Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 149 Blocking the road! Ye An sits on the mountain to watch the tiger fight!

Go further.

The scenery here is not as good as the village.

On the contrary, it is like the modernization of towns.

Homes are becoming more and more advanced.

I thought so for the time being.

Ye An thought to himself.

Because he didn't know how to describe this strange house.

The usual house in the village.

And in the poor villages in the ancestral land.

Houses are not much different.

It's all made of stone, soil and some weeds.

The opposite is to go further into the town.

Their houses have fewer and fewer levels on the surface.

Instead, it is expanding underground.

Like a hamster.

A complex building is constructed underground.

Which uses wood as a certain support.

Holes throughout the house.

In Ye An's perception.

Formed an extremely distorted and huge image "403"


It seems like an upside-down stranger sculpture.

"Even houses are used to honor the mother goddess?"

Ye Er murmured.

Umo's daughter on the side was a little puzzled after hearing this:

"Are all the houses of the Mother God sect like this?

Imitation of the traces the mother goddess once left in this world.

built house.

The efficiency in it will be even higher.

It's just that the villages in the distance have no conditions at all.

That's all set up. "

The way the woman looked at Ye An was like looking at an alien.

These kinds of things are within the sect of the Mother Goddess.

It's almost something everyone knows.

He didn't even know!

She couldn't even imagine how Ye An got the position of the primary sacrifice.

But these details are lost.

Annie didn't go too far.

It didn't raise any doubts.

Umo didn't say much.

There wasn't much response to this either.

But it's just a small detail.

It doesn't matter if you don't know or get it wrong.

Some of them continued to move forward.

while passing the next town.

The coast is preparing to go straight across as usual.

But did not expect.

Wu Mo's daughter suddenly stopped here.

Ye An saw it at a glance.

It seems that someone is waiting for their group.

The leader was a woman with a very good-looking smile.

Needless to say.

Ye An can guess.

This person must be a sacrifice within the Mother God sect!


I don't know what the specific reason is for blocking the front.

But Ye An can be 100% sure.

It was definitely not the fact that he wanted to sneak into the Mother Goddess sect leaked out,

At the same time, he glanced at Annie.

Seeing Annie look nervous.

There was an air of irritability all over him.

Ye An can probably be sure.

Basically this woman came to see Annie.

There must be something wrong between the two.

Ye An looked like he was hanging high above his head.

Stand by and wait for the two of them to clash.

Ye An is also not good at leaving by himself.

Go directly to the Mother Goddess sect alone.

On the one hand, Ye An is also not clear.

What is the position of Mother God Sect in this area?

In addition, he did not have a reasonable identity to mix in.

So we can only wait for Annie and the woman in front to finish pulling their hair.

In the plan.

Although Ye An intends to watch the drama on one side.

No longer just nibbling on melon seeds.

Watching nothing.

Instead, it has spread its own spores in the air.

Although this woman does not know herself.

But the trouble on Annie's face just now also showed.

She is not weak herself.

And it is estimated that it also has a certain position within the sect.

This time is undoubtedly dozing off to send pillows.

How could Ye An let him go?

After all, he is currently unmanned in the sect class.

There is an urgent need for more people to network.

To monopolize the power of their faith.

to enhance your strength.

In the face of such a powerful person.

Ye An is also impossible to let go.

The spores have been put down.

Now wait for the two to fall into the net.

"Little Annie. What are you doing sneaking out? 35

The woman looked frivolous and looked playfully at Annie who was rushing back with the two of them.

A look of victory in hand.

Estimate the fluctuation of the space vortex when Annie opens.

caught the attention of others.

She noticed that Annie suddenly and eagerly put down what she was doing.

To a very remote place...  

Then he immediately blocked.

For fear that Annie has obtained some rich adventure.

greatly increase the strength.

"none of your business?"

An Diqiang pretended to be calm and answered unceremoniously.

His current strength is indeed not as strong as hers.

But in this situation, don't be shy!

Otherwise, the horse's feet are exposed.

after being captured by her.

Ken must be tortured to find out the ins and outs.

Annie had no choice but to bluff.

See if you can scare her away.

Originally, Annie had been suppressed for her.

Now Annie finally has the confidence to dare to confront him.

The woman also thought that Annie had got some kind of adventure or something.

I was even more nervous.

After all, there are only a few positions of the priest a year.

If Annie went up, she would be much behind him.

It's just that she doesn't want to see it.

But a distorted breath burst out from the body, and at the same time said in a bad tone:

"Little Anne, what a good thing you have got, let me see! 35

Suddenly the atmosphere became tense.

very nervous.

Annie also felt a little flustered.

Because now he has not contacted his mother.

Not quite his opponent.

I began to think about various countermeasures.

The woman who rushed over to stop Annie was also an old grumpy.

See it at a glance.

An 3.7 Ni should not have had time to digest it or obtained a way to increase her strength.

Not yet his opponent.

But there must be some clues.

Otherwise, it is impossible to run away from the sect so eagerly.

If you don't catch him now.

After Annie slipped oil on the soles of her feet.

The one who suffers is yourself.

Immediately, a divine power burst out from him.

Rolled towards Annie.

At the same time, it also motivated the magic given by the mother goddess.

Want to imprison Annie.

Torment why Anne left the sect.

and what was obtained.

And her power has just been used.

Ye An finally judged it too.

Why are there no distortions on the faces of women in the Mother Goddess sect?

But he can gain more power than men!

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