When a ninja, it seems that it is easy to be hit by a car!

Also, ninjas need to do regular surveillance activities.

Hattori Hanzo, a ninja he knew, was suffering from severe hemorrhoids because he was holding his bowels during surveillance.

Natsu's reaction was more optimistic.

After all, he has been in the guild for a long time and has not done the task. It is a good choice to go to another world to become a ninja once.

"Group owner! Can I bring my family? I want to take Hubby!"

Lucy was not happy: "Naznaz! I'm going too!"

Chutian: "You can bring pets, women are fine, it's a hindrance, the world of ninjas is not your continent of Asland, but people will really die there!"

"Dead, dead? Well, let's forget it..."

As soon as she heard that people were going to die, Lucy immediately lost interest. She had been a sorcerer for so long and had fought so many times without dying. It must be very, very terrifying that people are still dying in the ninja world.

"Siro, how about you?".

Chapter 88 4 people with different painting styles [2 more]

Chutian did not seek Yin Shi's opinion, but asked Siro directly.

Because, as a salted fish, there is no right to refuse.

Siro: "If the ninja world doesn't care about my appearance, I can go..."

Chu Tian: "It doesn't matter, there is no shortage of weird-looking coffee in the ninja world. If you really can't fool you, I'll call you a psychic beast."


"Then I'll go to Senior Taro to ask for a leave..."

Siro agreed calmly on the surface, but he was actually thinking of Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

The group leader of Dog Day, who has bullied me so many times, Siro, now let me see how powerful you are!

If you don't have any skills, don't blame me for Siro's ruthless attack!

"Okay, everyone, I'll give you five minutes to pack up, and in five minutes, I'm going to send the group "Nine Eight Three"."

Seeing Chu Tian's resolute and decisive arrangement, Tsunade immediately felt flattered.

What does it feel like?

Boyfriend power?

It's like just saying in the circle of friends that he is hungry, the next second the doorbell rang, and the boyfriend came in with the KFC family bucket and happy fat house water.

What is boyfriend power?

That's called boyfriend power!


Although the laws of the world are different, they still have something in common. Maybe some knowledge can change the fate in other worlds.

If a person wants to survive, he needs more knowledge to fill himself with, perhaps in this world or in other worlds, these may become life-saving cards in the future.

Therefore, the more trump cards, the higher the probability of survival, the more people who survive, and the stronger his strength will be with the accumulation of the world.

Uzumaki Naruto tells everyone with his own personal practice: Whether it is training or fighting, we must mobilize the power of the people and use crowd tactics.

No matter how strong his enemy is, how can he still lose the wheel battle?

If you can't win, a person can say a word, and he can kill someone!

And Chutian's ability, in some respects, is the same as Naruto: there are many people playing.


On the border of the Land of Fire, in an unknown small town.

Four figures that were incompatible with the painting style of the whole world suddenly appeared on the street.

The first is Chutian from modern society, occupation: group owner, ability: platinum star + teleportation.

The second is Sakata Gintoki from the modern samurai society, occupation: salted fish samurai, ability: flat A, mouth escape.

The third is Nazdragnir from the Medieval Magic Continent. Occupation: Sorcerer, Ability: Dragon Slayer Magic, Undead Physique.

The fourth place is Ultraman Cerro, the proud son of Ultraman. Occupation: Cosmic Guard intern. Ability: Ultraman's top abilities.

The moment these four people appeared in the town, they attracted countless surprised eyes.

Especially Siro... Even if he has reduced his size to a human physique, his weird appearance still cannot avoid the tragic fate of being seen as a monster.

No, less than three minutes after landing, Siro was hit with five or six stones, all of which were hit by the bears on the street.

"Look, Mama! There's a strange rabbit there!"

A shabby little civilian girl pointed at Siro's two heads and cried out in surprise.

A shabby little civilian girl pointed at Siro's two heads and cried out in surprise.

"Oh, don't talk nonsense!"

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