Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 143 The dispute between the 2 villages has begun! People from the Mother God Sect?

Katong ran fast with his villagers.

Rush to Umo's village.

at this time.

Umo still doesn't know anything about it.

Still in accordance with the daily habit.

lead the villagers.

Pray to the field.


Seemingly empty.

The surface was only pitch black mixed with crimson mud.

But watch carefully.

From time to time, you can see the strange shaking of the soil.

Items from Umo Village.

Hidden underground.

Like potatoes.

The fruit is buried under the soil.

If you want to see the whole picture, you have to dig into the ground to see it.

Harvest is not yet here.

It is impossible for the people of Umo Village to dig out this thing.


Cards don't care about that.

He just wants to make his own fruit.

The knot is more perfect.

That's just by prayer.

is totally not enough.

that time.

The reason for winning.

But luck.

They just caught a strange beast that had flown into their village inexplicably.

Squeeze out the nutrients from the alien beast.

Let them the fruit of the village.

Much richer than others.

This allowed him to obtain the blessing of the mother goddess.


Since Katong is still thirsting for that blessing.

Just gotta get some extra stuff.

It's a pity that this year was not so lucky.

Once again picked up a single alien beast.

He had no choice but to rob others.

But it's not without risk!

These villagers are all followers of the Mother God sect.

A believer of the Mother Goddess.

In order not to reduce the number of believers.

The Mother Goddess sect strictly forbids the villagers to kill each other.

These are the reasons why the villagers are praying for the power to enhance the fruit.

They are power after all.

Far from being on a par with the priest.

those priests.

any one.

You can easily slaughter an entire village.


No one dared to challenge the rules of the Mother Goddess sect.

And card system.

It was under Ye An's memory tampering.

Greedy desire overwhelms reason.

In order to obtain the blessing of the mother goddess.

He has no fear!


They rushed to Umo's village.

Umo, who had just finished praying, was very surprised.

"What happened?"

According to common sense.

Before each village, it is almost impossible to meet.

Go out for the annual harvest festival.

The villages are very closed.

Because there is something more important to do - pray.


Katong actually left his village.

It made Umo feel very strange.

We met at the Harvest Festival the year before.

Katong was blessed by the mother goddess.

Make Umo very envious.

The mind is also like the card system.

To be blessed by the mother goddess.

after come back.

Umo is also more severe.

Ask the villagers to pray daily.

I hope my field can bear more perfect fruit.

favored by the mother goddess.


The harvest festival is less than a month away.

In the fields of Umo village.

The fruit is about to bear.

Umo mentally looks forward to it.

The same is expected for the underground fruit.

There are also cards.

He has been distorted three times, and his perception is very keen.

Sensing the fruits of Umo Village, buried deep beneath.

The thick soil is hard to bury the sweet fragrance of the fruit.

Kato took a deep breath.

It was like drinking a jar of old wine.

Get drunk.

There was something called happiness on his face.

The corners of the distorted mouth cracked open, as if smiling:

"Yeah... something happened to my village...

Hear Katong's reply.

Umo was also very curious.

On weekdays, they are carried in the village.

There was nothing to say.

until the annual harvest festival.

You can chat happily with people from other villages.


Katong came across thousands of miles away.

It seems that something happened.

Except for prayers, Umo, who was bored, was very curious.

what exactly happened.

Is it bad luck?

Where are you still stumbling?

Come on out and make me laugh!

To be happy is to build on the suffering of others!

Umo thought to himself.

But Katong's next words made Umo feel bad.


"Our fruit.... a little bit.

When it comes to fruit, Katong thinks of the Harvest Festival.

Thinking of the harvest festival, I recalled the blessing of the mother goddess.

The blessings of the Mother God require better fruits.

thought here.

Katong fell into madness.

Longing for the blessing of the mother goddess.

He is not smiling.

Hungry looking at Umo, he murmured:

"Help me... help me please?!95

At the same time, the villagers who were united with Ka were shouting at the same time.

They all went into madness.

At the same time, he looked at Umo.

Greedy shouted: "Help us!!!

At this time, even the foolish people felt that something was wrong with them.


Wu Mo's eyes suddenly became fierce, and he let out a strange cry.

Call the villagers.

At the same time he said sternly:

"What are you out-of-towners doing?"

Fierce look.

But almost all of them are secondary distortions.

He is also a card system with three distortions.

No fear at all.

madly said:


At the same time, people began to dig the fruit directly under the ground with their hands!

This time.

The basket is big!

This is the item for the Harvest Festival in Umo Village.

This time to the card system to dig.

What will you do next?"

Wu Mo hurriedly stopped them and shouted sharply:

"These are all offerings to the mother goddess!

How dare you even move?

Card system.

I now warn you to leave me right away.

Otherwise, I'm going to invite people from the sect of the Mother Goddess to come over!

Hearing this, Katong smiled disdainfully,

"just you?

"How can the people of the Mother God sect pay any attention to you?!

Even a person who has been favored by the Mother Goddess has no way to call for the sacrifices of the Mother Goddess sect.

Umo is a nobody.

How could it be possible to call people from the Mother Goddess sect?

Katong is very disdainful:

"What is your name?"

Katong has the strength to completely crush Umo.

He didn't panic at all.

Even want to laugh.

at the same time.

Even in my mind.

Do you want to kill Umo as well and sacrifice it to the fruit?

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