“Children, old man is more and more curious about you!” Li Family Old Ancestor came over with a sword, while his left hand explored, the horrible spiritual power turned into a mountain, and went to Zhou Heng.

“Old guy, don’t be a child, be careful, I will smoke your mouth!” Zhou Heng coldly snorted, left fist hit, golden’s fist strength shines, right hand Black Sword, Five Elements rune attached to no stronghold one cannot In the overcome word qi, forcibly smashed the blockade of Li Family Old Ancestor.

“The mouth of the child, but also dare with the old man impudent!” Li Family Old Ancestor left hand to draw a circle, formed a green aura, he swayed his left arm, this aura immediately caged toward Zhou Heng.

When this Guanghua was launched, it spreads, and the vines that gave birth to a path of green suddenly entangled his legs before Zhou Heng had time to react.

“Small friends are careful, this is Li Family’s scholastic ‘vine branch exhibition’, it is difficult to get out after being wrapped up!” Miao Family Old Ancestor yelled.

Don’t you think it’s too late?

Zhou Heng also knows that the other person, because Li Family Old Ancestor is now 8 Dharma Creation King, is not the person Miao Family Old Ancestor knows, running secrets is much faster than imagined!

And he doesn’t have time to talk to Miao Family Old Ancestor anymore, Black Sword runs, and slash qi, cut off a path of vines and quickly get out.

“Hahaha, how long can you stop!” Li Family Old Ancestor re-applied, left raised hand, another green light spread out, countless vines, madly scrolling toward Zhou Heng.

He is the 8 Dharma Sublimation Emperor. It is far superior to Zhou Heng in terms of strength and spiritual power. Even if Zhou Heng has made a defense in advance, it is useless. Lived in the heel.

The difference is that the number is a little less.

When Zhou Heng cut off the vines, Li Family Old Ancestor was flying in the air, and the long sword in his hand swayed high and smashed toward Zhou Heng’s lower abdomen.

If this sword is really right, Zhou Heng will definitely be hit hard, that is, it will not die, but the long sword is stained with Black Sword’s sword qi, which has terrible destructive power and can make Zhou Heng lose all resistance in an instant. ability.

And Li Family Old Ancestor can read the sword of Zhou Heng and then add a sword and send him to the West.

Brushing, Zhou Heng even out seven swords, has cut off the vines wrapped around his feet, but Li Family Old Ancestor also killed, long sword smashed!


How do you hide this sword?

Everyone is lamenting in their hearts, 8 Dharma Creation King after all is 8 Dharma Creation King, the gap is too big! Zhou Heng has been able to support it now, but it is not easy to win.

However, even if Zhou Heng falls, who can stop the madness of Li Family Old Ancestor?

If it really angers the Holy Spirit, then she will drop the punishment, and the entire Immortal Domain will suffer!


At this moment, Zhou Heng suddenly released its own momentum, a purple Sky Dragon raging in the sky!

The action of Li Family Old Ancestor suddenly lags!

For Zhou Heng, this is enough!

Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step unfolds, Zhou Heng is lightning fast, and a sword is smashing!

Hey, a bloody splash!

Zhou Heng’s figure slid across, like a flap, gently stopped.

On the left arm of Li Family Old Ancestor, the blood quickly stained his sleeves. His face was full of horror. The strength of the pros and cons was too fast, so he couldn’t accept it!

Not only is he stunned, but everyone else is also the same. Who can think that Zhou Heng, who is just in absolute disadvantage, can make a big turn, and a sword has cut Li Family Old Ancestor!

The key is on the angry Violet Sky Dragon!

Everyone’s eyes were concentrated on Zhou Heng’s screaming Sky Dragon, because Zhou Heng controlled all the momentum to Li Family Old Ancestor, and everyone else felt nothing.

But they looked at the roaring Sky Dragon, and there was still a feeling of inner fear and uneasiness. It seemed that they could faint at any time.

Here, the environment of the heavens and the earth makes it impossible to get out of the Martial King. Warrior, who has only been a high-realm, has oppressed the low-ranking Warrior with momentum, and has never heard of it with realm Warrior!

Now it is even worse, Zhou Heng’s momentum is not the same as Realm’s Warrior, but a realm higher than him, and a great realm Immortal Domain is the strongest!

How does this make people believe?


The aftermath was still raging, and the impact of a piece of masonry shook down, but everyone was stupid, only knowing that Zhou Heng was staring at him, and even a few people were smashed by the stones that fell from the heights. Nothing.

Li Family Old Ancestor Rong Sensen cold, he shot a large piece of meat on his arm, a bloody spray, but immediately stopped.

– Black Sword’s sword qi has a terrifying ruined surname, and it’s okay to dig this piece of meat.

“Good! Good! Good!” Li Family Old Ancestor whispered in the eyes, and the murderous aura in his heart was boiling to the extreme.

Dignified 8 Dharma Creation King, the strongest presence of Immortal Domain, was actually injured twice by a junior, which is a huge blow to his invincible confidence after the breakthrough!

The former hatred of new hate is added together, so that his murderous aura is boiling.

Zhou Heng is a sword, and 8 Dharma Creation King is really difficult to deal with!

Originally his momentum was enough to affect the Warrior that was higher than a realm… Unfortunately, it was a small realm, not a great realm, so even if Zhou Heng was converging his own momentum into a line, the Li Family Old Ancestor only let the other side Slightly startled that’s all.

If the time can be longer, the sword he just cut can be cut to the head and neck of Li Family Old Ancestor or stabbed to the chest, ending the battle directly, instead of being slightly dodged by the other party at the crucial moment.

“What other means do you have?” Li Family Old Ancestor had a left-handed circle and was covered with vines. He strode past, and the vines were letting them open, forming a passage that was extremely strange.

He murderous aura, under the spiritual perfusion, the long sword also flashed with glaring rays of light.

Zhou Heng laughed heartily, playing Black Sword with a sword flower, said: “My means are more, old guy, today is your death!”

Li Family Old Ancestor wants to kill him to avenge his clansman, and to take a peek into the outside world; and he also has to capture the half of the jade in the other hand, the two are inconsistent contradictions, must have a person fall !

“Small mouth, only a sharp tooth!” Li Family Old Ancestor stepped forward, long sword swayed, and launched an attack again.

As a pioneer, Ivy has rushed to Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng loudly shouted, hey, he is full of Five Elements rune, hey, he is out of shape, and the green vines are broken apart. He walks on the Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step, which is like a streamer. , Nebula Sword Art unfolds, black sword qi dances.

Running the Five Elements rune is a big drain for him, so he usually only runs a Five Elements rune, not as densely as he is now. But the effect is also surprisingly obvious. He is strong and can break everything.


Li Family Old Ancestor was a slight stagnation. He didn’t think that Zhou Heng suddenly had a strong position, but he could not be affected by his mystery! At this time, Violetflame Sky Dragon was another impact, and his figure was again.


There was a bloody flower on his shoulder!

It was stabbed again!

Li Family Old Ancestor can no longer maintain a calm expression, his face is like a ghost, he now can’t wait to drink Zhou Heng’s blood!

Actually dare to hurt him again and again in front of everyone!

Obviously just a small Sublimation Emperor, why not die well?

What is so good toss? What are you struggling with?

Others are all in a state of dementia, they can’t understand! But their hearts have raised strong hopes, Zhou Heng… really can win!

“But so!” Zhou Heng stood up with the sword, Black Sword did not touch a trace of blood, his tone was dull, as if the opponent in front of him is not a Creation King, but a cat.

Li Family Old Ancestor took a deep breath, hehe, he rushed to the sky with white hair, hunting and dancing, weng! weng! weng! His within the body also released the power of terror, The ground of the earthquake is shaking.

He was really angry and mad, killing Zhou Heng’s heart as a flame straight into the sky, but after all he is Creation King, the more the anger is more and more invisible, but the emotional fluctuations are still reflected in the body.

Hu! hu! hu!

a path of whirlwind hovering around his body, which is mixed with silt and gravel, forming a road oolong, so that others can not see his current appearance. But occasionally a piece of sand and stone pops up and hits someone else’s body, and you can immediately hear the screams.

This is an attack by 8 Dharma Creation King. Except for the Miao Family Old Ancestor, the four people can defend it. Others have come to see that the body is directly pierced through a hole!

The old guy launched the ultimate fighting power!

Zhou Heng also took a long breath, and the emotions calmed down in an instant, without waves.

The sword of Soaring Heaven Nine Forms is flowing in his heart, and he has to launch the strongest blow! Now Li Family Old Ancestor is in a mess, it is the time to make a critical strike, otherwise it will be backhanded by the opponent before the death, 8 Dharma Creation King’s combat power is enough to drag Zhou Heng perish together.

“Give the old man to death!” In the whirlwind, Li Family Old Ancestor was stunned and loudly shouted, and his body was fluttering under the whirlwind, and his body was very different.

Zhou Heng is standing still, he is waiting.

“Death -” Li Family Old Ancestor killed!


Violetflame Sky Dragon is launched!

Li Family Old Ancestor suddenly made a move, just like his vines, Zhou Heng was prepared to be difficult to dodge. This kind of momentum shocked him even if he had preparedness and still had to be affected, but this time became more short.

What Zhou Heng needs is just a moment.

Soaring Heaven Nine Forms, out!

The whole world was instantly darkened, and a broken sword that was darker than the night was a very fast flight, which led to the spiraling of the nebula, the disillusionment of Star, the birth of the universe, and the explosion.

In the scorpion of Li Family Old Ancestor, the shadow of the black broken sword is magnified!


Blood is on the rise, Zhou Heng’s silhouette has appeared in the Li zhang Old Ancestor behind the ten zhang, Black Sword’s broken blade rolled a drop of blood, instantly restored the darkness of the original. (To be continued.)

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