Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 154 Strange sight! The true face of the mother goddess race!

in this difficult choice.

Time always goes by very long.

Neither of them dared to take the lead in stepping into this vortex of space.

Because it's not clear where it's going.

"Are we going back?"

Umo said terrified.

through this experience.

He misses his village very much.

I think such a quiet life is wonderful.

The outside is still too dangerous for him.

Now his strength is not as good as his own daughter.

There was no power to fight back when facing him.

What's more, his daughter is not a strong person in the sect.

People of any sect can easily suppress themselves.

He felt honestly staying in the village.

The fruits of daily begging and waiting are abundant.

It is already very good to go to the "407" plus harvest festival.

Now he is a little anxious to face this situation.

He wanted to block a wave eagerly.

See what's behind the vortex.

Ye An saw him like this.

Not good either, what to say.

Because he himself intends to sneak into the Mother God Sect.

By parasitizing their sect members.

to speed up your strength.

But now the situation has obviously changed a lot.

It was originally planned to follow Annie and Umo in.

Now this situation may require sacrificing ebony to find a way for himself.

Ye An didn't hesitate either.

Had to make a choice in this difficult situation.

"It should be possible, you go in and try? 35

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

After all, he bears the fate of all mankind.

It's best not to rush in and explore the way.

So even if Wu Mo was afraid of death, he was reluctant to go in and explore the way.

Ye An also manipulates his memory.

Let him go in and find the way.

Ye An's voice finished.

Wu Mo closed his eyes.

It was as if he knew he was heading for a dead end.

But he had no other options.

Even if he doesn't take the initiative to die.

Ye An will also let him explore the way.

He closed his eyes and jumped up.

Jumped into the strange vortex exuding spatial fluctuations.

One minute...two minutes passed.

There was no sound from the other end of the vortex.

There was no fluctuation at all.

There was no scream when the Great Demon God entered the world.

Ye An estimated that there was probably not much danger.

Just had to go in.

After all, he was locked in this room all the time.

Nor is it a way.

Ye An also mustered up his courage.

Step into this vortex.

A whirlwind.

You can't see around even with your eyes open.

what exactly happened.

It just feels like the space is distorted.

like a flat space.

If it is a piece of paper.

When stepping into this space tunnel.

It felt like the paper was being folded.

The distance between the two points becomes infinite.

When Ye An saw the light again.

had already left the secret room.

"This is?"

When leaving the vortex.

The first sight Ye An saw was Umo who was stunned in place.

He stared blankly at the surroundings.

He looked very sluggish.

Ye An followed his gaze.

In front of him was an unbelievable sight.

Countless silt-like monsters were placed on the beds one by one.

"what is this?!

Ye An roared in disbelief.

What exactly is this?

Where is this also?

Countless questions appeared in Ye An's mind.

He didn't even know what to say now.

Umo heard Ye An's words.

Feel the movement around you.

He turned his head sullenly.

He looked at Ye An with incomparably empty eyes.

Seen by his eyes.

Ye An couldn't help but feel a little scalp tingling.

Like a ghost.

He murmured: "It seems... as if I have been here!!!


A word.

Ye An's scalp was numb when he said that.

Such a weird place.

Full of twisted, mud-like creatures.

On the bed made of wooden boards, constant squirming..

On a mass of silt-like twisted tissue.

There are also mouthparts like a mouth.

From time to time, he made a strange cry that ordinary people could not hear.

If it wasn't for Ye An who had been practicing for many years.

Physical fitness has long been extraordinary.

Can't hear it at all.

even so.

Ye An also couldn't understand what they were talking about.

Ye An thinks.

These are some pointless cries.

I think it's a baby bird waiting to be fed.

Birdsong when hungry.

Ye An suddenly had a bad idea in his heart.

You won't go to the Cub Nursery of the Mother God Sect now, will you?

After all, I learned from Umo and Annie before.

The children of the Mother God sect are all raised in unity within the sect.

They also have a supreme mother.

That is the mother god.


In front of this pile of ordinary silt monsters,

Isn't that what they looked like when they were young?

Ye An felt incredible.

He looked up at Umo.

I want to find out what he has in common with the Sludge Monster on the bed.

Look left and right.

Ye An couldn't see how they were alike.

"Hey... dear mother, please



Umo screamed.

Dark blood flowed from his 3.7 eyes.

The entire body began to collapse inward.


It seemed to turn into a puddle of mud.

At the end of this.

The body has been deformed into something like an ordinary ooze monster.

The only one that can see humanity.

It was his head that had been distorted before.

He finally turned his head.

Looking at Ye An, he smiled slightly:

It seems to say something.

But the tone was too weak.

Even Ye An.

Did not hear clearly.

Now is not the time to pursue what he said.

Before Umo was a humanoid creature.

The current Umo, compared to the silt monster on the bed.

Incomparably huge.

Ye An was a little shocked.

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