Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 156 Flowers will not bloom with in10tion, and willows and willows will make shade without in

"They are beautiful."

Jelica stared blankly at Ye An and Umo.

Said in amazement.


Lena's eyes are also full of little stars.

Looking at Ye An and Umo with admiration.

At the same time, there was a little regret in his eyes.

Looking at the little silt monster on the bed, he said regretfully:

"We used to have such beautiful bodies when we were kids.

But why does it turn into such an ugly appearance as a human after only one year old?"

Lina said with some incomprehension angrily.

For them.

The body of this silt monster is their original form.

It is also the favorite form of the mother goddess.

Even a male-turned-silt monster.

will receive more attention.

Not to mention the silt monster that the female turned into.

That body is more perfect.

Even more enviable.

Each one is the most beloved child of the Mother Goddess.

Each is the mother's favorite child.

They are the heart and soul of the mother goddess.

It is the treasure in the palm of the sect.

Each is a member of the Church that is extremely valued.

There are even people who can convert ordinary believers into their original form.

That is the appearance of such a silt monster.

Be the word of a devout believer.

You will also receive awards from the top of the sect.

Because this in itself is the ultimate purpose of the mother goddess.

Let all members be freed from the shackles of personalities.

original posture.

This is no secret within the church.

But none of them knew why.

Why are they born like this.

But when he grows up, he takes on a human form.

And then gradually deepened with faith.

After reaching a certain limit.

to lose the person.

Return to the original posture.

The reason for this was not told by the Mother Goddess.

Or only a small number of high-level people know.

The ordinary believers below were not informed.

Even they don't know anything about it.

Because both males and males grew up in sectarian nurseries.

Turned into a human form after the age of one.

Females will continue to be cultivated within the sect.

The males are sent out and distributed to various villages.

Gathering beliefs to cultivate the fruit and dedicate it to the mother goddess.

The reason is also very simple.

Compared with male females, it is more in line with the posture of the mother goddess.

The power of faith gained is a level that is difficult for most males to achieve.

Naturally stronger.

stayed in the better sects.

And most males.

At this time, they have become vulnerable groups.

When the strength is not enough.

Only go to those places where the conditions are harsh to shine and heat.

Now the two who were originally only junior priests actually fell pie from the sky.

And for no reason has picked up two credits.

Naturally very happy.

After initially remembering his past.

They also started to get things done.

They both tried to use their power.

See if you can inject it.

resonates with the silt monster,

Come and guide them to meet the person in charge of this nursery.


Maybe it's because of their lack of strength.

Neither Linna nor Jelica succeeded in manipulating it.

All failed.

Umo didn't react at all.

Not even moving.

Still standing there dumbfounded.

They tried to turn their power to Ye An.

How could Ye An not have the slightest defense.

The house was full of spores before they came in.

They were already parasitized by spores when they came in.

At the same time, Ye An can also absorb their divine power through roe deer.

Turn it into your own strength and accumulate it.

So in their eyes.

Ye An is like a black hole.

devouring their power.

After absorbing it, there is no reaction at all.

I feel that the divine power in my body is not enough.

The two stopped.

Lena panted and said:

"Do you want to notify the people above? I'm afraid...々"."

Lina didn't finish her words.

Jelica understood what she was about to say.

Such a big credit.

Even the middle-level priests are inevitably tempted.

If the above people found out.

It will definitely be forcibly distributed and take part of the profit.

Even take it all down.

Take credit for yourself.

It's hard to find an adventure.

Lena and Jelica didn't want to share it with others.

If not forced.

Neither of them wanted to share with each other.

Want to eat alone.

"Try it once, and I will have the last divine power left!"

Jelica said reluctantly.

After listening.

Lena also forced herself to stand up.

Want a last-ditch effort.

Fortunately, Ye An didn't really turn into a silt monster.

has its own consciousness.

After hearing that they can't work in the end, they will seek help from the people above.

Think for a moment.

I think it's better to bring in less people.

So after they injected themselves with divine power.

While stealing their divine power.

At the same time, he moved slowly.

This is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for them both.

They said excitedly: "" "There is a response! It is successful! We are working hard!"

Desperately squeeze your potential.

Want to continue to resonate.

at the same time.

Ye An swallowed the divine power of both of them.

Turn into your own strength.

At the same time, they are trying their best to cooperate with them.

Start moving gradually.

"It should be almost there!"

Lena spoke excitedly, and at the same time injected the last trace of her own (Zhao's) divine power.


Jericha doesn't have a trace of divine power anymore.

The two held their bodies together.

Stand still:

"This time it should have resonated successfully, and it should follow us!"


The two walked staggeringly ahead.

Start leading the way for Ye An.

Ye An also manipulates the mimetic appearance.

In the memory of the imitator Katong, the behavior of deforming into a silt monster.

Creep slowly.

Follow behind the two.

dance to tune.

Go out the door.

when leaving.

Ye An was not idle either.

Parasitized all the juvenile Sludge Monsters present with spores.

Although they will be transformed into human form in a year.

But who knows over ten years.

Will it be of any use?

Hope to be able to put willows and willows in the shade!

Ye An thought to himself.

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