Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 122: The idea of ​​the great devil, the realm of creation!

"Maybe... I can go and ask.

Ye An muttered inwardly.

power on this island.

In fact, he was almost enlightened.

All that should be improved.

It's time to choose to leave.


to him.

Except for the existence of the Great Demon God.

Even if he lost the ability to die.

The gods are not necessarily his opponents.

He is now the equivalent of an angel queen.

Even better.

Of course pure attack ability.

He is definitely not as good as the Queen of Angels.

But overall, he is definitely stronger.

"I don't know the Angel Queen, who took my share of the divine power...

"Definitely will not choose promotion!

"It's definitely after the human race.

Ye An thought a little.

will understand.

What will the Queen of Angels choose?

This seemingly peaceful time for all ethnic groups.

Just one spark ignited.

Their angels are also unable to bear the responsibility of this spark.

Unless the angel race is the same as the human race.

There are many strong ones.



Except for Lucifer and Michael.

The seven angels belong to the demigods.

Their fighting power, unite.

Perhaps dealing with twenty or thirty ordinary gods would be no problem.

But twenty or thirty ordinary gods.

That is, the level of the top ten races.

There is absolutely no comparison with the existence of the top five.

Not to mention the top three.

to 387 hours.

The angels are the first to show off.

The human race can hold down the god race, and it is not bad with the demon race.

But the siege of other races.

They still can't afford it.

After all, it is not just the angel race that is second only to the three major races.

such as dragons.

Years without showing up.

But their existence is definitely not weaker than the angel race.

previous words.

There is a high probability that the dragons will not come out to interfere in this matter.

But last time.

Competing for the Void Spirit Vessel.

The emergence of dragons.

It proves that they have the idea of ​​mixing things up.

As for the Void Spirit Vessel...

Ye An smiled.

Evil is not clear.

That is his personal spiritual vein.

In the past, the Terran might have thought about cleaning up.


Why clean up?


"Let's just ask about it right away.

Ye An shook his head.

Prepare to leave the sea of ​​​​Demonstrations.

But at this time.

A female demon.

Blocked Ye An's way.

"you again.""

"Are you really dying?"

Ye An looked at each other.

Sigh with emotion.

Just get ready to do it.


"Please forgive my rudeness!

"But I want to know.

"On the way the soul becomes a god."

"Why did I fail..."

"These things, I think you should be able to help me out!

"As long as you can help me! 35

"I would like to be your subordinate god! 35

The other party looked at Ye An.

Actively bend down.

Very respectful request.

"Subordinate god?


Ye An looked at the other party.

Finally nod.

Appearance is okay.

This subordinate god has to decide for himself!


"This is what you want!"5

Ye An's eyes swept over each other carefully.

This time.

The other party did not resist.

Let Ye An see through everything about her.


Ye An nodded.

A mental wave that contains a great deal of knowledge.

into the soul of the opponent.

"Then see you next time.

"It will help me a little bit if I become a god soon. 99

Ye An said with a smile.

Just turn around and leave.

As for making each other show their loyalty.

These things.

He didn't need to say it at all.

Because it is very simple.

Even if the other party doesn't want to.

Ye An can forcibly imprint a slave mark on the other's soul.

Even as a god!


Ye An is not afraid of the other party going back on his word at all.

Even if the other party goes back on his word.

For Ye An.

Also quite interesting.

Ye An still likes it because of the reasoned torture.

After all, it is mixed with the refreshing feeling of the plot.

Everyone likes it!

"Thank you for your generosity!"

"I will definitely live up to your expectations!""

Feel the information coming to your mind.

The other party immediately understood.

Why did your promotion fail.

At the same time, he also admired Ye An.


Too strong!

More than just power.

There is also knowledge and perception, and this calmness!

This is the strength of the heart.

Inner strength!

and powerful!


Your choice is absolutely right!

In this way, you can not only be promoted to god.

And there is a future comparable to the existence of the great devil as a backer.

What is her own talent.

She is still quite clear.

Even if the future can become a god.

(chdh) but also cannot achieve too high.

Although he has already stood above all living beings.

But she wouldn't be compared with those weak beings.

"Just in a good mood.

"If it's like last time.""

"You can experience the opposite of generosity and kindness."

Ye An said with a smile.

next moment.

The figure disappeared immediately.

when it reappears.

It has already come to the front of the Great Demon God.

"what happened?

The Great Demon God looked at Ye An who suddenly appeared.

Not too many surprises.

But knock it carefully.

But started to get curious again.

"Logically speaking, it should be easy for you to be promoted to God.""

"After all, your breath power is not weaker than the upper god!

The Great Demon God looked at Ye An and said.

"The time has not come."

"Since the invincible road is to be taken. 35

"It shouldn't be hastily become a god. 99"

Ye An replied seriously.

"Makes sense."

"Then what's the matter with me?

The Great Demon God looked at Ye An and nodded.

speak up.

"About that red island number seven."

"I know almost everything I should know.

"I want to ask."

"Do you... do you know how to get to that place like the God's Domain!

Ye An looked at the great gods and demons.

Asked openly.


"The afterlife is terrifying!

The Great Demon God looked at Ye An.

Suddenly sighed.

"I was enlightened for hundreds of years, back and forth several times! 99

"This is a glimpse into another world! 99

"I didn't expect, how old are you?

"Perhaps your talent is more suitable than mine!"

"But . . . about this, I won't let you in the slightest."

The Great Demon God looked at Ye An.

Said while sighing.

But it didn't show any murderous intent.

"Going to that's actually quite easy!

"You can reach that level!

"However, no one has ever been to that realm."

"So there is no official title...speaking of it."

"God doesn't actually have a clear hierarchy either.""

"It's all divided into several echelons depending on the strength of the power.

"If you say, now you are comparable to the upper god."

"Then I am the main god above the upper gods!"

"And that realm is above the Lord God... I call it the God of Creation!

"Of course I can also see some information about that realm.

"It is said that it is the God of Creation, but it is completely impossible to do, which step is the real God of Creation."

"It's just a nickname."

"And only when you reach that realm can you go to the realm of the gods you want to go!""

'I will leave the future of the Demon Race to you.

"And I'll go there first."

"Of course...not now!"

"I haven't broken through after all. 39

"But now, you are also qualified to take my place.

"In this way, I can wholeheartedly attack the next realm!"

"Future...after you find your heir.



"The Demon Race is also our birthplace, and we can't completely abandon it, right?"

"At the very least, as the leader of the Demon Race.

"You still have to be responsible!"

The Great Demon God looked at Ye An and said.

"I see!"

"So, I don't break through the god level. 99

"Instead of delaying the process?

Ye An smiled helplessly.

"Then feel free to go!

"I'll stay and watch the demons!

"After all, it's not a matter of one or two hundred years for me to become a god.

Ye An continued.

But my heart was already happy.

He is not a demon.

Wait until the Great Demon God retreats.

He took over the Demon Race.

Isn't it just doing whatever you want?

The human race will break through the shackles at that time.

The pressure will also be much less!

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