Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 156: Crossing the sea successfully! Ye An wants to make the race great again!

Now Ye An is basically certain.

other races living in this land.

They are not closely related to the human race.

That is to say, it is either the enemy.

Or unrelated strangers.

Then Ye An naturally felt a little less pity for them.

After all Ye An saw from memory.

Human races have all been subjugated by these races.

Targeted badly.

Countless races have united to attack the human race.

It also means that they are.

At least not helping humans at the time.

There is no alliance.

Ye An who has practiced for so many years.

Also killed a lot of people.

Soft-hearted and soft-hearted had nothing to do with him.

Then for the strength of the human race.

It was naturally impossible for Ye An to take into account their feelings.

Kill if you can.

You can cheat, you can cheat.

It is impossible to talk to them about the morality of the rivers and lakes.

It doesn't hurt to kill Ye An all.

What's more, Ye An didn't intend to directly 27 be like a butcher.

kill them all.

Because in Yi An's eyes, what good leeks they are.

Ye An felt himself.

Don't squeeze all the value out of them.

Simply wasting.

Now Ye An has accepted it.

Memories given by the mother goddess.

If Ye An has no spiritual ability.

Now it has been controlled by the mother goddess.

Totally believe that you are a silt monster.

And the memory passed on by the mother goddess.

As a belief that you have been fighting for your whole life.

The human race is regarded as the enemy of all evils.

At the same time, he also set the occupation channel as his highest order.

Even at the cost of his life for this.

It's a pity that Ye An has psychic abilities.

These things are for him.

It's like just watching a movie.

It doesn't change his personality.

Not to mention the mother god as his supreme god.

But all this mother goddess is not clear.

Because just followed that person.

Make a sneak attack on the stronghold behind the Mother Goddess.

The mother goddess also did not intend to let go of the gods of the Lieyang Sect.

They were already fighting.

His gaze also retracted from here.

Didn't notice Ye An here at all.

Not after receiving the memory like other silt monsters.

Salute to the statue of the Mother Goddess.

Offer your faith.

Instead, Ye An emitted countless spores.

The silt monster waiting here.

didn't notice

It was already parasitized by Ye An.

He didn't even think about it.

Some people can rely on their own perseverance.

Overcome the mind control of the mother goddess.

Every silt monster that comes here.

After receiving the memory of the mother goddess.

They have become good brothers who can support each other in life and death.

He also got careless about it.

Tiny roe deer.

Drilled from the black silt on the surface of his body towards the inside of the limb.

Keep going.

Small flowers bloom on his body.

The root system takes root in the body.

Crazy intrusion.

Finally spread directly to.

It is the only core within it.

Control his life and death.

The current silt monster.

Has been completely parasitized by Ye An.

Ye An's life and death can be controlled by a single thought.

It also controlled his memory.

Ye An can delete his memory at any time.

You can also look at his memory at any time.

But Ye An knew that he had better not change his memory too much.

Especially things related to the Mother Goddess.

If the difference between words and deeds before and after becomes too big.

And by chance, she was noticed by the mother goddess.

You will still die.

After all, this place is not like the backcountry where it used to be.

The goddess doesn't look at herself at all.

There is no big problem in the wind and rain there.

Every devout here is something that Mother God values.

The situation here must be more cautious.

Don't show any flaws.

Otherwise, it would be his own death.

After all, there is still a big gap in his own strength compared to the mother goddess.

There is no way to hide from the eyes of the mother goddess.

You still need more effort.

Ye An knows that too.

So I remembered from the moment I was born.

Ye An even has grown in strength now.

Haven't had time to check.

After all it has all grown.

It won't go to waste if you put it there and watch.

And the silt monster next to it.

If you don't get your hands on it first.

It is very likely that he will notice something wrong later.

Then expose yourself.

Ye An couldn't have made such a low-level mistake.

Naturally, it is first to strike first.

Directly parasitized this silt monster with spores.

However, Ye An did not modify his memory too much after the parasitism.

So as not to reveal flaws in front of the mother goddess.

And Ye An just modified his memory.

characteristics of one's appearance

After all, his ability to become another race is temporary.

It cannot remain in the form of a silt monster all the time.

Soon the human body will be sacrificed.

If this is not to be modified.

Possibly expose yourself directly.

Ye An didn't know if he had the means to contact the Mother Goddess directly.

But just in case.

Ye An was in his memory.

Changing 410 changed his perception.

Make him think that the human form is also a form of the silt monster.

That way he won't make a fuss.

Rather, it feels natural.

But Ye An was looking through his memory.

Found an interesting scene.

That is, the sneak attack launched by the people of the Lieyang Sect just now.

Just found out.

It's not just the silt monsters that come here.

There are even things that look like sunflowers.

It will still shine!

"How does this look like a sunflower from Plants vs. Zombies?""

Ye An saw his shape.

Couldn't help but complain.

Even a little curious in my heart.

Will the sun burst out above his head?

But these are just rants.

Ye An is more curious.

How did he sneak here from the front.

After all, from the memory of the silt monster.

The frontline defense of Mother God Sect is still very solid.

It's also far from here.

He was able to sneak from the rear front to the rear.

What is the purpose of coming here?

The silt monster speculated on him that it was coming to destroy it.

Ye An scoffed at this speculation.

A fool would only send one person to the rear to wreak havoc.

They must have a bigger conspiracy!

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