Li Family Old Ancestor looked empty and his body was slowly tilting forward. Hey, he fell to the ground and raised dust from the ground.

There was a blood stain on his vest, which quickly widened the entire back and there was no more anger.

8 Dharma Creation King, hey!

The whole audience is silent, even the breathing is suppressed, and there is only one infinite sword left in everyone’s mind.

The sword seemed to be lightning-fast, brightening their minds, letting them suddenly broaden their horizons, and even more doubts about the supreme gods. Why did they so fear and believe in the gods?

why? There is always a reason for this!

After a while, a path of breathing sounded again and became very rushing.

“Li Family Old Ancestor is dead!”

“It’s really dead!”

“Hahaha, this villain is finally dead!”

“The one who offends the majesty of the gods will die!”

Everyone is cheering, long-awaited, their suspicions are only a matter of moments, immediately blaming the failure of Li Family Old Ancestor on the contrary, otherwise how could Sublimation Emperor play 8 Dharma Creation? King?

It must be the possession of the supreme god, helping Zhou Heng to win!

Zhou Heng quietly puts Black Sword off, Soaring Heaven Nine Forms has exhausted all his spiritual power, and his current combat power is only the strength of Sublimation King Rank, which Sublimation King can with no difficulty Beat him or even kill him!

Although he has just removed the Immortal Domain evil, he does not think that everyone will respect him as a hero, and certainly many ambitious families will regard him as a nail!

Because, he even killed 8 Dharma Creation King!

If he reveals his strong in appearance but weak in reality, someone will attack him.

Fortunately, he also has Violetflame Sky Dragon, which has nothing to do with spirituality and belongs to the level of consciousness. Even if the Sublimation Emperor made a mistake, he could use the Violetflame Sky Dragon to shock the other side. Just like the Huotian, anyone who enters her 30 feet will only have a copy!

However, he can only conquer the Sublimation Emperor now, and the Creation King, which is higher than a great realm, can only slightly affect it.

So he must not let Miao Family Old Ancestor and other four people see what it is.

He walked to the side of Li Family Old Ancestor and took out the half of the jade symbol collected by the other party and received it. He swept the crowd with a gaze, one after another, and everyone was swept away by his eyes, and he turned his head down.

This is the first to be able to stifle the existence of 8 Dharma Creation King, the well-deserved Immortal Domain!

Zhou Heng strode forward and was stunned by his eyes. Who dares to follow?

When he came to a no-man’s land, he quickly entered the Xianju, and immediately took out the stone to take refining. The most urgent task was to restore his combat power.

After four days, he finally restored his spiritual power to the original, and then began to refine the life of the Black Sword.

The more realm is, the slower it is to rely on refining life to enhance spiritual accumulation. It doesn’t really matter to kill someone – even an 8 Dharma Creation King.

After he went to see the four women of Red Dragon Sovereigness, he moved away from Xianju.

The time spent here is long enough, and he can’t wait to leave.

The four-day period was not enough to restore the damage caused by Li Family Old Ancestor a few days ago. It was all overwhelming, and there were not many people cleaning up the ruins, and the level was low.

Zhou Heng called a Sunshine King and asked that most of the masters went to the encirclement of the Li Family ancestral home!

In fact, after Li Family died of the 8 Dharma Creation King, the family even the Sublimation Emperor couldn’t find one. In fact, it could no longer be called a giant. However, the land they occupied is in the same place. So many people killed in the past and nominally annihilated the embers. In fact, they all took a share of the pie and took advantage of it.

Zhou Heng believes that even if he has been sitting all the time, when Li Family is completely destroyed, his benefits will still be sent by a lot of people, and it is still the most big head.

– Li Family Old Ancestor is what he killed, who dares to ignore his existence?

However, Zhou Heng is just passing by, his only idea now is to leave.

He went directly to the place where he collected the other half of the symbol.

Here… a heavy bloody smell!

This is a place of ban, it will be opened every few thousand years, and if you want to open it in advance, there is no way, it is blood sacrifice! The stronger the ban, the greater the scale of the blood sacrifice required!

At least a few thousand people have died here!

Zhou Heng is only slightly sensitive, and can discern thousands of different blood scent.

Li Family Old Ancestor is really a butcher, but in the eyes of most high-ranking Warrior, what does the normal Warrior’s life count?

The half of the jade is in a transparent crystal hood, but it is not lying quietly, but floating in it, there is an inexplicable halo.

Zhou Heng tried to open the cover, but in fact it proved that even Li Family Old Ancestor can only use the blood sacrifice technique, which shows how strong the crystal cover is.

However, Zhou Heng will never use any blood sacrifice technique, but he also has Black Sword!

Hey, Black Sword sacrificed, his mind was moving, and the Five Elements rune was attached to the sword.

Nebula Sword Art, hey!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

He has a sword and a formidable power terrifying matchless. It is that Creation King does not dodge and eats directly. It must be split into two pieces! As he continued to sway, the crystal cover also had a path of spider-like cracks.

But before Zhou Heng is happy, this crystal cover has a powerful repairing ability, and the crack will soon disappear automatically.


Zhou Heng stopped the sword. In theory, this cover can only be opened once every thousand years. However, before being sacrificed by blood, it will definitely reduce the year greatly. It may be five hundred years, maybe only one hundred years.

Zhou Heng can’t wait for such a long time.

This cover will self-recover, so it is impossible to smash it by the sustained surname. It is necessary to break out the arrogant force in an instant to break the cover.

So, only Soaring Heaven Nine Forms.

Got it!

Zhou Heng was calm and calm, and the heart of the sword of Soaring Heaven Nine Forms slammed out.

Card, Kakaka!

There was a thick and long crack on the crystal cover, which quickly spread toward both sides. After a round, it joined at the other end, slamming and the cover was broken!


Zhou Heng quickly took out the half-sacred sacred symbol, and he couldn’t take care of it at the same time. He quickly entered the Xianju and continued to restore his spiritual power.


Four days later, Zhou Heng opened his eyes and his body was full of energy, and he returned to his best again.

Without rushing to leave Xianju, he took out two pieces of jade.


The two jade characters were absorbed by themselves, and the brilliance of a red blood seemed to overflow with blood, but when Zhou Heng pointed out a touch, the two jade characters were perfectly integrated. Less than a trace of cracks.

Fixed it!

Zhou Heng took a close look at the jade, and saw that the two sides of the jade have a circular pattern. It can be said that the red dragonfly can also be said to be a full moon, or even anything related to the circular shape.

Forget it, what is he like? He just wants to leave here now.

Zhou Heng strode out, but after a while, I saw a few daoist silhouettes are flying, it is the four major Creation Kings such as Miao Family Old Ancestor, and some Sublimation Emperor, they are probably waiting Hold him, otherwise it is impossible for him to run over when he appears.

“Little friends, how about finding a place to talk about?” Qiao Family Old Ancestor said that his offspring and his rivals a few years ago are unclear, which is almost so angry that he can vomit blood, but time can heal everything, now Li Family Old Ancestor hangs up, and he also shuts Qiao Qingqing into the family’s affliction, so she can reflect on it.

Zhou Heng faintly smiled, said: “Not good, I don’t have time!”

“Little Friends, Li Family’s Interests –” Miao Family Old Ancestor takes a step forward.

Now Li Family’s power has been completely cleared, it is time to divide the cake. Zhou Heng, who can make the most credit, how can other people dare to divide if they don’t cut out one piece first?

Although they have already reserved the largest piece for Zhou Heng, can Zhou Heng be dissatisfied?

This lord can even kill the horror of 8 Dharma Creation King, who dares to dissatisfy him!

Zhou Heng frowned, said: “This is your business, what is it with me?”

Everyone looks at each other in dismay.

The more Zhou Heng does not care, the more embarrassing they are, what should they give to Zhou Heng? Less, they are afraid, and even more afraid of Zhou Heng dissatisfaction, can give too much, they also hurt!

It’s dead!

You can’t make a message with elderly?

Zhou Heng, who was in the mood to take care of them, strode forward, and soon came under Sacred Mountain, and there was a ban on the front.


This guy is going to Sacred Mountain?

Everyone is embarrassed, Sacred Mountain is not tolerant, but who can stop Zhou Heng?

Zhou Heng took out the sacred character and stepped forward. In a brilliance, he was shrouded in blood-red rays of light and entered the area of ​​Sacred Mountain.

Now, it is impossible for others to want to stop!

I hope the gods don’t blame!

Zhou Heng was in a hurry and walked all the way. After more than an hour, he came to the end of the last time, before the spring pool. However, the mask that came out of this jade was still strong, and he did not feel any pressure to protect him.

Up and up!

After striding for a long walk, after a full day, Yu Fu suddenly stunned and no longer issued any rays of light.


Zhou Heng just raised this idea, but immediately found that there was no heavy pressure on all around, and he was instantly squeezed into a patties.

– Here, like the foot of the mountain, there is no prohibition!

Zhou Heng quickly observed the environment here.

Qingshan Green water, the environment can be said to be beautiful, and more importantly, the Spiritual Qi here is very rich enough to support the breakthrough of Creation King, Creation Sovereign and even Creation Emperor.

That’s it! It must be this!

Zhou Heng is darkly nodded, and there must be a Monster Beast of Creation Boundary, which will be sprayed out of the mysterious hole. (To be continued.)

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