Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 150 The carrier of the mother goddess! Ye An has been affected by Chiyu!

If the mother goddess believers.

Aberrations of the body surface compared to males are defined as lateral words.

Then the basic position of the female is internal.

This interior does not refer to the interior of the body.

It is the inner, spiritual level of the human being.

When the woman unleashed her power.

Ye An clearly perceives the state of his soul.

is very distorted.

It can be said that compared to Umo's facial distortion.

Her spirit has been twisted into something else.

If Ye An finds a way to describe it.

That's what the Mother Goddess statue looks like.

That is, what all the villagers will worship on the harvest festival every year.

The specific image of that kind of thing Ye An can't describe in words.

Every time I look at it, I feel as if I remembered his image.

But really just close your eyes and look away from the statue.

Its traces will disappear in Ye An's mind.

Can't recall it again.

Only a very vague concept remains.

Not even an image!

just a concept!

Ye An knew that the thing was probably called the Mother Goddess.

But the specific image can't be said at all.

Now Ye An sees 27 again.

The image is not in the statue.

Or some of the monumental things of the Mother Goddess sect.

but in the soul of their faculty.

Their souls were gradually changed in long prayers.

be twisted.

be transformed into another shape.

Become the goddess they worship and pray to.

This is a big hand.

Ye An couldn't help but panic a little.

Because of his experience, he couldn't help thinking.

What will this look like once it persists.

The soul of an elementary priest is close to that of the Mother Goddess.

What about the officiant?

The Pope is even the Patriarch above the High Priest.

Ye An couldn't even imagine the difference between their souls and the mother goddess.

Are they even themselves?

Could it be the goddess herself?

The more Ye An thought about it, the more nervous he became.

Because they want to invade the Mother God Sect.

It was definitely not a good time for him to face the mother goddess directly.

In case it is discovered by a certain god.

Forcibly changing one's own soul would be troublesome.

According to Ye An's guess.

Probably the reason why women in the Mother God sect can obtain the most powerful power.

It is estimated that the mother goddess does not like her future image to be a male.

The higher levels in the body are probably the containers that the mother goddess prepared for her before her arrival.

Knowing from their memories, there is more than just the Mother God Sect in this world.

There are a lot of gods and old days and stuff like that.

But they all disappeared from this world at the same time.

Or they were isolated in another layer of space in this world.

Only at the end of each epoch is it chosen which race is excluded from the world.

Only God and even the old days can return to this space for the final battle.

In other cases they were banished for inexplicable reasons.

The specific reason may only be known by the mother goddess herself.

At least these priest-level people.

is completely unclear.

Ye An felt that it might be possible to know the reason for this only when he came into contact with the mother goddess in the future.

But Ye An instinctively felt it.

The race they banished.

the place of exile.

It is the part of the universe where the human race is now.

And the human race may be the race that was banished from the last era.

The Celestials were even longer ago.

All this is still speculation.

Not backed up by actual facts.

For the time being, Ye An didn't dare to take it as a conclusion to speculate on other things.

But with intuition.

He can still feel that the human race wants to return to this universe.

Perhaps it has a lot to do with their exiles from the race.

However, if you want to prove all this, you have to rely on strength.

Ye An had to want to speed up the pace of becoming stronger.

Quickly improve your strength.

This is the right thing to do.

on the field.

Annie and the woman who came from the Mother God Sect were still in a tense confrontation.

The woman's attack just now was successfully defused by Annie.

After all, the strength is at the level of the primary sacrifice.

It's just that the woman is closer to a middle-level sacrifice.

In the real fight to the death, Annie is no match.

But for her consumption, Annie can also spend some means to party down.

It made her feel like she wanted to take Annie right away.

Nor is it easy.

After all, it was in the sect before.

The two have never fought in earnest.

Find out after the fight.

Between Priests and Priests.

It's still not that big of a gap with the middle-level sacrifice.

The force did not form a crush.

Want to subdue Annie in a short time.

Tortured out why Annie came out.

Still very difficult.

The woman couldn't help but start thinking of other strategies.

He glanced at Wu Mo who was on the side.

And Ye An who was watching the play next to him.

She was very suspicious.

Why did Annie come back with two male 403s when she went out?

Suddenly a possibility emerged in her mind.

Could it be that the reason why Annie became stronger had something to do with these two men?

Whether it is or not.

The woman decided to start breaking the game with Umo and Ye An first.

These things are things that Umo and Ye An don't know yet.

They were watching a play.

Suddenly, he found that the woman was staring at him maliciously.

Ye An, suddenly cried out in his heart.

Wouldn't Thailand, who was watching the movie by himself, be caught in a trance?

Things always go in the wrong direction.

The woman smiled coldly.

The divine power in the body will run wildly.

A strange vortex formed under the feet of Ye An and Umo.

It's like the teleportation array when Annie was on her way.

Exudes the power of countless spaces.

Immediately, Annie understood her thoughts and shouted angrily:

"Shiva! What are you doing!"

Ye An's life or death doesn't matter.

Umo was all about who would bear her mother's wrath.

It's about improving your strength!

How could Annie let him have an accident?

Shiva sneered:

"Want to save?"

"Give you five seconds and tell why! 55

"Otherwise, I promise you won't see it! 55

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