After taking a look at the points data, Chu Tian made a decisive decision, "System, come with some serious information, I want a thundering fruit!"

"I have spent 1500 million points to buy the Thunder Fruit for you, please check."

A moment later, a dark blue devil fruit appeared in Chu Tian's hands. From the peel to the flesh, it was covered with spiral patterns, with a rather odd shape.

The Thunder Fruit is a natural type of Devil Fruit Stone, one of the strongest Devil Fruits!

'Thor' Anilu, relying on the power of this fruit, ruled the entire sky island!

The Thunder Fruit can turn the eater's physique into electricity, and physical attacks have no effect on it.

And can release high-voltage current at will, can move at lightning speed, and can strengthen the range of seeing, hearing, and domineering with radio waves.

If Lei Dun is to transform chakra and elements in nature into thunder and lightning to attack, then the ringing thunder fruit directly transforms the user's body into thunder and lightning!



Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Chu Tian took out the Thunder Fruit and took a bite.

The juice is flying, but the taste is hard to swallow.

It feels like chewing on underripe peppers.

It feels like chewing on underripe peppers.

Fortunately, only the person who took the first bite of the Devil Fruit would gain the power, so Chu Tian took a bite and threw the rest away.

"You bastard, what are you doing!"

Sasuke's eyes were bewitchingly crimson, and he was furious.

This is already going to be a competition, but the opponent is still eating fruit leisurely!

This is looking down on him Sasuke!

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't be nervous, add a little water..."

Chu Tian clasped his fingers, and the heavy body of the past no longer existed. At this time, he was light, like a feather, but in this light body, there was a strong and violent thunder and lightning energy hidden!

As long as you release a little, you can scorch the whole land!

"Are you ready Sasuke? Thor is going to punish you."

"Hum, it's ridiculous! Uchiha's thunder escape is unparalleled!"

In a flash, Sasuke disappeared from the field without a trace.

Infuse thunder attribute chakra into your legs, and your movement speed will increase exponentially!

"So fast!"

Sasuke was aggressive, and the people in the audience could only see a black phantom!

On the other side, Chu Tian did not hesitate to let that phantom scurried around his body and stabbed straight in!


The violent chakra fluctuations spread out, the chirping sounds were endless, and the smoke and dust in front were split open by the fast-running thunder snake shadow!Sasuke stared at the scarlet writing wheel, his eyes locked tightly on Chu Tian, ​​and a mass of substantial thunder-type chakra was condensed on his right hand, like a thousand birds singing!

Chidori flow activated!

The lightning bolt of the Thunder Snake quickly ran away, like a weapon of magic, with extremely powerful penetrating power!

Chu Tian's flesh and blood could not be stopped at all, and Sasuke directly penetrated his heart.

"My God!"

The entire arena and chat group were madly shaken!

Countless spectators stood up and stood 343, no doubt widening their eyes without fear!

Chutian was pierced through the heart!

It's over!

Sasuke succeeded with one blow, but there was no joy of victory on his face.

Only at this moment he personally pierced Chu Tian's chest would he know that something was wrong!


No feeling of piercing things at all!

Sasuke's intuition was right. At this time, Chu Tian had turned his entire body into lightning!

Thunder is divine punishment, divine king, and inviolable divine might!

The mere mortals also delusionally want to catch Lei?

"that's all?"

Chu Tian's indifferent expression formed a sharp contrast with Sasuke!

"This level of Thunder Dun is like a 3A battery to me..."


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