“I don’t know, in this world, besides being the strongman of Returning Origin, who can prevent this sword?”

Seeing that Lin Yu Shi was awkward, Yu Yunqin wanted to say something, but it was nothing more than a smashing sword. The whole world of Heaven was catastrophic, and Scarlet Yang City was not alone. Zhuang Wudao shook his head slightly and said directly: “I have a way to solve this sacred sword, but I need Scarlet Yang City to cooperate and sacrifice.”

“What does Zhuang Zhenren mean?”

Lin Yu Shi has realized that he has thoroughly understood: “This tourmaline is true, it is not a truly complete mysterious Heavenly Dao species. The real kind of Tao is actually a sword with the gods. ?”

At that time, the tourmaline, where there was enough leisure and True Origin, completed the complete Xuan Tiangui Tibetan marriage * clothing * Dafa, I am afraid that I have never really practiced this merit.

However, this Dao Fusion is really a high-profile person named Heaven. In a short period of time, he thought of returning Xuan Tian to the gods, and merged with the gods to extigate Dafa.

With the latter, the mysterious Heavenly Dao species is completed.

“It turns out that the purpose of the tyrannical Senior Brother is for the war of the true king of Bixi?”

Yu Yunqin also awakened, his eyes were complicated, and he took a look at Zhuang Wudao. This guy is really cunning.

Going around is actually trying to figure out the possession of Father.

With Nie Xianling’s cultivation base, it is naturally impossible to conquer the gods and extinction swords. Even if one day, this woman is also in the realm of the Primordial Spirit.

If you add the soul of the tourmaline true king, then the situation is very different. The bones, the soul of the war, the gods and the swords of extinction, between the three, after all, there is a certain connection, which originates from the same true spirit.

This guy, loves Nie Xianling very much, and is so painstakingly planning for it.

——Conquered the gods and extinct swords, Nie Xianling not only can get the complete mysterious Heavenly Dao species, but also gain merits and resolve the cause and effect report that inherits the inheritance of the cold palace. With the benefits of greatness, but not to bear the consequences, Scarlet Yang City, from now on, can rest easy.

This is a benefit for both parties. It seems that Leaving Dust Palace is looking at the allies. Is it intended to help the Red Man and resolve this catastrophe?

Before she was ridiculous, she was still infatuated with this guy. Thinking of hate, Yu Yunqin used a fingertip and slammed it in Zhuang Wudao’s palm.

“So, there are some opportunities to resolve this robbery.”

Having said that, Lin Yu’s face is awkward: “But now I’m Scarlet Yang City, it’s all because of the spirit of the tourmaline, you can suppress the sect, the northern scorpion. Let people be. Unless there is something worthwhile to exchange, the real person can say something.”

“Lin Zhenren is laughing.”

Zhuang Wudao Lip twitching, the same value as the tourmaline true spirit? There is something in this world, Yunyang stone is one kind, but where is he willing to come up? There is no such right.

“I said that you have relied on Bijie Zhenjun to suppress sect, but this is over? Without this war, you have not seen Scarlet Yang City collapsed, nor lost to the three holy sects. As far as I know, You have several means, and the ability to bless, is not under the soul of war.”

This means of increasing the power of several times is not only in Scarlet Yang City, but also in the Leaving Dust Palace. As far as he knows, there are at least two Techiques in the door, which can be compared with the one called “Zijin Qibao Hualian”. One of them is the legacy of Xuan Xiaozhen. Unfortunately, when used, there are too many restrictions. Like those who need to gather incense to believe, it often takes hundreds of thousands of years to accumulate.

Even the Xuantian reversal of the cultivating of the real cultivation may be the sect Senior’s attempt to suppress the sect Destiny’s Dafa.

However, the beauty of the soul of the war is far from the comparison of these means. The light is very small after use, and it is far superior to most of the similar techniques. In addition, it is not easy to wear out, and help the host comprehend the ability to improve the kendo technique, relatively more abundant usage and so on –

Like the one of the ‘Zi Jin Qi Bao Hua Lian, after one use, it needs to be sent back to the temple to re-culture, after a few hundred years, can be used again.

And the call of the soul, although it depends on the degree of opportunity and the soul, but there is still a chance to pass on the descendants,

Changed to him is Yu Xuxuan, and will not give up easily.

“This is not bad, but my Scarlet Yang City has fought against the Three Holy Sepulchers over the years. There are not many such secrets.”

Lin Yu gave a bitter smile, this is not a complaint of bargaining, but now Scarlet Yang City, it is indeed a situation of embarrassment.

It is impossible for Chiyin to live in the southeast, and it is impossible to be as rich as the Three Sacred. If the situation under the door is indeed not good, there will not be so many people at the beginning, and the intention of withdrawing from the Central Plains will be saved.

But these people don’t understand, Scarlet Yang City did not retreat at the time, continue to support the Central Plains spoiler, there is still a line of life. If it is retired, it means that the enemy is weak, but within a few decades, there will be a disaster.

The three holy sects, is it only the Yuanyuan Temple, staring at the southeastern land?

“I can’t dispose of this matter, and Rong Lin confessed to the Senior Brother. After the agreement in the door, how can I reply to the real person?”

In the language, there is not much sincerity. He does not have such kindness. So refreshingly, he will add another Leathing Dust to the top ten who can enter the top ten.

How strong is the sword of extinction? No one can handle the whole Heaven. The soul of Returning Origin also made Yu Xuxuan stand out among the top people in the world. The Three Holy Suns of the Central Plains have never dared to look at Xichuan.

And Bixi Zhenjun itself is the strongest person standing at the peak of the cultivator millions of years ago.

The combination of the three, even if Nie Xianling only gets the strength of one of the best, can also be included in the Heaven practice, the example of the strongest.

If the Leaving Dust Palace can’t come up with any substantial good things and sincerity, Scarlet Yang City can’t be so easy.

But no matter what the final result, he has already set a point. After this trip, Scarlet Yang City needs to find the alternative to ‘Bixi Zhenjun.’

“Let Lin Yiyi’s words, please also ask Scarlet Yang City, give me a reply as soon as possible.”

Zhuang Wudao hearing what was said 绗戜 绗 骞 骞 湭鍑 鍐嶅姖銆 鍐嶅姖銆 鍐嶅姖銆 鍐嶅姖銆 car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car car鍑嗗鍑嗗屽凡,娌°C墦绠楃湡姝f眰寰椼€

In the first place, there is really no suitable chip exchange. Secondly, it is not the right time. Only Scarlet Yang City has a day when it feels a crisis because of the extinction of the sword. It is the time when it can really bargain.

Third, Nie Xianling is not used for the time being. The legacy of the tour of Bixi Zhenjun, the best time to inherit, should be when Nie Xianling first entered the Primordial Spirit.

闾d 镞跺 杩椤嚑镙 杩椤嚑镙 杩椤嚑镙 笢瑗 ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie ie 夊啿鍑籚 夊啿鍑籚 夊啿鍑籚 夊啿鍑籚 夊啿鍑籚 夊啿鍑籚 夊啿鍑籚 夊啿鍑籚 Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re

Then Zhuang Wudao, looking like a smile, Nie Xianling took a look.

“Bixi Zhenjun, even if it is with the god of the azure corpse?”

“Does the real person laugh? This is the mysterious Heavenly Dao species. Is the god of the azure sacred precious? Can you offset it?”

“It’s just a ruined mysterious Heavenly Dao species. It doesn’t have a half-gain on her cultivation base. It may drag on the ground. You and I know it. If it is her, this mysterious Heavenly Dao species, you and me. Who can inspire?”

Zhuang Wudao 鎽囩潃澶 寰堟槸涓崭 寰堟槸涓崭 涓 涓 滃啀 滃啀 滃啀 滃啀 滃啀 滃啀 滃啀 滃啀 滃啀 滃啀 滃啀 呮垜鐪嬭 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮鍓戜笂,鍙€曚篃娌’粈涔埚儚镙风殑涓滆タ鐣欎笅銆傛滠鐪熶汉,浣犳垜Liang Family 铏芥槸鐩熷弸,鍗翠篃涓嶈兘涓嶈阆撶悊銆傜漱镌 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 瀻璇 鍙潪鏄洘鍙嬩箣阆 鎴戞槸璇氭剰涓庤 鎴戞槸璇氭剰涓庤 瀹楃浉鍟 鍙帿瑕佹鎴戋€

Only at this moment, it is only clear what Nie Xianling got this time.

Nie Xianling 浠庣vii炵湡钖涜炵湡钖涜炵湡钖涜涓婃墍寰涓婃墍寰vii勭湡钖涗竴韬墍瑷勭湡钖涗竴韬墍瑷镄勫ぇ阆撶巹鐞镄勫ぇ阆撶巹鐞钖庤呮棤娉曞畲鏁呮棤娉曞畲鏁呮棤娉曞畲鏁姝g殑鐜凥eavenly Dao 绉嶃 彧 彧 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 瀺鍏 Shuhan,

镓€浠ie Xianling,镞(三)瓑浜庢槸缁ф圹浜嗏€樼vii炵湡钖,炵湡钖€鐢熷Heaven and Earth 鐜勭悊镄勬劅镇 涔熺洿鎺ョ家镓夸简杩欎綅鐪熷悰, gallium 钖堜箣鈥橀 钖堜箣鈥橀 銆, 銆

This is no longer a good thing, but a fruit.

The Taoist words – the road is very good,

Buddha’s words – meditation, no trace of good, three times fruit,

That is to say, the cultivation person pursues the avenue peak, and after the realization of Dawu Daqi, the correctness of the monasticism.

In other words, Nie Xianling, after today, is a Foundation Establishment, but it is comparable to the Returning Origin.

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