Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 121: The Eden of the Stars, a higher plane!

"Sure enough, reaping the authority of God."

"It's not that easy! 55

Ye An, who was sleeping, finally woke up.

Look at the current situation.

Can not help but sigh.

His harvest is not simply devouring.

Because of pure devotion.

It doesn't make sense at all!

This also gives them the capital to resist.

"Perhaps...that's not bad! 35

Thought for a while.

About a few epochs.

Ye An kept thinking about the future situation.

Final confirmation.

That's enough!

Maybe the protagonist is not his avatar.

Then there is no need to force it.

"Hehe, the dignified creation god, I will also help you.

"My deck is big enough!

Ye An said with a smile.

After several epochs of thinking and deduction.

He found.

The best way to handle it.

It is to accumulate the power of these gods.



"By that time, I... should have grown into a god.

"Compared to the creator god like me, the administrator. 35

"That I really have hope of what step I can take.".35

"In that case..."

"I'll just do my best to guard these gods. 35

Ye An muttered.

His personality is not really high.

It is nothing more than borrowing the power of the gods.

created the world.

Then I got the management authority of the new world.

"In that case... see you in the future!

"O children of the stars!"

Ye An let out a long sigh.

A scene from memory flashed in my mind.


new world.

Ten thousand races, a new universe.

higher dimensional planes.

Nothing more than that.

The age of pure primordial gods.

The world made up of the power of the stars.

It is the true Garden of Eden.

Think of the conflicts of all races in later generations.

Completely tarnished this innocence.

But no way...

The world is going to end.

That's all he could do.

"Hopefully waking up is another moment of success for me."

Ye An sighed again.

Immediately after.

Close your eyes.

The body began to dissipate little by little.

Thorough honor among the whole world.

into an absolutely long slumber.

In the abyss of hell.

Devil Sea.

on the red seventh island.

Ye An slowly opened his eyes.

After this period of unremitting efforts.

He also figured out something.

The power contained in this island.

What lies behind that power.

Not so much out of the universe.


It is similar to this universe, but it is a higher plane.


God is only the most basic existence!

"In this case."

"..." My next plan is to find this higher plane!

"Since it is related to this world, it should be possible to enter!"

Ye An was lost in thought.

Also delve into this power.

It also made his strength skyrocket.

Not a surge in power.

but the law of ability.

Almost all of the law capabilities.

have been improved.

Originally like a plate of loose sand, now these abilities have solidified into hard stones.

"……So to say.""

"This great devil!

Ye An suddenly understood something.

No wonder he is the Great Demon God.

(Good Money Zhao) experienced this unique power.

So vision and strength.

will be different in Japanese.

This is an absolutely invincible existence of the same level.

Of course, his beloved disciple, Meng Die, would not lose to the Great Demon God.

"Presumably he also knows this world plane.

"Then at his level, the hegemony of the ten thousand races is simply not important."

"So his purpose has never been to dominate the universe."

"It's a higher level island!"

"Even, he has a way to enter that plane world!

Ye An thought seriously.

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