鏋楃窘鏂絟earing what was said 涔熺瑧浜呜捣鏉ワear 鈥滆 绁炲ぉ闱掍箣灏 绁炲ぉ闱掍箣灏 涓岖煡鍙惁锛熸兂鏉 涓岖煡鍙惁锛熸兂鏉 涓岖煡鍙惁锛熸兂鏉 涓岖煡鍙惁锛熸兂鏉 涓岖煡鍙惁锛熸兂鏉 涓岖煡鍙惁锛熸兂鏉 涓岖煡鍙惁锛熸兂鏉 涓岖煡鍙惁锛熸兂鏉 涓岖煡鍙惁锛熸兂鏉 涓岖煡鍙惁锛熸兂鏉 涓岖煡鍙惁锛熸兂鏉 涓岖煡鍙惁锛熸兂鏉 ,鍙€曚篃鐢ㄤ笉涓婃鐗┿€傗€

Vine pile Divine Beast 镄勭毊鑶渕uscles and bones , 鏄粷浣崇鏄粷浣€岄偅浜涘埄鐗 鍒椤彲鐢ㄦ潵sword refining , 姣忎竴棰楃堕 閮 閮 槸鏉愯 槸鏉愯 岶 岶 岶 岶 岶 岶 岶 岶 岶 岶 orbidden Law 浠ヤ笂镄勯槾灞 鍓戙 鍓戙

Therefore, Lin Yu Shi, is not willing to give up.

“It’s not impossible, but you need to make another compensation from other places,”

Zhuang Wudao The slight decapitation, the celestial body of God, is not very useful for the Leaving Dust Palace: “There is still the demon, I want it.”

At the last moment, this god azure still has the meaning of survival, hiding the demon in his own brain, and avoiding being smashed by the sword of extinction.

Although it was not possible to save a death, but this demon, but it is really well preserved.

This kind of genus is a demon, this is in line with the properties of the ink spirit. It is also in the twins and the gloom, the essence is similar to the three-legged crow. This god is azure, although it is only the lower Divine Beast blood vessel, but for the Ink Ling, it is the best but the great complement, which can increase its ability to communicate. Even with its power, in the near future, it will directly impact the fourth-order realm.

Before Zhuang Wudao felt a pity, but also because this flesh and blood does not exist. If it can be preserved well, then he will not hesitate to pay the price of this god-like flesh and blood.

This demon is already what he is determined to have, but Zhuang Wudao is not obvious at all, only this demon is regarded as a head.

Lin Yu Shi gently frowned, just want to refute, but I don’t know how to open it. Look at Yu Yunqin, the person who was the most suitable for arguing. At this moment, he did not pay attention to his gaze, his eyes or shame, or his feelings, or his pain, or his eyes, and he did not know what he was thinking.

Lin Yu Shi guessed that the brains of this younger generation were afraid of being completely like a paste. Suddenly, there will be some regrets. It is no harm to solve the problem of the demon.

“This is the case.”

In a word, Zhuang Wudao looked at the others again, and then looked at the only building here. It was a nine-story pavilion suspended at a height of nine hundred feet.

This pavilion has been damaged, but there is a plaque at the main entrance. Above the plaque, it is a ‘cold day, two slogans.

A few hundred feet away, Zhuang Wudao can sense the scent of the scent in the building.

“From the cold weather? It is here from the cold palace, compared to thirty-three days in the rumor o”

鈥沧湁浣曞ソ濂囨 ︻殑锛熷綋骞 ︻殑锛熷綋骞 ︻殑锛熷綋骞 鎺屾 澶 澶 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 侣 侣 侣 侣 侣 e e e e e e e e e e e e笁鍗佷笁澶 闾d箞灏呜 umbrella reading ,, chain 変綍涓嶅彲锛熶簨瀹炴槸褰撴椂镄勭瀵掑disciple,閮 嚜璁や 鏄鐣屽ぉ搴 镓 镓 帉璇镐粰銆傛垜鍒氭墠缈 帉璇镐粰銆傛垜鍒氭墠缈 槄绂诲瘨瀹竴浣峍 槄绂诲瘨瀹竴浣峍 Refining cultivator 镄刢ultivation 绗旇銆傜煡鏅揿綋镞剁瀵掗棬浜 宸茬粡镊ぇ濡傜妫,纭湁浜嗗湪Heaven 淇晫寤洪犱笁鍗佷笁澶╃殑璁犱笁鍗佷笁澶╃殑璁垝,鍦ㄥ皝鐏典箣鍦 Dress up 殑鍩 涓 鍐岖 鐩婃眰绮 鐩婃眰绮 € 备 cult cult cult cultivator, 寰椾 mutual breakthroughthrough Dao Fusion 澧冩姊忋€傗€

Qin Feng said this, while a silver mirror light flashed on the side of Zhuang Wudao.

“Even even the materials are ready, they are sealed in a secret treasure house on the fourth floor, within the mountain of the four elephant peaks.”

“There is still this thing? This is really -“

Zhuang Wudao 鍙︼镞犺,鍙﹄竴涓皝鐏典箣鍦 灏卞凡涓虹瀵掑鍙潵澶╁ぇ涓氭姤銆 眳鐒跺湪姝や箣澶 杩樻 Classic template board, book end dead end, sect 鐏缑姣笉鍐ゆ瀴銆

As for the treasure house that Qin Feng said, Zhuang Wudao did not even have a trace of greed. I also know that it must not be the present, they can touch.

“Seeing that you are so leisurely, is it that the things in the cold sky building have been cleaned up?”

“How can it be?”

Qin Feng 涓庢滠缇 柦闱 柦闱 (5) 鐩 鐩 鐩         嬫墠鏄 嬫墠鏄 嬫墠鏄 嬫墠鏄 嬫墠鏄 嬫墠鏄 嬫墠鏄 嬫墠鏄 嬫墠鏄 嬫墠鏄 嬫墠鏄 嬫墠鏄 嬫墠鏄澶 浠欓搩濂 幇鍦ㄧ殑鎯呭 幇鍦ㄧ殑鎯呭 涔熸湁浜涗笉瀵 涔熸湁浜涗笉瀵 ty ty ty tyrannical 浣犺 铡荤湅鐪 铡荤湅鐪 鈥

Zhuang Wudao’s brow was slightly twisted, and Yu Yunqin flashed in the air, but between the breath, he entered the building.

鎷净 in Feng 镄勬 娈 杩欓噷镄 or orbidden Law 閮 澶 澶 澶 昆 昆 昆 昆 昆 昆 昆 昆 昆 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸垚濞佽儊銆

The building also looks like the outside, and most of it has been destroyed. Almost everything here has been destroyed, or it’s embrittled into powder, or it’s not broken.

Only the ninth floor is well preserved. Zhuang Wudao appeared on this floor, and then I caught it.

I saw this building, there are three bones, all of which are flesh and blood, leaving only the bones left. One of the plates sits on the ground and the skeleton is slender. It should be the one who was a million years ago. The other body is burly, holding a thick, long knife and the body is upright. Even Zhuang Wudao feels the coldness of the knife and protects the body around the body, making it difficult to get close.

The last one is a black robe old man. Under the body, there are black fog, a thin black coat like a flap, especially eye-catching. Divine light is self-contained, even after millions of years, it is still arrogant.

But what surprised Zhuang Wudao most was Nie Xianling. He is the Junior Sister, who is sitting in front of the Bixi Zhenjun. The treasure is solemn, but the right thumb is in contact with the opposite side of the tourmaline. It seems to be closed to the general, deep thinking, no investigation of foreign objects.

There is no response to the arrival of Zhuang Wudao.

“Shen the bell came shortly after she came in, it was already.”

Another silver mirror of Qin Feng appeared in the building: “I have limited knowledge, and I don’t know what it is. It is good or bad, but I don’t know.

“The old way can guess one or two.”

鏋楃窘鏂 揣闅忓叾钖庤 屾潵锛 屾潵锛 屾潵锛 滆 滆 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑 箮鏄竴绉嶈柂鐏浉浼犵殑欎綅纰ч渼鐪熷悰,涔熸槸绂诲瘨绗洓鍗佷竷浠g殑鏄熸捣鍦eコ銆傛垜鑻ユ槸濂 涓€镙蜂笉浼氱敇蹇冦€傛棤璁哄浣 鍝 曟槸姝讳 曟槸姝讳 閮 閮 閮 閮 ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech ech Key 屽 銆 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇 綘浠琇

At this time, Yu Yunqin couldn’t help but screamed and looked at Biyi Zhenjun and Nie Xianling.

“This is, Xuan Tiangui Tibetan marriage * clothing * Dafa?”

濂薇缑鑺傛硶涓€鑸殑鐜凥eavenly Dao 瀵 瀵圭 被浼浼Cultivation Technique,灏ゅ叾鏁忔劅銆傜vii勭湡钖涙墍鐢ㄤ箣娉 涓庣巹澶╅ 嗙褰掕棌 嗙褰掕棌 chain  寮 寮 € € 笉杩囧嵈涔熸槸瀹炲疄鍦ㄥ湪 鏄巹澶╁綊钘忓珌 鏄巹澶╁綊钘忓珌 鏄巹澶╁綊钘忓珌 鏄巹澶╁綊钘忓珌 鏄巹澶╁綊钘忓珌琛 澶ф硶lineage 镄勭 chain

Lin Yu couldn’t help but look at Nie Xianling’s gaze, even more envious. However, there is nothing to regret and regret. At that time, even if he first entered the building, the kind of the road that Bixi Zhenjun left was not with him.

It is only possible to be inspired if the Constitution is close to the Cold Palace and the Cultural Technique is similar to the Bibi Zhenjun.

Otherwise, the first to get this fairy, is the Tibetan mirror one step earlier, not Nie Xianling. Everything here is like a birth, born for this woman.

The tourmaline of the tourmaline, waiting for a million hours, is waiting for the arrival of Nie Xianling. This word can’t be forced.

“This is not a mysterious Heavenly Dao species -“

Zhuang Wudao is a hand-cranked, slightly headache. He is also regretting at this moment. At that time, he should handle the seventh layer properly, and then deal with the hidden knowledge of Yu Yunqin.

Otherwise, Nie Xianling will never be allowed to inherit the tourmaline. It’s not that bad. On the contrary, Nie Xianling’s great benefit has surpassed anyone present at the moment.

However, in this world, there is no white pie. The recipient’s great gift will also bear great cause and effect.

Just as the ritual body becomes a ladder, help him ascending to the heavens in a single leap. Then Zhuang Wudao must end the wish of the festival in any case.

Is the karma newspaper from the Cold Heaven Palace so good? If you are not careful, you may be crushed to the bones.

铡熸湰浠栫殑金撶畻,鏄Qin Feng 涓嶯ie Xianling,镞ュ悗涓虹瀵掑ぉ瀹湪浠栫晫浼犱笅涓瀵掑ぉ瀹湪浠栫晫浼犱笅涓绾绾缁缁灏灏笌杩欎 锏 锏 锏 竾骞 竾骞 , ect, pot hydrogen kettle 浜嗙粨銆

But now, it is entangled and involved, and it is completely unclear.

“Is not it?”

Yu Yunqin was puzzled for a while, and she was able to sense that it was similar to Xuan Tiangui’s gas.

鈥滈偅鍙堟槸浣昑echique 锛熶笌鐜凥eavenly Dao 濂 敓鐩镐 敓鐩镐 敓鐩镐

鈥滃叾瀹炰篃绠楄伞纭疄鏄嚭镊﹄簬瀚 琛 澶ф硶镄刲ineage 鍒嗘敮,缁揿悎浣涢棬镄勭亴椤朵箣 chain傗€

The words spoken by Zhuang Wudao are completely confusing. When the voice fell, I turned to look at Lin Yushi: “Since you know this sword, there is a sword, you Scarlet Yang City, don’t you feel afraid of it?”

When talking about this matter, Yu Yunqin felt a cool heart, and Zhuang Wudao was talking about the thoughts of Scarlet Yang City. 20,000 miles away is the site of the cold. From the cold palace, it is the power of the world, the highest level of returning Origin, and even the supply of Qi and blood, can go straight into the gods of the immortal sword.

Scarlet Yang City Up and down, who is not timid?

When I accidentally let the sword run out of the cold palace, Scarlet Yang City immediately became a disaster. Even if this sword is still safe, follow the instinct and guard the Heavenly Palace. If there is an opponent’s deliberate intention, want to break away from the cold heaven palace, and take this sword out of the cold palace, then what?

The possibility is not great, unless the opponent has enough confidence to escape from the catastrophe.

But it’s not a problem, Scarlet Yang City is calm on the surface, and does not put the threat of this sword on the mind. Recently, there have been many people in the door who have proposed to move elsewhere. Scarlet Yang City has been operating for thousands of years, but it can be abandoned.

For many Scarlet Yang City cultivators, this sword exists, just like a sharp and sharp blade, hanging from the top of the cold palace, it is difficult to peace of mind.

“There are some threats, but for the time being, the feathers of the Senior Brother. He has the spirit of Bixia Zhenjun. Even if this god is extinct, Scarlet Yang City should be safe.”

In fact, the soul of Bixia Zhenjun cannot be guaranteed. If you can really hold back the gods, Scarlet Yang City will not let the treasure house of the Cold Heaven Palace not take it.

However, Lin Yu Shi is not exposed, has been faintly aware of the true intention of Zhuang Wudao.

“As for the future, my Scarlet Yang City is also planning a perfect solution.”

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but laugh: “I don’t know. In addition to being a strong person in the world of Returning Origin, who else can defend this sword?”

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