Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 120: The God of Creation Ye An awakens, the place where the gods end!

"This really long enough.

In the darkness.

Ye An opened his eyes.

Yawned and muttered to himself.


He looked around slightly.

The original dark world.

Immediately exudes a riot of color.

And gradually turned into a warm world.


"What I want, can it come true?

"However...this seems to be temporary!

Ye An muttered.

"System... how long have I slept?"

Ye An asked subconsciously.

As a result, the system did not respond for a long time.

"I forgot, I'm a clone...

Ye An suddenly patted his head and muttered.

Said to be separate.

In fact, it is also the subject.

But the system didn't follow him.


The current system is probably on the side of the future human race.

"Since I am a half-creature god.

"Should be... hundreds of millions of years?!"

Ye An just wanted to say.

He is a half-creature god himself.

Knowing the time should be fine.

next moment.

He felt it.

He has been asleep for hundreds of millions of years.

"This is really..."

Ye An hurriedly checked the situation in the world.

But don't oversleep yourself.

Are all humans extinct?

But according to his feedback.

Ye An immediately breathed a sigh of relief.


Forget about the human race.


The first creatures were only born for tens of thousands of years.

"That one is also quite powerful."

"I actually killed the First Era by myself.

"Unfortunately, he was the only one left in the end.

"Although it is basically cold, his body has given birth to countless new creatures."

"This is reincarnation..."

Ye An sighed slightly.

But then suddenly felt something.

He frowned slightly.

Reach out.

Grab to the void.

outside the dimensions of time and space.

a seed.

He was caught by Ye An.

"Following the long river of time and space, swimming backward for billions of years...

"Good guy.

"The future me... I remembered, this should be the avatar!

Ye An muttered.

It was this avatar last time.

The wrong message was sent.

To be precise, it was sent to the wrong time and space.

But also because of this, he is proud of his memory recovery.

Know how to create.

I don't know what news was passed this time.

Ye An was curious.

Also check the information inside.

next moment.

Countless twisted messages flooded Ye An's soul.

Even as a half-creation god.

Heaven today.

Ye An's consciousness was also in a trance for a while.


"But more of a twist!"

"The future me, this is what I have experienced to gain so much twisted power!

Ye An frowned.

Put those twists aside.

Start viewing real content.


Ye An finally showed an expression of sudden realization.

"It is so!

"The end of the universe, the end of time, beyond nothingness, beyond the universe!"

"If you want to break through to a higher realm, you must first break through the shackles of the universe!"

"So to say…………"

"The most suitable candidate, isn't it me?"

Ye An muttered.

Look at his countless avatars.

The current self.

It's the closest to this step.

But also a lot worse.

So where does he want to go.

It needs more power.

"If that's the case..."

"If the chick is to break out of the shell, it must absorb all the nutrients in the egg."

"If I want to break through the universe, I must absorb all the power of the universe!

"...So, I've missed a good opportunity?

"...Forget it, that's too unhuman.

"They are my best friends after all!"

"At least, I'm human!

Ye An muttered.

Just thought of it.

It is to devour all the primordial gods.

The birth of those primordial gods, including Wei Na.

All are the convergence of the power of the universe!

Manifestation of the Universal Law!

But although he did not devour.

But at that time.

He also got all the power of the gods.

But still haven't seen that realm.

Just walking on the path of the creator god.

It can be seen from this.

It is not so easy to break through the universe.

"And the point is!""

"This universe...isn't complete! 99

"It's been breaking down since then!

"How does a broken egg hatch into a broken shell?"

"It is impossible under normal circumstances... 35

Ye An was lost in thought.

Although it seems like a philosophical question.

There is a big difference from reality.

But to Ye An, it's not absurd.

More than 90% of this universe has collapsed into nothingness.

The rest of the universe, even if he swallowed it all, might not be enough to break through that realm.

simply put.

Just not enough power!

"What if there was another way?"

"Maybe it's not pure power!

"It's the integrity of the law!

"Either produce a law that breaks through the universe, or absorb all the laws of the universe.

"If you say that..."

Ye An looked at the new world in the distance.

That crowd of people!

"I see!

"The owner of the hourglass back then scolded Heavenly Dao for such a thing!"9

"Whether it works or not, I have to try. 35

"After all, in the reincarnation of the era originally set, none of them can live to the next reincarnation! 35

Ye An muttered.

As for cruelty?

never mind!

And it's not cruel either.

He gave birth to all sentient beings and set the reincarnation of spiritual energy recovery!

Then everything is doomed.

Why do these races have to be immortal?

He can give these races the opportunity and power to become gods.

Will suffice!


"I've got to set an end place!

"All gods must belong after death!

"The laws of their lives will also be mine! 35

"Until these laws are enough to breed the power that allows me to break through the universe!"

Ye An muttered.

This is a world doomed to collapse.

He opens up new worlds, sets Reiki revival, and more.

It's just keeping the world alive.

The reason is to procrastinate.

Find a way out.

Look now.

This is the way out.

Because the universe is sick.

If you want to be completely cured, there is probably nothing you can do.

But when you break through the limits of the universe.


Whether it's healing.

Or... reshape the universe!

I guess it doesn't matter!

"I give you life and deprive you of your laws!

"This is the truth!"

"No one is reversible! 99

Ye An said softly.

As if announcing something.

next moment.

His voice turned into pure power and spread out into the universe.

All life is unaware of any change.


The world just changed.

Because the laws of the universe have changed!

In the future, there may be people who can perceive this.

Maybe try to resist him.

But to Ye An, it doesn't matter.

If you are like this, if you can be resisted successfully.

That's a great opponent!

As for now!

Ye An has set the final place.

If we say that the extreme state of life is the end of life and the place of reincarnation.

Then the final place.

It is the tomb of the gods!

"Look, I don't know how long it will take until the moment of success!

Ye An muttered.

Then lay down again.

Close your eyes.

fell into a deep sleep.

For him, the long wait was meaningless.

Why don't you just fall asleep.

Wake up.

Things are done.

It's all too happy.


What Ye An didn't expect was.

Soon after.

There are really lives that are starting to rebel against him!

And not just one, not two!

with the advancement of time.

more and more!

Curse his existence, and more and more.

until a certain moment.

His authority to create the world was also severely affected...

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