Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 141 Mother God Sect! Twisted Harvest Festival!

Mushrooms keep extending past.

grow, mature.

Fires spores.

Scattered spores drifted in the wind.


This spooky village is filled with untraceable spores.

Attaches to deformed villagers.

They didn't notice.

Just some doubts.

Why so many mushrooms?

The villagers were very curious.

They have lived in this village for generations.

I have never seen such a flood of mushrooms.

But it was too late to feel suspicious.

The spores have parasitized everyone in the village.

Ye An immediately manipulated the spores.

Modified the memory of everyone in the village.

It is normal to make them feel that there are more mushrooms.

Nothing to doubt.

Everyone is still doing their job as usual.

Pray on the farmland.



They are not like humans.

Plough with a hoe.


Then harvest.

but under the leadership of the village chief.

Facing the farmland, they danced strangely twisted dances in unison.

Limbs recurve, body convulsions.

Strange and twisted words were chanting in his mouth.

It seemed like she was praying to an indescribable being.

What makes Ye An even more incredible is that.

That unspeakable existence actually responded!

in their weird dance.

There is a force that exists naturally in this world.

A twisted and strange inexplicable power will come.

Not only did it increase the strength of the villagers.

Make the distortions on them even more distorted.

at the same time.

Seedlings began to grow in the fields.

Feel the message from this spore.

Ye An feels that the world is really a bit strange.

It made him even more suspicious.

It is that inexplicable power.

It made me feel a little more intimate!

The root of your body is craving.

I want to devour that inexplicable power!

Ye An guessed whether it was that indescribable existence.

The same owner has the power to grow?

Or some other reason.

Ye An began to contrast the memories of the villagers.

Look for that indescribable information.

The village has existed for many, many years.

Get this from the village chief's memory.

His grandfather's grandfather's grandfather has been the village chief since the beginning.

Above, he can't remember anymore.

But definitely the mayor.

It has been passed down from generation to generation.

Not only passed on to him the position of the village chief, but also wore his name.


The ancestors have been called by this name for generations.

Because this is the noble name given to them by their mother goddess.

The village is also named after it.

It's called Umo Village.

The most important thing for people in the village every day is to pray to the mother goddess in front of the fields.

After prayer.

Goddess gives strength.

Not only will they make them more beautiful.

They will also be given all kinds of magical foods.

That's not just the capital they live on.

Even at the harvest festival.

Important vouchers and items for the competition!

Ye An flipped through the villagers' memories.


Harvest Festival seems to be a very important festival.

Why is there this festival.

They don't remember anymore.

But the only thing I remember.

This holiday is extremely important.

to that day.

People throughout the village will bring their harvested items.

leave the village.

Go to the festival.

More than just a village.

in memory.

There are countless villages that believe in the Mother Goddess.

will participate.

The Priestess of the Mother Goddess will preside over the ceremony.

The village that harvests the best will be blessed by the mother goddess.

This is the supreme glory.

and increase in strength.

and original evolution.

They will be more distorted.

More inclined towards the goddess.

Ye An couldn't help but feel curious.

Why is the world so twisted.


But powerful.

in memory.

Ye An saw the power of the priest.

Not inferior to his former self.

You know, there is more than one priest.

throughout the Mother Goddess sect.

There are many priests.

Above the main sacrifice, there is a stronger existence.

"I have to become stronger 々"!"

Ye An muttered.

For the prosperity of the human race.

Ye An knew that he had to continue to improve his strength.

until you gain a firm foothold in this world.

Figure out the reason for the distortion,.

Lead the human race to become stronger.

Ye An also started her own efforts.

The Harvest Festival is more than a month away.

Ye An still has time to improve his strength.

He started manipulating the spores.

Continue to absorb the evolution and growth power of the villagers.

Elevate yourself.

The power of the same origin makes Ye An feel an incomparable fit.

The speed of the strength double is far faster than that of the divine power that exists between heaven and earth.

Feel the power filling your body.

Ye An couldn't help but wonder.

If he devoured the mother goddess.

How powerful should you be?

But the road has to go step by step.

The meal should be eaten one bite at a time.

Ye An knew that this matter could not be rushed.

So it grows slowly in the forest.

The spores continue to expand outward.

With the memory of the villagers in the village.

Ye An probably also knew the location.

Head towards a village farther away.

I want to parasitize those villagers.

See if there is any new information.

Mushrooms want to spread far away.

It took more than a day.

Finally arrived at the new village.

This village as a whole is no different from Umo Village.

But the difference is.

three years ago.

They once received the blessing of the priest at the harvest festival.

“…“They must know more! 35

Ye An thought.

Start to stimulate mushroom growth.


The spores are then fired.

Thinking of going to the village.

The spores drifted into the village with the wind.

Parasitic on the villagers.

This village is compared to the previous village.

Obviously, it can be seen that the strength should be stronger.

Every villager has two aberrations.

The village chief has three aberrations on his body!


His eyes, as small as the core of a pencil (Ho Nuo Zhao), suddenly widened.

Take up half of your face at once!

There was an inexplicable aura in the empty, dark eyes.

It's looking for tiny spores in the air!

"It was discovered?!""

Ye An is also extremely shocked, but he has the ability to hide!

It seems that the strength gap is a bit big.

Still found!

Fortunately, the spores are very abundant.

Although the village chief responded, it was too late now.

Spores have infested them.

Immediately, the twisted power in the village chief's body circulated.

Wants to expel the tiny spores from the body.

But faster than his power flow.

It's Ye An's operation!

Banished the concept of spores from his mind.


The village chief was at a loss for a year and murmured, "What did I just do, Zhu?

He had forgotten about the spores.

He scratched his head and continued to go about his own business.

Ye An smiled slightly.

Start exploring the memories of the villagers.

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