"But he's a rabbit! He has two rabbit ears on his head!"

Gintoki and Natsu tried their best to hold back their laughter at the innocent look of that little girl.

Damn it, the Kingdom of Light is the strongest!You get bullied wherever you go!

"Master Chutian, can I destroy the world?"

Ciro's fists were clenched, and he was thrown a stone?Called a rabbit?

He Siro has never been insulted like this!

"Destroy what world? You are so irritable, can you still call yourself an Ultra Warrior?"

While feeling distressed for Siro, Chutian also had to sigh that the recent Ultraman's mentality was too unbalanced.

Thinking back a few decades ago, the first six Ultra Brothers who logged on to Earth were called diligent and conscientious. Except when necessary, they didn't even say a word during the whole process, and they single-mindedly cleared obstacles for the human pig teammates.

"Siro, do you know what reputation your senior has on earth?" Chu Tian asked.

"I don't know, I haven't been to Earth, and besides, people on Earth are insatiable, and I don't want to protect them at all!" Sairo said angrily.

"Your predecessors: the six Ultra brothers, when going to Earth, in order to keep track of the time when the monsters appear, they will pick a member of the Earth Defense Team as a human body...

And those human bodies are often warriors who drove planes alone to fight monsters and rushed into the disaster site naked to rescue them. When they were on the verge of death, Ultraman would share their lives with them and realize life sharing. "


Siro was a little surprised, this was the first time he heard about Senior on Earth.

"So you understand, your seniors, you will die as soon as you arrive on the earth, you Siro is better, let alone die, and you want to destroy the world when you suffer a little grievance, can you still be called Ultraman? Don't you know that children like Ultraman the most?"

"I..." Sairo was so ashamed that he lowered his head.

Chu Tian looked down at Siro meaningfully, and patted his shoulder lovingly:

"Since you are here, you should calm down and exercise. It is not only by fighting monsters that you can hone your strength. How to get along with humans is your Ultraman's top problem."

"I-I know..."

Sairo said, went straight to the little girl, squatted down, and turned his head over: "That, that, that, you touch, you touch..."

The little girl snorted and touched Siro's head timidly.

"No, not bunny ears..."


"Hey group master, are we waiting here for Sister Tsunade? Why hasn't she released 0.3 yet..."

Gintoki and Natsu kept looking around, surveying this strange world.

"There's no steel ball store here...and there's no vending machine..."

"Is there a train? It seems that the technology here is very backward..."

"Is the technology behind..." Chu Tian smiled and said nothing.

The first productive force in Naruto World is Ninjutsu. Ninjutsu can be used for fighting, production, construction, and even Naruto's seduction and seduction. As long as it is developed a little, it can also be used for services/services.

As for the technology tree... Naruto World is a random addition.

The technological system here is quite chaotic and does not follow any normal laws of technological development.

For example, the current Hokage office uses paper documents for office work. To entrust a task, it has to rely on flying ninja beasts to convey information. .

Chapter 89 The Heaven-defying Konoha Village [3 more]

The communication of information between ninjas is still at the stage of letters.

However, when Gaara recaptured the battle, Kaiban and Kakashiban suddenly took a pair of wireless headphones to contact them, and Deidara, who was fighting against them, also had a miniature telescope and camera in his eyes.

With this kind of equipment, why is the Kingdom of Thunder grabbing attention?

Buy two cars of the same Deidara glasses, everyone is a scout!

Moreover, in another ten years, when Naruto is in his twenties, the star-collapse cannon that shoots the moon with a single shot and is powerful enough to blast the moon in half will be created.

Moreover, wait another seven or eight years, when the blogger comes out, what kind of scientific ninja tools, computers, TVs, bank ATM machines...

Chu Tian was very suspicious that these high-tech things might have been channeled from the Asura Dao in the Six Paths.

Because when Payne invaded Konoha, Shura Road summoned artillery weapons that did not exist in the ninja world, such as rocket launchers, laser cannons, and weapons from long distances to short distances.

It is estimated that after Payne was defeated, Shura Road was picked up by Konoha, and then he developed a series of weapons.

If the five major countries did not engage in civil war and devoted themselves to researching technology, and built the cannon that could blast the moon ten years ahead of schedule, what would have happened to Kaguya?

Hit it with one shot, and the divine tree can turn you into a fire stick!


Chu Tian patted Yinshi and Natsu on the shoulders, "You should be glad that the technology here is backward. If you come ten or twenty years later...I think Siro can't handle it."

Several people wandered around the town.

Unlike when she went to see Conan, Tsunade was a woman, and no woman would come out to meet a man without dressing up, especially a beauty like Tsunade.

"Tsunade seems to be still applying liquid foundation, so I'll give you a brief introduction to the world of Hokage at this time."

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