Zhou Heng is not daring. There may be Creation Sovereign and even the Creation Emperor Monster Beast. His current strength is not enough.

Moreover, the place itself is extremely eccentric, and there is a supreme god who does not know whether to die or die.

He didn’t dare to release the Red Dragon Sovereigness. If he met the Monster Beast at the Creation Sovereign level, he didn’t have the ability to protect them.

A piece of Qingshan green water, like the Immortal Boundary.

I have to say that the environment here is very beautiful. There are fruit trees that can’t be named, and one after another bright fruit, just pick one to eat, sweet and incomparable, with a powerful Spiritual Qi.

Unfortunately, it is not a holy drug level.

Of course, the so-called holy medicines have different definitions at different levels. If such a fruit is taken to Mortal Realm, it is definitely the top holy medicine. The fact that he took the holy medicine before taking Bright Realm is estimated to be no different from the present fruit.

Different levels and different values.

Mortal Realm uses spiral stone and Immortal Realm with Sengshi, but it doesn’t know what Bright Realm’s resources are.

…Sky Profound Spirit Crystal?

I don’t know what happened. Zhou Heng suddenly thought of this mysterious resource. It was a rare planet that was born after a few 1 billion years and millions of years. It is absolutely precious.

In fact, there is no spirit stone, and Xianshi is not incapable of **, that is, the speed is slower, and if it is assisted by spirit medicine, the speed will not be slower, but it will be improved.

It’s just that the number of spirit medicine is too small. If everyone wants to rely on spiritual medicine, it is simply in short supply.

Zhou Heng continued to go to the mountains while thinking.

A few hours later, he saw a huge mountain Monster Beast, emitting the fierce flame of Creation Sovereign, terrifying matchless! In fact, its shape is terrifying, and the skin like heavy armor makes Zhou Heng suspect that he is out of Soaring Heaven Nine Forms.

Monster Beast doesn’t use all kinds of martial arts like humans, but they are blessed with terrifying ** in their lifetime, which is enough to make up for the gap between them and Warrior.

This kind of battle is meaningless, Zhou Heng carefully avoids it, and the Monster Beast is also lazy to sleep on the ground, it seems to also disregard Zhou Heng.

After another hour, he met a huge cockroach. Golden’s arm knife instantly smashed the head of a White Tiger and was gorge oneself.

Both are Peak Creation Sovereign!

The enchanting cockroach is eating happily, and does not care about Zhou Heng, as if this little bit does not fill the stomach, it is disinclined to pay attention.

Bishui Buffalo, Chilian Shuangtou, Red Wolf… Zhou Heng saw a lot of Monster Beast, and any one down the mountain could completely destroy the entire Immortal Domain. And as he stepped up, the level of this Monster Beast is also improving, and the emergence of Creation Emperor is the strongest!

Zhou Heng is a thin ice, encountering Creation Emperor Monster Beast. He has no choice but to escape now!

This mountain is too high!

Zhou Heng has been working for three days and three nights, but still has not climbed to the top.

Unfortunately, on the fourth day, he hit a Nine-Eyed Spider who was foraging. It was 6 Dharma Creation Emperor and immediately pursued him! Fortunately, it wasn’t long before I met another red gold eagle foraging. The Monster Beast of the two Creation Emperor hit it and gave Zhou Heng a chance to get out.

It’s too bully. I just called the king in Immortal Domain. I can only run away if I run here!

Zhou Heng sighed, who made this all the existence of Creation Boundary, on the Creation King, he spelled out Soaring Heaven IX and had a chance of winning, but he was powerless when he encountered a higher level of existence.

– The gap in realm is there!

He used the Five Elements rune to cover his breath, carefully and carefully, as if he was stealth, moving forward toward the top of the mountain.

After seven days, he finally saw the top of the mountain!


A bloody brilliance rushes into the sky, and then an inexplicable wave of undulations, there is a kind of awe that people start from the bottom of my heart. Black Sword was slightly shocked in Dantian to resolve this wave.

It’s coming!

Is there a supreme god above?

And… the pieces of Black Sword!

Zhou Heng is more careful, he does not want to be born outside this time.

However, although he saw the top of the mountain, but the distance is still far away, and after half a day, he finally climbed to the absolute.

This mountain is very flat.

Like the Martial Fighting Stage, this is a huge platform, but in the middle is a bloody pool.

Hey, Black Sword trembles and points to the blood pool.

Will Black Sword shards be there?

Zhou Heng First, after observing the environment around all, this jumped out. After several landings, it was already on the edge of the blood pool.

He looked into the blood pool, but he saw not a reflection, but a World!


His head was shocked, and there were countless pictures in the sea. It was the life of countless people in the Mortal Realm Immortal Domain. It could be poured into his mind at the same moment but it was not affordable for him!

“Ah——!” Zhou Heng was half-baked by the pool and made a painful **.

It took me a little more than ten minutes to recover, and his face was unclear.

At that moment, he saw countless happy life, but also saw countless tragedies, making him seem to have experienced endless years, let him give birth to a sense of vicissitudes of the soul.

This is simply a magic pool!

Black Sword fragmentation should be at the bottom of the pool, not taken?

Zhou Heng shook his head, how can this be done! He took out Black Sword and sneaked into the pool, trying to get the treasure to attract the broken part of his own, but he… thought more!

The pool is quiet and there is no response!

Black Sword is only so long, it’s not going to end!

Zhou Heng bit his teeth and sneaked his left hand into the pool. Hey, a sigh of relief passed from his finger.


At this moment, the whole pool suddenly boiled up, and the waves seemed to boil. He quickly reached out and made a warning, but he immediately discovered that the fluctuation of the pool did not stop because he took back his hand, but continued to boil, and the movement was getting bigger and bigger.

Huh, a vortex forms in the center of the pool, and then swirls faster!


The blood wave rushed into the sky, and the pool water rushed out, and there was no drop of it, but it was creeping, as if forming a special pattern.

Zhou Heng’s figure is retreating, and he can only wait and see what has changed.

Soon, these blood waves formed a circle, like the 1 Round Blood Moon hanging in the sky!

It turns out that the figure on the jade is the full moon of the full moon and blood!

Blood Moon!

Zhou Heng was shocked. He thought of a well-preserved Daoist temple on the Continent of Immortals that crashed into Profound Qian Star. There was a mark of Blood Moon at the door, which ignited Huotian’s big. angry.

After that, the owner of the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion of Profound Qian Star Sky Dragon Imperial Dynasty, Shan Dingkun also has a jade symbol printed with the Blood Moon. The forces across the Xian and Fan are looking for their real Master.

Zhou Heng has always guessed that the true Master of the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is the owner of the Blood Moon imprint, and therefore he does not like the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion.

Now… Is this round of Blood Moon on behalf of the mysterious person?

Hey, a daoist silhouette floats from under the pool. This is a woman dressed in a big red dress. Because of her lying relationship, Zhou Heng can’t see her looks, like a bloody black hair, a black hair like a waterfall!

Her body slowly turned from flat to vertical, her eyes closed, her hands and feet falling, and it seemed to be in a coma, behind her is the 1 Round Blood Moon!

Zhou Heng finally saw her true face!

Beauty is amazing!

Zhou Heng thought that the beauty of Huotian was unique and unmatched. It is hard to have a second woman who can compete with her in this world, but now he has to admit that heaven and earth creation is the most amazing!

This woman’s fullness is comparable to Huotian!

He couldn’t help but be obsessed and looked awkward. After a long time, he didn’t know how long it was. It may be just a moment, and it may take several hours. He completely lost his judgment on time.

This is definitely the death of Huotian, the Master with the Blood Moon imprint!

With the power of the supreme rule and the Blood Moon pattern, Zhou Heng has 100% in mind!

He suddenly killed intent and overflowed!

This is the deadly enemy of Huotian, which may hurt Huotian and even kill Huotian!

What’s beautiful again, what hurts Huotian is his deadly enemy!

How powerful is this enemy… Zhou Heng can’t judge, but it is definitely a series with Huotian, otherwise it can’t be hated by Huotian. How can it make people hate as if the ants bite the elephant? One bit, will the elephant be on the heart?


Zhou Heng is a black Sword, and his most powerful killing is Soaring Heaven Nine Forms!

The sword is flowing, the Five Elements rune is placed on the blade, and Zhou Heng is calm.

This Blood Moon’s daughter may be her worst time at the moment, and this is the best chance to kill her, and perhaps the only chance!


Zhou Heng jumped out, Black Sword trembled, sword qi danced, Soaring Heaven Nine Forms out!


Black Sword stopped at the foot of the Blood Moon’s daughter and couldn’t move forward anymore!

At this moment, Blood Moon’s daughter slowly opened his eyes!

She was shockingly beautiful, but she always lacked agility before her eyes closed. Now her eyes are open, and a pretty face has an incomparable Spiritual Qi, as if a painting has a soul and can live.

Seeing the broken sword close at hand, she suddenly raised a wrath, but immediately she showed a slight surprise, just grabbed it, Black Sword fell into her hands, and Zhou Heng was pressed by her. A palm fell to the ground.

She showed the color of thought, the right hand swayed, and there was a piece of black iron in the palm, which seemed to be a piece of the blade.

That’s right, this is the fragment of Black Sword!

Zhou Heng can sense the joy of Black Sword! What makes him even more weird is that Black Sword has no trace of rejection to this Blood Moon’s daughter, but it shows quite a bit of intimacy!

How is this going?

A glimmer of light flashed, this piece of iron is already integrated with Black Sword, and there is a resounding scent that seems to reintegrate in joy.

“Why do you want to hurt me?” The Blood Moon’s daughter floated in the air and said to Zhou Heng. Although the voice is sweet as a sweet spring, there is a supreme power, and Ultra Creation Emperor, in front of her, even shoes. It is not worth it! (To be continued.)

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