest of death, obtained the curse mark buff, and also learned the thunder escape from Kakashi, and mastered the embryonic form of the thousand birds.

In terms of physique alone, he can even be on an equal footing with Rock Lee, who has relieved his burden. In addition to Lei, Huo Shuangdun, and Shaanyan, Sasuke really can't think of any reason for him to lose. After all, the other party is just like himself. Just forbearance.


Chu Tian was stagnant for two seconds, his mind spinning rapidly.

The Platinum Star is a pure melee attack, and it is indeed a bit tricky to deal with the Chidori Thunderbolt that can tremble from a distance.

The important thing is that he can't kill Erzhu again, so the pause time + teleportation + double attack is too cruel for Sasuke.

In this case......

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