"No no no," Chu Tian cleared his throat, "My 193 purpose is very simple, send Tsunade back to Konoha, and force the three generations of Hokage to step down... But this is too boring, let's go. Take the Chunin Exam!"

"Chunin exam...what is that?"

"The Chunin exam is referred to as the high school entrance examination. It is a big test in a divided area. Only when you pass the test can you go from chinin to chunin, and then you can take advanced tasks to make money, similar to how ordinary people get a professional qualification certificate."

As soon as he said this, Chu Tian immediately remembered something, opened the group, and Aite called Stark.

Chutian: @Tony Stark, we are going to take the Chunin exam in Konoha Village. Since there is an exam, there will be a ranking. In this way, you can sponsor [-] million as a bonus.

Tony Stark: ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Conan: Sitting at home behind closed doors, the pot comes from the sky.

Ai Haibara: Stark has become a group cash machine...

Stark's face is lifeless, this Nima!It is good to toss the battle clothes at home, open the group, and lose another [-] million!

Stark: "Group leader, the recent financial situation of Stark Industries is a bit..."

Chu (ceej) Tian: "Who cares about you, just say a word, give it or not?"

"Give, give, give..."

There are [-] grass and mud horses running through Stark's mind.

"Then it's settled. You all give me time to spare. The Chunin exam is a blockbuster battle. In addition to literary dramas and martial arts dramas, you must stay online!"

What Chutian meant, of course, was to take this opportunity to collect active points.

Chunin exams are a mixed bag, with experts from all over the world.

We must take this opportunity to scavenge and exchange for an actual combat skill.

After explaining the group, Tsunade and Mute just finished packing and came out.

"36D, 19cm, old-fashioned white style, but it seems to be one size smaller... It seems that I should be in a hurry, so I temporarily wear the black-haired girl next to me... It's a pity Tsunade Hime's figure and face It's worth it...but the one next to it is not bad, it's about 13.5"

"36D, 19cm, old-fashioned white style, but it seems to be one size smaller... It seems that I should be in a hurry, so I temporarily wear the black-haired girl next to me... It's a pity Tsunade Hime's figure and face It's worth it...but the one next to it is not bad, it's about 13.5"

Yinshi and Natsu stared intently at the pair of upside-down peaks. Yinshi once said that his eyes had undergone a thousand trials and tribulations at the Yoshihara Night Arena, and his skills were so deep that he could tell the model number at a glance, even if he was wrapped in a breast wrap. , the error does not exceed 1 mm.

When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation.

Chu Tian glanced at Welfare calmly, and secretly raised a banner of respect for such beauties as Tsunade Ji.

Charming in appearance and elegant in posture, Pingting is demure and dignified without being impetuous.

"You guys..." Even though there was a video chat beforehand, Tsunade froze slightly when he saw the real appearance of several people.

Especially Sakata Gintoki and Natsu, their eyes almost fell into their clothes!

"Don't look at it anymore..." Tsunade smiled and turned his head, whispering softly: "If you can't control your eyes, I'll dig them out for you."

"Yes Yes!"

Gintoki and the two of them wanted to try to tease Tsunade verbally, but when they heard this, the thought in their minds was thrown into the clouds.

It's too dangerous. If Tsunade fails to flirt, he will definitely be cut into eight pieces!

"Hey, group leader," Tsunade casually put his hand on Chu Tian's shoulder, and the unique fragrance of mature women rushed into Chu Tian's nostrils immediately. "Why did you come to see me, shouldn't you come all the way here just to drink a bar?"

"Look, look! Tsunade said the same!" Ginto growled.

"No no no, I'm here to help you become Hokage."

"Ah?" Tsunade's eyes squinted, surprised, "What are you talking about, the old man of the third generation is still in power, what Hokage, I'm just a poor woman abandoned by the village..."

"The third generation will not live long, and it is estimated that it will only last for a few days. Prepare yourself, maybe you will be enthroned immediately when you go back..." Chu Tian's eyes flashed strangely, "If you always insist on the past , think that you killed your brother, then you will sit in Hokage's seat and use your method to change the village, won't it be over?"


Chu Tian's words undoubtedly deeply hurt Tsunade's heart.

Tsunade's feelings for the village are very complicated, it can be described as a love-hate relationship.

It's not that Tsunade didn't think about this kind of thing when he became Hokage and changed the village, but due to layers of resistance, he couldn't achieve it in the end.

If it is true as Chu Tian said, the deadline for the killing of Sarutobi is approaching, then this is a good opportunity. After all, if the village is consumed by the killing of Sarutobi like this again, it will not be far from the destruction of the group.

"Are you sure?" Tsunade and Mute asked after looking at each other.

"I'll guarantee the reputation of the group owner. The brothers will definitely help you do this beautifully when the time comes. We will do things, you can rest assured."

"Then go, let me see your strength."


Fire Country, Konoha Village, Hokage Office.

After dealing with the piles of official business, the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hibiki, who finally rested for a while, lit a leaf cigarette, skillfully took out a crystal ball from the drawer, and then displayed his proud skill - the technique of looking glasses. .

Chapter 91 Yile Ramen [5 More]

Sarutobi Hizan decided to use the vigor of a young man to cleanse his increasingly quiet heart.

In the crystal ball, in an open-air women's bath, all kinds of soft girls are soaking in the hot spring, emitting silver bell-like laughter from time to time.

Sarutobi Hizan, who entered the maddening mode, held the crystal ball tightly with both hands and did not blink his eyes.

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