Watching the water droplets on the girls' snow-white skin slowly slide down, Hiizhan Sarutobi's eyes followed the drop of water, and flowed to the ditch between the two groups of white nuns, but somehow, the most critical place was blocked. The lingering water vapor blocked it, as if there was an invisible body of holy light.

"Lord Hokage!"

Just as Sarutobi Hizan was looking hot and Harako was all over the place, the seventh squad leader, Kakashi Konoha Kakashi Kakashi came uninvited and pushed the door straight in~.

Sarutobi Hizuchi: "...-..."

Hatake Kakashi: "............"

The two had big eyes to small eyes, and the air froze!

Hatake Kakashi was shocked, and Sankan was dealt a devastating blow.

What?Hokage-sama, who is loved by the whole village, is stealing kui?No, it can't be!I must have read it wrong, Hokage-sama is so splendid and upright, with a good character, how could he be so bored that he used a crystal ball to steal the women's bathroom, he must have pushed the door in the wrong way!

Yes, just now, Lord Hokage was just inspecting Konoha to check whether there were any suspicious elements in the village, but when he came in, he happened to inspect the women's bathroom.

No, Sarutobi-sama wasn't inspecting the women's bathroom, it was just like a women's bathroom... It was a newly opened restaurant. A group of girls were eating big white steamed buns at the restaurant. It was too hot, so they took off their coats!Everyone ate two steamed buns, one on the left and one on the right. Hokage-sama didn't have lunch, and seeing how delicious they were eating, I was drooling... Yes, that's it, the explanation is perfect, no problem at all!

"'s Kakashi!"

Seeing such a disgraceful scene by his subordinates, Sarutobi Hizan just felt embarrassed that he had committed cancer.

However, the more than [-] years of Hokage are not in vain, he has long since cultivated an extremely thick skin.I saw Hiruzen Sarutobi remove the crystal ball, straighten his clothes, wipe the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and sit upright, as if nothing happened just now.


"Kakashi, your face is not very good, Taishan collapsed in front of you without changing your color, this is the quality of Konoha ninjas, you still need to temper! Also, when you come in next time, you have to knock on the door, after all It is the Naruto office, there are many secrets of Konoha, and it is currently at the Chunin Conference, ninjas from several countries are in our village, so we must be careful."

Sarutobi Hizan seriously criticized that, as a Joinin who has already brought an apprentice, Kakashi's performance makes my heart hurt.

"Ten, very sorry!"

"Okay, I think you are the first offender, forget it this time, so anxious, what happened, shouldn't you come to me for tea?" Seeing that Kakashi deeply understood his own shortcomings, Sarutobi Hizan was satisfied Nodding his head, he got to the point.

"Lord Hokage, I have to inform you about something!" Kakashi's face turned pale, after all, what he wanted to report was really a big event.

"Oh! What's the matter?"

"Tsunade-sama, Tsunade-sama is back!"


Hearing Kakashi's words, Sarutobi Hizan suddenly bounced off the chair.

"What's the situation? Can you be more specific?"

"Sir Tsunade, suddenly appeared in the village with a group of very strangely dressed guys! It's like using the four generations of adults' flying thunder god technique, they appeared out of thin air! They are now eating at Yile Ramen, let me inform you !"

Kakashi said a few key points in a row, which made Hizan Sarutobi's brain a little short-circuit.

what's the situation?

Tsunade, who had been away from the village for more than ten years, suddenly returned?

And it still appears out of nowhere?

And it still appears out of nowhere?

Did she learn time-space ninjutsu?

No, that's not the point, the point is what did Tsunade do when he came back?

Sarutobi Hizan knew very well that it was because of his own weakness that indirectly caused both Tsunade's close relatives to die. It can be said that he forced Tsunade to leave the village.

Now that she came back suddenly, doesn't she hate herself anymore?Or...she came to settle accounts with herself?

Sarutobi Hizan frowned slightly and tapped his fingers on the table: "Okay, Kakashi, you go down, I'll find her later."

"Yes sir!"


On Konoha Street, Tsunade and Chutian were sitting at the famous Yile Ramen Restaurant for a meal.

"I'll go to the group leader, your move just now is so powerful! Obviously still in a small town on the edge of the Fire Country, we came to Konoha in a blink of an eye, this is too strong!"

· · · Flowers · · · ·

Yin Shi gave Chu Tian a thumbs up while instigating his face.

The teleportation just now terrified everyone. Even Tsunade, who had seen the technique of Flying Thunder God, felt incredible. It was at least a few hundred kilometers from where she lived to Konoha Village, but it was teleported abruptly!

Even if Senju Tobirama was alive, he couldn't do this kind of teleportation!

"It's kinda awesome..."

Siro stared at a few people eating noodles, dragged his chin, and fell into deep thought.

Even their Ultra Clan couldn't do teleportation.

To carry out such a long-distance space teleportation, one must first construct a wormhole for position relocation, but Chutian, without any extra action, directly teleported them over, and the strength is simply unfathomable...

........ 0

"Sero Sero, don't you want to eat?"

Natsu sucked the noodles, his mouth bulging like a bun, and he looked at Ciro: "This ramen is delicious! Don't you want to eat it?"

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