Erza: "After seeing the appearance of Natsu's opponent, I felt that there was no suspense in this battle. It is impossible for Natsu to lose."

Gray: "Damn, I still want to buy this guy's loss..."

Hubby: "Just walked away from the head of the pot, and another painted man came out. Isn't there a normal person in your ninja village?"

The People Lai Crazy Guild is very powerful. In just a few minutes, the entire group's activity points have been raised to 300 million!

And it's still skyrocketing!

"Fight well, just don't kill people." Chu Tian ordered.



Sand Ninja's various poisons are a major killer for them to establish themselves in the ninja world, and the puppet troops are the best among them.

But Chutian didn't think that Kankuro's poison could affect Natsu. If he wanted to fight Natsu, at least he had to use a puppet technique of the level of the Scorpion of the Red Veil.

Kankuro... is still a little brother, not enough to watch.

Kankuro wore a painted face and erected the puppet in front of him. As puppet masters, they spent all their time making and manipulating puppets, and there was no ninjutsu physique.

So the puppet is all they have, both a spear and a shield.

"Is this guy a member of that freak group? Why doesn't he seem strong at all?"

"But you can't blame me, you are all victims of this conference!"

After his heart was silent, Kankuro turned his fingers flexibly, and manipulated the puppet 'Zhizhichacha' to open the mechanism. Immediately, countless poisonous needles as thin as a cow's hair glowed a faint blue light in the sun!

Got it!

Kankuro's heart was shocked, but the other party didn't move!

It's just a rookie move!


At this time, only Chu Tian and his party knew how terrifying Natsu was.

When a giggling joker no longer giggles, it means that he is serious.

"Fire dragon's! Roar!"

The monstrous flames swept in, the burning earth was cracked and dry, the crimson fire was condensed and compressed, and Kankuro's puppet reflected the sunlight as beautiful as a work of art.

Beauty before destruction!

boom! ! ! !

boom! ! ! !

The air around the fire dragon twisted and twisted, and even the light was bent!

In just a moment, after the flames came, everything was burnt out, gasified into ashes, leaving only a black ruin!

Kankuro's puppet turned into charcoal, the paint on his face melted and fell, and he couldn't fight again!

"Okay, amazing!"

"Just one hit!"

"I've never seen such a strong fire escape! This guy is too strong!"

The rookies of Konoha were dumbfounded, even a genius like Sasuke, when he saw this move just now, his pupils suddenly shrank and he broke out in cold sweat.

The roar of this fire dragon is different from their arrogant fire balls and fire dragon bullets!

Natsu's flame, the temperature is amazing, wild and violent, that kind of breath... It's not like the flames spit out by humans!

like a beast!


The group's active value soared to 600 million in an instant!

Natsu let everyone see what it means to be silent, and it was a blockbuster!

"Nice job Natsu!"

After Natsu and his teammates clapped one by one, they collapsed on the chair.

Of course, the villain team at this time is attracting countless scorching eyes.

Sakura: "Then, are those guys super handsome? Naruto, have you seen it!"

Naruto: "Look, I saw it... what a big fireball..."

Ino: "That black-haired one is my dish..."

Dingci: "Hey, he just played with pink hair..."

Shikamaru: "Sandino is going to cry and faint in the toilet this time..."

Matekai: "Li, what was the name of the silver-haired one just now? Sakata Gintoki? I'm going to invite him to come over to learn physical art with me. Would you like to go with me?"

Locke Lee: "Okay! I also think he's a very good opponent!"

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