鍗佷簩涓椂杈板悗,鏋佷箰钖堟搴娄笂m宸茬粡浜戞映ㄦ敹銆俌u Yunqin 浠ユ湳娉曟矏娴 绷 body body, 鎹 (four) stretch. 鐗╁悗,涓€韬竻鐖界殑鍧愬湪钖堟搴婄殑鍙 <竴渚 姝ゆ椂姝e湪鏁 inch悊镌悊镌镊镊,Dual Cultivation 寰椼€寰椼€

Among them, the mysterious Heavenly Dao species left by the festival, nearly half of the Taoist heritage, are exchanged through the Primordial Spirit and printed into her mind.

杩樻湁True Origin cultivation base ,涔熷凡鏄揪鍒 鏄揪鍒Yu Yunqin 鐜板湪镄勬瀬闄 旋卷簿 镐ц川鎺ヨ繎鍒癙rimordial Spirit 灞傛銆

瀵 ス ス ス 岃 缁, 缁 宸 宸 宸 宸 啀闱 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation勬椂鍏 鍙鍏ュ埌 鍙鍏ュ埌 鍙鍏ュ埌 Golden Core 宸呭 宸呭 涔嫔銆傝繘澧冧箣阃 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 簬闾 簬闾 簬闾 瀵ュ嚑浜 瀵ュ嚑浜Constant

Within the body Spirit Root ,鍒欐洿涓岖敤璇 chain熷姪Zhuang Wudao within the body 镄勫嚑绉嶆湭旋畏交搴旷啍镣 shoulderspirit medicine 涓庣巹澶╁綊钘忔皵涔嫔姪銆俌u Yunqin € € 塖 pirit root, 閮 borrowed 4th Grade 浠ヤ笂, € € chain chain chain chain chain chain chain group category category category category category category category category category category叆澶╁ 叆澶╁ 叆澶╁

When Yu Yunqin, and then check his own Primordial Spirit, he still couldn’t help but be shocked. An idea, Yu Yunqin was covered in a group of blue brilliance.

This is her Life Source Divine Ability’s Qing Emperor, but the effect after the show is completely different.

Forged ㄥ洿澶勮仛鎷 (4) Tensioning Spiritual Energy, 瓒呰秺浠ュ 浠讳綍涓 娆 娆 柦灞曟 柦灞曟 柦灞曟 柦灞曟 柦灞曟 柦灞曟 柦灞曟 嶃

Found chain埘rfound Technique Divine Abilty, 閮 鍖栧 鍖栧 鍖栧 阒讹纻浣犺 阒讹纻浣犺 阒讹纻浣犺 簳鏄粈涔堟牱镄凷 Body 锛熲€

Tears nnate Battle Soul, 鎹鏄笂鍙eaven and Earth, chain 寮 寮 re re re re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re

Zhuang Wudao has also checked the inside of the body at this time. The income of Dual Cultivation is also far beyond his expectations. The legacy of the festival has left him a lot.

In the body, there is half the ‘Supreme Yin Body’. To make his body more effective in purging and expelling the different kinds of True Origin, it also has an excellent ‘please, God’s body.

This is a great good news, which will enable him to invite more souls and souls to come, to maintain longer time and increase the number of times.

The Qi and blood elements are also solid, and the body is truly stabilized. On the basis of the fourth-order unbroken body, it is enhanced.

If it is only cultivation, the door is too clear, and there is no such effect.

But the most joyful thing is that at the moment he has in the body somewhere, and opened another Xuanzang, one more “QNUMXrd Grade Divine Abilty.”

This is the Prfound Technique Divine Abilty that can only be developed by a person who asks for the body of God and is capable of sensing the gods of all gods by nature.

Zhuang Wudao This does not need to practice, directly through the method of Dual Cultivation, from Yu Yunqin here to get the mystery of this technique, is also the result of his intentional guidance.

It means that he only needs to get through the connections of the few squatters. His ‘thunder fire 乾 yuan, can become a real thunder fire 乾元, those Thunderbolt, after the call is no longer a dead thing. It is a Yuan-level genius who can really be driven by him.

Five elements of Lux, Kun Yuan Lux, Qian Yuan Lux, Xian Yuan Lux, God Yuan Lux –

After the completion of this Prfound Technique, the later Xian Yuan Lux and Shen Yuan Lux, he really opened the door to him. Xianyuan Lux, can compete with the same-level Holy Blood monster, and Shen Yuan Lux, strength can catch up with Divine Beast.

Natural Yu Yunqin’s benefit is even more on top of himself. With the Dual Cultivation swap, Yu Yunqin will also get half of his Soul Body Dao Body.

– Since what she got is the ability of all PrFound Technique Divine Abilty to improve half-step, it means that Yu Yunqin can’t get the soul of the innate war and the instinct of Innate Battle Soul.

However, for the ordinary cultivator, it is a dream that is not available. Even if it is only half the power of Innate Battle Soul, the effect is to go straight to the “Heaven and Earth”.

At this time, Yu Yunqin, combined with the characteristics of its own ‘Supreme Yin Body,’ is based on any innate talent in this world.

“Innate Battle Soul? One of the ten strongest Soul Body, one of the ten Great Battle Body?”

Yu Yunqin still has some disappointment and muttered to himself: “So, I really earned it. Although I don’t know if it is true or not, it is just the ability of this Prfound Technique Divine Abilty to enhance the half-order power. On the day of the monument, there is only ‘unknown, two words for your Soul Body. You are hiding, or even the monument can not be measured.”

Zhuang Wudao did not answer this time, but looked at Yu Yunqin silently, and his eyes seemed to pierce people’s hearts.

Yu Yunqin also felt that his eyes were dodging and his tone was pretending to be free and easy: “What to look at? I can’t afford it cheaply, but I have nothing to gain. Supreme Yin Body was very effective at the time of the first Dual Cultivation. I think that it is because you are abolished, why not be crisp? If you don’t take advantage of it, is it stupid? It’s too pretentious. Keeping this Yuanyin, you can’t eat it? Anyway, you, I don’t. How to hate it.”

Incoherently speaking, Zhuang Wudao listened to his ear, but could not help but laugh, straight up and said: “It should go to the seventh floor.”

The seventh floor of Forbidden Law. As early as a few hours ago, it was already broken by Qin Feng. Nowadays, not only Qin Feng, Nie Xianling and Lin Yu Shi have entered.

Yu Yunqin This woman seems to be proud, but actually thin. This time, since it has already happened, I still have to complain.

To be rewarded, it is better to do it. Moreover, he is now unable to respond to Yu Yunqin’s affection. If this is the case, it will be better to avoid talking about it.

In fact, Zhuang Wudao himself, I do not know how to deal with, how to face.

The most valuable thing in the blissful Acacia building is this blissful acacia bed, but unfortunately it is linked to the entire banquet, the whole ban, and can’t be moved a little.

Zhuang Wudao has no choice but to estimate that it will not be used in the future. Only the fifth layer, the jade dolls that inherit the Cultural Technique, and the scattered medicinal pill Spirit Tool. All put away.

After that, I still took Yu Yunqin and went to the seventh floor.

The seventh floor is even smaller, only three hundred miles. With the eyesight of Zhuang Wudao, one can hope.

At this point, Zhuang Wudao’s line of sight was fascinated by a huge beast that was squatting in the middle of the seven-story.

“Is it a fifth-order god azure?”

It was a bear-like corpse, but the body was a hundred times bigger. God Azure is close to the moon shadow raging near the Surpassing City. The same is from Divine Beast in the ancient times.

– It is said that it was born in the Nether, living on living things, and most like to eat people, one of the top ten beasts of the ancient times, its vicious degree and the strangeness

However, the former God’s azure blood vessel ranks higher than the moon shadow mad bear, and has crossed the holy blood level, with the Divine Beast blood vessel.

“But very surprised?”

When Zhuang Wudao stopped in front of this huge corpse, Lin Yu Shi also walked from a distance, but his eyes were more on Yu Yunqin. Look up and down, it seems to contain inquiry.

“I was shocked when I first arrived. I didn’t think that this Heaven repairing the real world, there really is a demon class like Divine Beast.”

Yu Yunqin is ashamed, but he has not separated from Zhuang Wudao. Unwilling to give up, this may be a two-person room, and the last contact is warm.

Zhuang Wudao feels awkward, but she is even more shy in her chest. When she is unknown, she turns her body and says: “This big demon should be from the original, or the south is bad, but it is a pity –“

The festival has personally entered the Eastern Gods, and is a unique Prfound Technique Divine Abilty derived from the nine-day magneto-optical meridian method. In the mysterious Heavenly Dao species, there is also some information related to the original.

For this revision, the most mysterious forbidden land. Others do not know exactly, but he can know the details of the original.

Knowing what is inside is dangerous. It’s no surprise that Divine Beast exists.

It is a pity that this big demon corpse. A flesh and blood essence has been smashed out of the sword, completely looted, leaving only the skin.

“It’s a pity.”

Lin Yu Shi is quite sorry. With God’s Astronomical flesh and blood refining, Scarlet Yang City can be at least 20 Golden Core strong.

Just like Xuanyang Disong, it is more suitable for the Leaving Dust Palace. This god-like flesh and blood, the characteristics are in line with the Cultivation Techniques of Chiyin.

Divine Beast blood vessel is a few levels stronger than the Holy Blood. The same as the fifth order, this God’s azure strength is stronger than the fourth layer of the two Flood Dragon at least three times.

“Not yet congratulations to the two, a Golden Core is in sight, no less than thirty or fifty years, the Primordial Spirit can be expected. One is the Great Completion, which is truly among the best in the world. Looking at Heaven, you can live with it. The anti-hands are only three or five.”

Zhuang Wudao hearing what was said bitter smile: “Three or five? Lin Zhenren said too much”

Instead, I pointed to the stone of the Azure: “This muscles and bones, I don’t know what Scarlet Yang City wants?”

It is not the corpse of this Senior, no respect. Even if it is only a demon repair, from the original, not the blood of the human race, he is equally respectful.

However, the most important thing about cultivator is the soul, the soul is the foundation of the spirit. The soul is gone, and the rest is the skin of the skin that has nothing to do with it.

It’s not good to say that in the future, Zhuang Wudao will fall one day. The body can’t say for sure to be manipulated, or swallowed by the monster, or even made into a magic weapon, then where to say it?

So don’t care, you don’t have to be polite.

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