Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 142 Clues of the human race! Spy on the power of the mother goddess!

"Sacrifice... not enough offerings!"

Ye An just started to read the memory.

I felt a twist in my mind.

The mind is like a seed.

Unbridled savage growth.

It's like it's about to turn into something weird.

Even through spore transmission.

It is hard to resist this strange power.

Fortunately it is night now.

The scarlet moon hangs high in the sky.

Ye An was bathed under the bloody night sky.

All abilities have been improved.

In front of the ability to resist the erosion of power.

"Is this the power of three distortions?"

Ye An, who escaped everything by the moonlight, muttered.

If not for the moonlight.

It's over now.

Fortunately, it resisted.

Burn away the twisting power of the transmitted memories.

Ye An just started to read the memory.

in the fields.

Huge "trees" occupy most of the area.

If that kind of thing can still be called a tree.

Their torso is like a myriad of boa constrictors.

twisted together.

Cover the sky.

It hangs from the top of the tree.

Like a hanged mummy 400.

blowing with the wind.

Occasionally there is a creaking sound.

And in the middle of the tree.

Where the twisted branches intertwine.

There is a hollow like a heart.

Where is the fruit of the tree.

Even when observing someone else's memory.

Ye An felt a tinge of heartbeat.

That is greed in the root of the body.

It's telling itself.

swallowed that thing.

will become stronger!

Ye An who is in short supply right now.

Can't help but feel alive.

Start to draw attention to that thing.


in the memory of the village chief.

Ye An actually found some clues about the human race!

That was when he had been blessed by the priest.

Their whole village prayed hard.

The fruit of which year is particularly dazzling.

Got the favor of the mother goddess.

The priest presided over the ceremony.

The power from the mother goddess descended.

At the same time, feel the power of this extreme twist.

The priest seemed to have heard the mother goddess babbling.

He went into madness.

Shouting hysterically:


"Otherwise... we'll be like humans... 35

.... Evicted...


he died.


He has been twisted into another life by the power of the mother goddess.

Tumors all over his body.

There is no difference between the five senses and four limbs.

became a monster. ,

see here.

Ye An couldn't understand.

Why is there nothing for the village chief who accepts the power of the mother goddess.

On the contrary, the priest who presided over the ceremony was contaminated.

"It seems the world still has a lot of rules to learn.

Ye An murmured.

But this time the gains have been huge.

I actually found clues about the human race.

The Terran seems to be banished.

It's just that this information comes from a twisted monster.

Contaminated by this twisted power.

It's no surprise that he said anything crazy.

Ye An couldn't believe it.

But at least.

Saw a glimmer of hope.

The Mother God sect should have existed in this world for a long time.

You must know a lot of things that you don't know.


Ye An's goal was immediately clear.

"Right now, I have also come into contact with the sect of the Mother Goddess. 35

"Just parasitize their people first.

"When you find out what the world is like.

"What happened in the past.


Ye An made up his mind.

The target is on the Harvest Festival, the people of the Mother God sect.

It did not continue to parasitize the villagers.

in case something unexpected happens.

It just so happened that they couldn't squeeze two liang of oil from their bodies.

All poor guys.

Ye An also continued to spread the spores.

Increase strength (chdh).

at the same time.

Still helping the villagers find offerings!

Ye An's goal is very far.

Not just the chief priest of the sect of the Mother Goddess.

Rather, I wanted to try to absorb the power of the Mother Goddess.

What will happen.

through memory.

Ye An can make a preliminary conclusion.

At least the absorbed people are fine.

People who watch it are likely to have a moth.


Ye An intends to give it a try.

See how it works when you absorb it.

But absorb the power of the mother goddess.

The necessary condition is to be able to win the harvest festival.


Ye An is also helping the village chief.

Collect the "sacrifice" in his mouth

That's all sorts of weird stuff.

It's like simmering in a big pot.

All put into the field.

The field is like a return to the ruins.

Hold everything.

become nutrients for the tree.

the center of the tree.

Things in the heart are also thriving.

But the village chief named Katong was still dissatisfied.

His eyes were huge, staring at his own achievements.

madly said:

"Not enough...not enough...


Go grab it... Go grab another village's....

The favor of the mother god must belong to me!! 31

Seems to be addicted to the power of the mother goddess.

The village chief also wanted to get the blessing of the power of the mother goddess again.

And Ye An saw that they were going to rob other villages.

This is not boring.

He also wanted to see the power of the world.

The weird organs of these people.

What is the use.

Say it.

Ye An modified their memory.

Tell them that in Umo village, there are sacrifices they need.


Katong's entire body trembled from a distance!

He is excited.

He is crazy!

He called the whole village together.

Qi brushed away from the village.

Flying towards Wumo Village.

They are fast.

The mushrooms on the road are Ye An's eyes.

Ye An easily judged.

Give them about two hours.

You can feel the village of Umo.

If things go well.

Neither will affect their evening prayers.

"As expected of a high-level world.

Ye An murmured.

this speed.

Change it to the college that year.

Forget about students.

is the teacher.

Not necessarily this speed.

Ye An was a little envious.

If every human race can have such strength.

Those gods.

Wasn't it pushed flat in minutes?

But these are things to think about.

This world is weirdly twisted.

If you put people in directly.

There is a high probability that it will become something that is neither human nor ghost,

Ye An didn't want the human race to become like that.

"Then wait until you understand the weirdness and distortion of this world.

Ye An said lightly:

"Let's talk about bringing in humans!


Start to observe these indigenous villagers.

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