Several people pricked up their ears and listened attentively.

"This world is divided into five major countries. Among them, the country of fire in the central area is the most prosperous. The country of fire is located at the key point of transportation, connecting the north and the south, and the economy is the most developed. It is the most powerful country among the five countries.

Each country has a dedicated ninja village, representing the country's military strength.And Konoha Village, which is the Ninja Village of the Land of Fire, is one of the strongest Ninja Villages at present””. "

Chu Tian explained it so eloquently that he even felt that the word 'one' could be removed.

Anyone who has seen Naruto knows that during the Third Ninja World War, Konoha fought against the siege of the four major Ninja villages at the same time and defeated them. The strength is far from being comparable to other Ninja villages.

One-to-one, you can easily fancy hanging.

One-to-many, you can win if you stay steady.

Coupled with the endless bloodline boundaries, esoteric families, and many geniuses such as Senju, Uchiha, Konoha Sannin, Konoha Baiya, Golden Shining, etc., people have to doubt that Qianshou Hashirama established the village back then. At that time, I must have invited a Feng Shui master to take a closer look.

In a Konoha village, half of the geniuses in the whole world are born, and the other four Ninja villages have collectively cried and fainted in the toilet, okay?

"The first Hokage, Madara Uchiha, and the two joined forces to pacify the chaotic world, and jointly established the Konoha Village, and achieved peace and prosperity in the hands of the third Hokage, but the blond and warm man unfortunately had a bad life, and his son was tragically killed by nine tailed nails as soon as he shot. It's piercing, so now Konoha Village is in charge of the three generations of Hokage. He is Tsunade's teacher, and he is also a person who has both merits and demerits... Can you understand what I say?"

Sakata Ginshi nodded solemnly, he had no resistance to the profession of 'teacher'.

In the early days of the war against foreigners, the national order collapsed and wars were everywhere.

In the early days of the war against foreigners, the national order collapsed and wars were everywhere.

At that time, Sakata Ginshi was just a kid who touched dead people's purses and stole food on the battlefield. It was because of Mr. Songyang who picked him up to continue his life, and grew up with Songyang, and then the ghost and god Baiyasha came into being.

It's just that Yin Shi didn't know that the power struggles in Hokage are extremely complicated, and the ugliness and darkness of human nature are quite obvious. What kind of thing is a student killing a teacher, it's a lot of money!

Orochimaru kills Sarutobi Hijen, Nagato kills Jiraiya, Obito kills Wave Feng Minato...

Each of them can involve a deep hatred, countless hatreds, and constitute the history of Naruto.

Chu Tian felt that with the emotional intelligence he brought these people, perhaps only Sakata Yinshi could understand the hatred in the Naruto world.

As for the other two Erha heads...

"Is there anything you don't know about the structure of this world? I'll give you a chance to ask questions." Chu Tian asked.

Natsu: "The pattern is nothing to ask, anyway, we are not here to travel."

Gintoki: "Huh????"

Natsu: "What? You don't really think we're here for a trip, do you!?"

Yin Shi was startled: "¨~Hey, hey, you guys, aren't you kidding me? Didn't we come here to find Tsunade for a drink?"

Chu Tian: "......"

Natsu: "......"


Natsu was stunned, he suddenly felt that he didn't seem so stupid!

The biggest fool is right in front of you!

Natsu shrugged: "I'm going to Yinsang, I'm really going to kneel for you! Didn't you realize that the people gathered by the group leader are all very good at fighting? Let us come here, it's obviously doing something!"

"You, don't lie to me..."

"Why am I lying to you! Didn't you find out? Hubby and Lucy were supposed to follow, but I heard from the group leader that the world was going to die, so they were too scared to come!"

Siro nodded: "Yes, the three of us must be called for a fight...and in order to cope with emergencies, I also brought backup energy...but it seems that the solar energy here is very strong, it seems that I can't use it..(I have to get Zhao).."

Chu Tian frowned and glanced at Sakata Yinshi in disgust: "Do you really think we are here to find Tsunade for a drink?"

Sakata Yinshi was shocked, his eyebrows twitched, and he was about to cry!

"I-I can quit now, Lord! I'm a mortal, how can I play with you immortals! You guys are here to fight, right? The ninjas in this world are all very strong, right! Tsunade said. Her grandfather can even block meteorites, right!"

Yin Shi was scared to pee in an instant. He came from the bottom of his heart. He really thought that Chu Tian asked him to drink!

Tsunade Hime was unbearably lonely and sad, wandering outside alone, drinking suffocating wine.

She is also a socialite who hangs out in major nightclubs, and is proficient in all kinds of routines of drinking high, drinking high, and blowing in the bar.

Ask him to accompany Tsunade Ji for a few rounds of drinking, and after making Tsunade happy, he patted his butt and went back, that's what he thought! .

Chapter 90 You are the woman who wants to become Hokage! 【4 more】

Chu Tian: "The door has been welded to death, you can't leave if you want to..."

Sakata Gintoki lowered his head: "The world here uses ninjutsu, right... Is it okay for me to fight with my bare hands?"

"No problem, no problem, you are the man who can defeat the top of the fighting race, the Night Rabbit, the Night King. In terms of physique alone, he should have a level of 5 Dunjia. It's no problem to walk sideways in the current Konoha Village."

Chu Tian's words are true. Although Konoha Village has produced some geniuses, they are all dead!

The current Konoha, to put it a bit harshly, there is no one who can fight!

"How can it be repaired... Night King... Night King's half-body sleeping in a coffin early/ejaculates the old man, or I called dozens of people to fight together to kill him, your strength to me It's a bit high..."

"It's okay," Chu Tian patted Siro's shoulder, "Isn't there a cosmic thug? Besides, who do you think I am? You won't be able to shed a single hair if I'm here."

After taking the reassurance pill, Gintoki finally let go of his plan to run away.

"Then what are we here for? If we don't have fun with Tsunade, do we just have a heart-to-heart with her? Let me state first, I'm the worst at doing ideological work..." Yinshi began to throw the blame. .

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