Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 155 Movements outside the door! Choice! Sneak into the Mother God Sect!

Wu Mo's current appearance made Ye An feel a little familiar.

Watching Umo turn into a puddle of silt monsters.

Still stunned in place.

I didn't mean to attack myself.

Ye An also started to think.

Where exactly did you see it?

After years of practice.

Ye An's brain has long been developed to be easy for ordinary people.

Basically, things can be unforgettable.

Even if these things are a little blurry.

But if you think about it carefully, you can still recall it.

"I remembered!

Ye An suddenly realized.

Patting his head, he said.

He saw it when he read the memory of the card system.

At the Harvest Festival of the Mother Goddess Sect that year.

The mutation of the male primary priest.

It seems to be influenced by the blessing of the mother goddess.

He knows a lot beyond his current capacity.

A terrifying aberration occurred.

He also murmured about the human race.

The whole person turned into a puddle of mud.

27 also stood there in a daze.

In the end, it was taken away by the people of the Mother God Sect.

Now Umo has not received the blessing of the Mother God at all.

Just saw a lot of silt monster cubs in this place.

Distortion occurred.

Ye An has some doubts about why?

Just when Ye An was puzzled.

There was movement outside the door.

Ye Ran just found out.

This room is not the secret room that Shiva sent himself to before.

There is no contact with the outside world at all.

It seems like an ordinary room here.

It's just that the stuff inside is a little weird.

Outside voices are completely audible.

And Ye An saw it at a glance.

The location of the door.

"You seem to feel something moving? 99

"Look at it.

Anyway, it was Shiva who was in charge of vigilance recently.

If this is invaded by the people of the Lie Sun Sect.

She must have come to bear the full responsibility.

Let's rush over now.

Just stop losses.

The credit must be ours!

"Yeah yeah!

Anything that doesn't matter.

Let's go for a walk first!""

The coquettish chatter of the two girls outside the door entered the room.

Ye An immediately noticed something was wrong.

It turned out that this room was outside.

Shiva was not the only one.

It seems that many elementary priests are stationed here.

There seem to be two junior priests right now.

To come and surround yourself.

But at this moment Ye An didn't panic at all.

Think calmly.

Don't panic when it's taboo!

There are undoubtedly two ways to consider the method in general.

One is to run.

One is in situ.

Ye An starts with these two points first.

to consider the pros and cons of each.

If you choose to run.

means unknown.

It means that I don't know if I will collide with them if I rush out the door now.

Or go out through another door.

Don't know where to go.

Exactly what other, more twisted things will come across.

After thinking about it, Ye An felt that it would be better to just stand there and wait for them to come over.

At least know the strength of the opponent.

And wait for them to come.

It can be divided into two situations.

That is Ye An, in what form does he face them.

As for ordinary villagers who are distorted twice.

Or is it a Sludge Monster that has completely mutated into another creature?

Ye An hesitated.

Both have their own benefits.

See their words as villagers.

Ye An only managed to fool around.

You can have relative freedom to return to the village.

That is to say, they can move freely in their gathering place for a short time.

But Ye An thought of a problem.

How can I say that I came here?

For the reason that Shiva arrested himself?

So why are you arresting yourself?

Ye An didn't know how to answer.

If you expose yourself, you may have a way to quickly increase your strength.

Then he is undoubtedly out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's mouth.

Ye An thought about it and activated his mimetic ability.

Turned into the same creature as Umo.

Take the form of a silt monster.

Standing dumbfounded.

Waiting for the two of them to come in.

Through Katong's memory.

Ye An learned.

At least this form is not considered hostile by the priests.

Attack when you meet.

May be taken to some other very secret place.

Of course there are risks.

But it also means that it can still be accessed in advance.

Things that you can't get in touch with at the moment.

Ye An intends to take a gamble.

Find out how these silt monsters formed.

And the sacrifice in cartoon memory.

The ravings before the distortion.

what exactly does that mean.

See if you can get it after encountering more Aberration Sludge.

Probe to a desired result.


The sound of the wooden door being pushed open was a little scary.

Ye An knew that the two had come in.

But he didn't turn his attention to the past.

Maybe it's the facial features of his current 407.

I don't even know where my eyes are

Now it has turned into a silt monster like Wu Mo.

Dumbly stood in place.

Waiting motionless for the action of the two.


The girls who came in were petite.

Very surprised, he said to the girl outside the door who hadn't come in yet:

"Where did these two devout believers come from?!

Ye An could clearly hear the joy in his voice.

It seemed as if he had just picked up ten thousand dollars when he went out.

And the girls outside the door heard the words "devout".

Also very surprised.

"Jelica, you didn't lie to me!"

Lena ran in in a panic.

Want to see if Lena is lying to him.

This is nothing but a breeding base for silt monsters.

All are new.

Young children want to develop them into qualified religious believers.

At least it will take many years.

How could two qualified believers fall out of thin air.

This is a qualified devout believer in the Mother God sect.

But no small credit.

Accumulate to 10 words.

You can even ask for an extra blessing from the Mother Goddess.

How could I have picked up two today.

I saw two huge silt monsters in front of me.

Even Na and Janica were dumbfounded.

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