“Why don’t you understand me if you have a Tibetan mirror?”

Nie Xianling’s face is the same. After hearing what was said, there is no fluctuation in the tone: “Hai Taoge has two Primordial Spirits, and there are several Primordial Spirits in the southeast. It is a well-known thing. The previous Leaving Dust was only temporarily unable to spare no effort to take care of it. How can I say that I deliberately did this?”

“The jealousy is true, but the people in this world, I am afraid that no one knows, the real treasure house. Some people think that the treasure house is near the island where your Nie Family ancestral tomb is located, but even the Primordial Spirit cultivator I went to the pro-exploration and did not get any income. I have been searching for nothing for decades, but I have nothing to gain. But it is down, and there is a slight gain in recent years. I know that the real treasure house of Nie Family is in the wind -“

See Nie Xianling’s face, finally slightly discolored, Qin Feng in the mirror. There is also a smile: “Just like the words of Junior Sister, in front of the people, don’t talk slang. Junior Sister’s wisdom is extraordinary, if you really have the heart to take out the treasure. Serious planning, no matter which two magic Primordial Spirit, your father or not, there is nothing to help. The reason why it has been delayed so far is actually waiting for Zhuang Wudao, the day of the impact on Golden Core? In the Nie Family treasure house, I am afraid that there are not only the Seven Miles, but also the impact of the Primordial Spirit. There are other strange things that can help tyrannical his further things. You are waiting, wait for the tyrannical he can have the right to take ownership of the Nie Family treasure house.”

In Nie Xianling’s nephew, there is a bit of vigilance: “What do you want?”

“Trusted by tyrannical, want to be a Great Peace Sect, just a game.”

Qin Feng condensed: “Now everything is ready, there is no one to enter the game. If this happens, the Great Peace Sect can be turned into a black and white.”

“So, Qin Senior Brother wants to use my treasure house as a bait?”

Nie Xianling felt for the first time that Zhuang Wudao asked Qin Feng to come out, which is really necessary. If Qin Feng can always have a good relationship with Zhuang Wudao, his Senior Brother will be hard to be counted by others for the rest of his life.

‘Great Peace Sect half of the North Sea, turned into a black,–this one can really do, it is undoubtedly a foot to push Great Peace Sect into the dead.

At this time, the north seems to be calm, but in the dark, it is a torrent of turmoil. Once Great Peace Sect is hit hard, all the contradictions must break out.

The risk of the situation is better than the Leaving Dust Palace a year ago.

“Junior Sister is a smart snowman.”

Qin Feng looked far away and looked out the window: “I am self-sufficient in strategy, but if there is no real weight, I can’t lead the few people into the game. The only thing that can be thought of is that there is only enough in your treasure house. It makes people feel heart-throbbing, and it will not make people suspicious.”

Nie Xianling thinks a little, and no longer hides it: “As the Senior Brother said, the real position of the treasure house is in the sea of ​​ruin. Within the treasure house, in addition to a natural Seven Miles, there is also a me. Nie Family has preserved the fifth-order to Bao Xuan Han Yu heart of 7,000 years. In the same year, mother, this is to use these two things, to impact the Primordial Spirit. In the cold land, it is also looking for a can and Xuan The treasure of the cold and the heart.”

The voice of Nie Xianling is quite bleak: “I thought I could help the Senior Brother, but I didn’t care about it this time. Zhuang Senior Brother had a Master of the Master, and stepped into the realm of Primordial Spirit. It seems that most of it is not used. I don’t care if you want this article to do something.”

Leaving Dust Palace’s “Leaving Dust Mountain River Treasures” has a saying – there is a stone, named Xuanhan; its quality is like jade, the heart has three scorpions; the powder dress can be solidified, strong and strong. ,

This is the classic of the upper bound brought by the Nujiang Daoist. There is no meditation in Heaven, but here, in the record of Leaving Dust, a total of 2,344 kinds of spiritual things, but none of them are rare, to Leaving Dust. Zhenzong Dafa, Qizhen, which is of great benefit,

And Xuan Han Yuan Yu Xin, it seems to be the object of the cold, only in the cold north of the land, can be cultivated. In fact, it has been cathode-positive. If Zhuang Wudao can get this thing after the Primordial Spirit, the blood of the sperm can be more than tripled. “Taiwan is clearly separated from the fire” and “Taiwan is clearly separated from the gods”, also immediately It can save at least thirty years of cultivation.

However, until now, this thing is still useful for Zhuang Wudao, but it has not been effective. Even if it is used, it is just a icing on the cake, and may even be detrimental to Zhuang Wudao.

At the moment, his Senior Brother, the most important thing is stability, not promotion.

“Is this something?”

Qin Feng’s eyes are awkward, and then smiles: “This is really help me”

What he values ​​is Xuanhan Yuanyu’s heart and blood stasis, and the strength of Zhuangjingyuan. This cultivator can be used, and the demon repair is also eager.

Especially for the pair of twin hail, to get to the Divine Beast blood vessel, you have to consume a lot of Blood Qi.

What is missing in the north now is to let the twins hail and raise the blood vessel as soon as possible.

“Then I wish you a good idea of ​​the Tibetan Brothers.”

After saying this, Nie Xianling said nothing more, and took the Xinghai Building directly from the window and flew to the seventh floor. Just now, she has already sensed the Forbidden Law system on the seventh floor, which has been slightly loose.

As for this place, she didn’t want to stay for a moment.

The mirror also laughed, Qin Feng in Taixu Baojian, and his mouth screamed.

– This is also a woman who doesn’t care.

However, whether it is this Nie Xianling or Yu Yunqin in the building, it is indeed a wonderful woman with a good heart and a rare sight.

I don’t know tyrannical, how will he choose? I haven’t seen it for more than a decade, and that guy’s bliss is really making life awkward.

In the bliss building, the two lips have been divided, Yu Yunqin’s eyes are blurred. Slightly got up, and put a little red on the chest, stuffed into the lips of Zhuang Wudao.

According to the murals in this bliss building, the blissful acacia has a nine-layered realm, which is the ultimate Techique that directly refers to the immortal realm. However, when doing work, there are several Concepts. The concept is different and the effects are quite different.

There are five kinds in total, which are confusing, fascinating, and entertaining. I am forgotten by God, and Heavenly Dao is natural. Each layer is better than one layer.

At this time, Yu Yunqin’s state is between the mood and the Heavenly Dao nature. For the sake of chaos, almost lost in pleasure. However, True Origin is still in a continuous cycle, and Heavenly Dao is natural.

This is because Yu Yunqin’s state of mind at the moment, a bit of tenderness, almost all pinned on Zhuang Wudao. And the enthusiasm of the ecstasy around the enthusiasm, but within her mind, lingering. Within the body True Origin, naturally, follow the cycle of these catalogues.

This state is most suitable for the ‘Dao Technique nature. However, because Yu Yunqin is not familiar with this joy, it has not yet formed an instinct, so it is intermittent and cannot be maintained for a long time.

The bliss and joyful dedication, the emphasis is on the combination of affection and affection, God and I forget each other, and do the ecstasy when doing work. But once the ecstasy is lost, even the Culture Technique can’t continue, that is, it’s the next best thing, and it’s the worst effect.

Zhuang Wudao only reacted once, and after a sigh of sigh, he took the initiative to control the entire set of Cultural Technique.

He is not a man of temperament. Since he has reached this point, Yu Yunqin has already taken the initiative to lose him. Is it still impossible to refuse?

In Yu Yunqin’s left chest, the white tip of the chest suddenly slammed into the mouth, and the large piece of snow was contained in the mouth, causing the girl in her arms to make a burst of slutty and joyful snoring. The Origin Qi, which has undergone ‘Supreme Yin Body, purification, has been gradually refined, has also returned from the Yu Yunqin’s milk* tip into the body.

Everything is negative and yang, and I think it is. Among the Taoists, it is believed that the woman here is the gate of the Valley God, and feeds all creatures.

Gu Shen is not dead, it is Xuanzang. The door of Xuanzang is the root of Heaven and Earth. If you have it, don’t use it.

At this time, Yu Yunqin did not have a pregnancy, and naturally it is impossible to ‘breast.’ However, the bliss and joy is just what it is. Take the essence of Zhuang Wudao with the door of Xuanzang, and then feed back with the door of the ancient god.

As Zhuang Wudao slammed in the snowy peaks, Yu Yunqin immediately sighed like a weeping, and the spring was like a fire, and the lower part of the gully was actually twitching. A pair of jade legs, can not help but tightly wrapped around the waist of Zhuang Wudao, Yuxi Cave is a sharp contraction.

Zhuang Wudao ignored it, and both hands were on Yu Yunqin’s skin, wandering around, pressing at the acupoints around his body, stimulating, and continuing to guide the flow of Origin Qi in Yu Yunqin within the body.

The latter will not be allowed to shed early, completely lost in pleasure.

Zhuang Wudao is far from being able to achieve the indulgence like Yu Yunqin, but do with difficulty can do it. In the state of waking, the cycle of this Dual Cultivation Xuan Gong is circulated.

It happens to be in harmony with Yu Yunqin’s ‘Heavenly Dao Nature’, the concept that can’t reach the peak, but do with difficulty can be forgotten.

This is exactly what he is in his heart, the most embarrassing thing at the moment. At this time, Yu Yunqin is undoubtedly wanting to vent all of his own minds through the interpersonal relationship. The demeanor is swaying, the body is ups and downs, the waist is like a weeping willow, and the eyebrows are spring, which is tempting to the extreme.

However, on his side, it is impossible to fully invest and never return. Only so cold-eyed, Yu Yunqin seems to be hungry and thirsty, asking him fiercely and continually pleasing himself.

Only the stun of the stunned body underneath, constantly swaying, so that his reason is shaken, almost impossible to maintain.

“tyrannical, tyrannical -“

Yu Yunqin snorted, the entire body of the body was dyed with a layer of faint red, and the tip of the toe was a deep inner bend. Every call is like a gong and drum, and it is struck in the depths of Zhuang Wudao.

“You know, I am now happy now. This life has never been as happy as I am today. I like it very much-“

Take a deep breath, Zhuang Wudao looked at Yu Yunqin carefully, the confused and messy eyes, long ago no focal length. Zhuang Wudao can understand, it seems to be talking to him – do not have to think too much today, I only want to have a night of joy.

Happy night?

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but smile. He may not be able to respond to Yu Yunqin’s affection for the time being. But this night is a joy, can’t you give it?

Elysium, you need to have fun –

No more thoughts. I also forgot to forget all the successes and losses, and I remembered my own cultivation base True Origin. Zhuang Wudao grabbed Yu Yunqin’s head with both hands and then kissed him deeply on his lips.

When the lips and tongues are intertwined, between the minds, they gradually become blissful.

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