Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

The 151st chapter is a decisive battle! The world is spinning, what year is it today?!

"If you dare to touch him, let's live and die here today!

Annie looked mad.

A terrifying power circulated in her body.

He stared at Shiva ill-naturedly.

As long as she dares to stimulate a little bit of space power.

Annie immediately shot and stopped Shiva.

Then came the fight to the death.

After all, now Annie can be said to have no retreat, no way to go.

If you wait in place.

It is simply impossible for the strength to break through to the level of promotion in a short period of time.

But now if not advanced.

There are still enemies within the church that are eyeing him.

Wait until they advance.

Surely he will suffer.

This is an impossible result for Annie to accept.

She has decided to give it a go.

Saving Wu Meng's life is crucial.

After all, he still needs Wu Mo to share his mother's anger.

This thing bothers him.

Must be punished.

Annie couldn't handle it alone.

Annie's threat.

Hear it in Shiva's ears.

It's just the sound of a kitten.

Not the slightest deterrent at all.

After all, the crushing of strength brings about the issue of the right to speak.

Annie snapped her fingers.

The space power under Ye An and Wu Mo's feet spurted out instantly.

devour it.

Annie was going crazy when she saw this.

All power went out to fight with Shiva.

But the difference in strength between the two is not obvious.

It all comes from the power of the mother goddess.

The properties are also relatively close.

There is no restraint relationship.

It is difficult to decide the winner and loser quickly.

The two are entangled.

I don't know how long it will take to pull each other's hair.

Instead, it was Ye An Wumo's side.

in a trance.

I just feel that my eyes are black.

When I feel the light again.

We have come to a secret room!

Ye An also didn't know where he was now.

Above or below ground.

Anyway, when Ye An instinctively raised his head.

What you see is not the sky or the blood moon.

Instead, a piece of luminous stone exuding faint fluorescence is inlaid on the top.

The walls are surrounded by buildings made of fluorescent stone.

Fluorite illuminates the entire space.

Ye An roughly looked around for the next four weeks.

Basically it can be judged that this seems to be a secret room.

The space is huge though.

But there is no outlet for the light.

The whole room was empty.

Except for a goddess statue.

Almost nothing.

Ye An curiously looked at Wu Mo who was beside him and asked:

"Do you know where this is?"

Umo didn't answer for the first time.

Instead, he looked at the statue of the Mother Goddess who was facing the side.

Pray earnestly.

In the few days of hurrying along the way.

He didn't even have time to pray.

I feel very guilty inside.

Now met the goddess statue.

Naturally, I prayed very devoutly.

He has developed a habit since he was a child.

on the whole land.

All races under the sect of Mother Goddess.

Things you need to do every day.


It's just a last resort and there is no time to do it.

Just a little time now.

He will begin to pray earnestly.

Ye An had observed it before.

They know that this kind of begging will never end in a short time.

Calculate as usual.

At least it will take an hour.

Because it's not just begging in form.

It is a process of cultivation.

It's just that it doesn't require ascetic practice like Ye An's.

All you have to do is dedicate your faith.

At the same time, exchange a certain amount of power from the mother goddess.

You don't need your own penance in the middle.

So power comes from others.

There is no need to practice every day and every moment.

Ye An estimated that he had not practiced for many days.

His practice this time will take at least an hour or even two hours.

You can't count on him any time soon.

After all, he is also a true believer of the Church of the Mother Goddess.

There is still a lot of use in keeping it.

Ye An began to explore the secret room on his own.

Ye An walked to the side wall.

A glowing fluorescent stone was broken from the wall as a light source.

Begin to probe carefully near the wall.

See if you can find any clues from the walls.

Because he has used his divine power to perceive the surrounding environment before.

It was found that this wall seems to have the effect of banning magic.

The perception of divine power is blocked.

It is impossible to perceive the specific situation of the outside world at all.

Ye An also tried dispersing spores.

See if you can use the tiny robes to radiate out of it.

Observe what is going on outside.

It's a pity that this room seems to be completely sealed.

Spores are also unable to pass through walls with forbidden magic effects.

Ye An could only start trying to find out if there was any mechanism on the wall.

And whether there are any strange lines on the ground or something.

After all, it is impossible for this room to come in and it is specially used to shut people.

It can be seen from the statue of the goddess placed there.

There must be a way to let others in from the outside world.

And also the way out from the inside.

Ye An's current idea is to find him first.

Stand still and wait to die.

definitely not a good choice,

after all.

Although Shiva is stronger than Annie.

But it can't be said that 100% is to kill Annie.

In case Annie kills Shiva with an explosive seed.

Wouldn't it be possible to get out of this life?

Ye An thought to himself.

Destiny is in one's own hands after all.

It's definitely not okay to leave it to others.

What's more, Ye An himself bears the fate of all mankind.

The fate of the entire human race now rests entirely on itself.

How could you possibly act in the eyes of others here?

Ye An thought first.

While holding the moonstone, he carefully checked the wall.

The wall is very smooth.

The moonstone shines on it, reflecting a rounded luster.

This wall looks like a very high-end material.

After all, Ye An has also seen the houses of other goddess sects.

Although the building is underground.

Perception sweeps away.

The production method is still very rough.

It can be seen that they did not point out the technology tree.

residential building,

Or get it from nature using only dirt and masonry.

And the walls here are obviously made of other materials.

But it's not clear what exactly.

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