Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 140: New World, Distorted World, Distorted Village!

"Ding, the analysis has been completed for you."

"Currently the most suitable for the promotion of the host god-level source, the god of roots!

"Promotion of the god of the root can choose the sequence: the root of all things, the hidden silver moon. 39

"Please choose the direction of development for the host.""

said the system.

A familiar evolution list appeared in front of Ye An.

"The Root of All Things: Growth, Parasitism, Evolution.""

"Secret Silver Moon: Hidden, Passing, Moon.

"Choose three out of six."

"Growth: Accelerates spore growth and enhances the growth and recovery of the host's divine power."9

"Parasitism: Spores can parasitize others.

"Evolution: Evolves spores and parasitic objects, improving various abilities.

"Cryptic: The host itself and the spores are sheltered in secrecy, making it harder to detect. 99

"Transmission: The spore can directly transmit information and energy, and the host can also use the spore to modify the consciousness of the parasitic object.

"Yue: Under the moonlight, various abilities have been greatly increased. 39

Look at this one by one explanation.

When Ye An felt like he was back at school again.

Just got the ability.

Very kind.

But he is now the 27th leader and hope of mankind.

There wasn't that much time for him to miss the past.

After entering this new plane.

Ye An's own abilities are all integrated into one.

became its own foundation.

Ye An feels like an unarmed child now.

And in this world, malice is lurking everywhere.

Twisted and terrifying.

Want to pollute yourself.

Without further ado, Ye An chose the first ability.


Hidden power blessing.


Surround yourself with the strange power that erodes and attempts to contaminate yourself.

Instantly disappeared.

Do not.

Ye An felt it carefully, and the strange power was still there.

Just hide it.

They just don't feel it.

Ye An's mind was also slightly relieved.

being spied on by something else.

It's uncomfortable after all.

After Ye An eliminated this hidden danger.

Begin to ponder confidently, the combination of the two abilities under him.

"Evolve and grow!

Ye An thought for a moment.

Or choose these two to strengthen your ability the fastest.

The three abilities under the body are parasitism, transmission, and month.

Although it made Ye An think of many wonderful uses.

But right now, improving strength is the most important thing.

When the strength is improved, it will be finished when these skill points are added back.

Ye An's body is a lush forest.

Although the trees do not know each other.

But this environment is very suitable for spore growth.

"It seems that my luck is much better than that of the Great Demon God."

Thinking of the howl of the Great Demon God, Ye An murmured in his heart.

at the same time.

Spores flew out of his body one by one.

Take root in the ground.

Draw on the power of the outside world.

Crazy growth.

But the growth looks very different from before.

Although it looks like a mushroom.

Its rhizomes are all showing an eerie twist.

"It seems that this twisting force is not directed at me. 35

Ye An observed his spores and muttered.

Since coming to this new plane.

He was worried that he would be targeted by the rules of this world.

That twisting power is specially aimed at oneself.

I want to twist my race.

Be the native race of this world.

Found out now.

The twisting power of this world.

For all races in this world.

It directly absorbed the twisted divine power that pervaded the world.

It will show a distorted trend of growth!

Ye An is a little curious about what the native races in this world look like.

Fortunately, the power of distortion has been evolved by spores.

What Ye An absorbs is pure divine power.

It has no effect on its own.

Appearance, race, have not changed.

The divine power in the body grows steadily.

When I came to this world before.

All the power in Ye An has been exhausted.

If you want to recover now, you basically start from scratch.

Start from scratch.

Rebuild it step by step.

Ye An is not in a hurry either.

Estimated in my mind.

It will probably take another day.

to touch the edge of promotion.

Ye An was not in a hurry and let the spores multiply and grow.

Improve your own divine power.

Ye An cut some wood for himself first.

A temporary shelter was built.

he guessed.

You also need to spend more time in the wild.


It is not yet time for contact with native races.

Ye An intends to wait for the next evolution and use parasitism to gain intelligence.

Look at the customs of this world, what is it like.

What kind of world would it be under such distorted power.

Ye An was looking forward to it.

A day went by in the blink of an eye.

Ye An, who was used to practicing, didn't feel anything.

Then ushered in the first breakthrough in this new world.

Ye An didn't hesitate.

The remaining three abilities were selected.

Parasitism, transmission, month.

"Finally, I can test the world.

Ye An said happily.

at the same time.

Countless spores spewed out around him.

Think about spreading far away.

Along the way, twisted mushrooms keep growing.



Then again more spores spew out.

Because I don't know the geography of the world.

Ye An's spore, self-centered.

To develop comprehensively in all directions.

Look for traces of life.

A large number of spores not only increased the speed of Ye An's strength.

At the same time, it also increases the chance of finding life.

But the world seemed bigger than he thought.

One or two days.

A week has passed.

The spores had already spread to the size of an ancestor star.

But still no trace of Life 397 was found.

Not even a single bug was found.

This made Ye An puzzled.

"Is the world so big?"

Ye An sensed the information sent back by the spore, and said doubtfully:

"Isn't it enough to find life now, and not even go out of the forest?

As expected of a higher-level world.

Ye An also wanted to understand.

If there is no such a large area, how can it be possible to raise high-level creatures?

Fortunately, hard work pays off.

Three more days passed.

Ye An important found the traces of life.

It was a village-like place.

Just outside the forest.

Through the spores, Ye An also saw their appearance.

The general shape is similar to that of a human being.

One head and two hands.

But their facial features are very different from those of humans!

Nose, eyes, ears, mouth, eyebrows.

There will be at least one difference!

The younger the age, the lesser the changes in the facial features.

Ye An observed for a few days to find out.

In the village, the patriarch who is most respected by the villagers has two changes in his body.

nose and eyes.

The nose hangs down long, like an elephant's trunk.

At the same time, the eyes became extremely small, like a hollow coin.

It looks very funny.

Ye An wants to know why.

He let the spores parasitize all the villagers and began to probe their memories.

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