Two ‘Lingyang Tiantan, to the hand, Zhuang Wudao immediately chose to swallow. The acupoints that are copied are the ones that can erupt ten times in the twenty-second time.

With his current cultivation base, plus the bloody battle, he is not afraid of the strongest of the fifteenth in the world.

Even if it is Mu Yuanxuan and him, there is no essential difference, and all have the power of Dao Fusion. The key is just words, words, and the number of people who can be more durable.

n业nnate Battle Soul,镄勪粬,澶╃敓灏澶╃敓灏湁镌銮ぇ浼銮ぇ浼銮ぇ浼娍,绁炲康涔嫔姏,瓒呰瓒呰瀵诲瀵诲father cultivator 鏁板€ 链簮寮Bake í, gallium 浠ョ敓鐢熶笉鎭 笉杩囨矏娓婄巹镄凞 笉杩囨矏娓婄巹镄凞 笉杩囨矏娓婄巹镄凞 ao Body, 涔熸瀬鍏秓ut of the ordinary, 鎹鏄竴绉嶅悕涓衡楬Eaven and Earth

Generous, forging Heaven and Earth 闂 殑阌嬮攼涔嬫皵 殑阌嬮攼涔嬫皵 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 傛柦灞曚 傛柦灞曚 傛柦灞曚 傛柦灞曚曞叺鍒 power is 镄凛ultivation Technique, 閮 瘮镞佷 瘮镞佷 钟 钟 钟 鍒╄繎 鍒╄繎 chain

Mu Yuanxuan is a sword repair. Although it is a knife path, its essence is no different from sword repair. In fact, it can be collectively called instrument repair.

This one will also be Zhuang Wudao in the coming decades, and will definitely want to get rid of those who are chasing. However, in the future, he can no longer have another method to set up a tunnel for him. I can only rely on my own strength. Compete with this one.

All the Golden Core Dongyuan and the medicine garden are searched for. Qin Feng didn’t participate anymore and fell into silence again. This is because of its main mirror, it is already beginning to crack the sixth layer of the ban.

However, this time, I don’t know if Qin Feng is already familiar with the road, or the sixth layer of the ban is destroyed more seriously. Qin Feng has a result in just one hour in the sixth layer of the pivot. Waiting for the ban on the air, it was suppressed by a large area. Zhuang Wudao still personally took care of Yu Yunqin and entered the sixth floor.

The area of ​​the sixth floor is still extremely vast, and there are thousands of miles of area. It is also supposed to be the most beautiful layer from the Cold Heaven Palace.

Here, the pavilions are shackled, and the owners are carefully arranged. Zhuang Wudao Through the ruins of the ruins left behind here, you can think of the sixth layer of the year in the mind consciousness, what a beautiful beauty.

It is a pity that the beautiful beauty of the peak has been destroyed by the sword. There are cracks in the blade, and there are traces of crushing.

“The upper level is Golden Core, so here is the residence of the cultivator above the Primordial Spirit of the Cold Palace. This is the place where the spirit power is the best in the Cold Heaven Palace,”

Lin Yu looked at the hopeful four times, and then looked a little stunned: “It’s a pity –“

Damaged here, several times more serious than the fifth layer. Although there are more than 20 medicine gardens, the quality is even above the fifth floor, but none of them is intact.

Zhuang Wudao smiled and was not surprised. This is actually a matter of reason. The fourth floor is a thousand miles, the fifth floor is three thousand miles north and south, and the sixth floor is only a thousand miles.

The smaller the area, the more intense the aftermath of the war.

涓崭箙鍓崭粬涓庤礊涓€鍦ㄧ煶鐏靛矝澶ф垬,浜屼汉涓嶈涓嶈鏄疨rimordial Spirit 澧冭€屽凡,鍗翠篃灏嗘渶 Core 镄勫崈读屽湴鍩熷 鍩熷 搴曞し鎴愪 骞 骞 骞 娉 娉 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 敋镊 敋镊 敋镊 掑銆 掑銆 掑銆

When the Primordial Spirit cultivator is in play, it can still be so fascinating, let alone the four, the strength of the existence of Dao Fusion.

However, there are also surprises. Because of the destruction of these medicine gardens, the ban on this layer is also mostly disabled. The spiritual medicine inside can only spread and spread unscrupulously.

Looking at it, those things that are lush like weeds are unremarkable. But any one of them can be placed outside, which is very valuable.

Although there are no years of more than 20,000, and ‘Lingyang Tiantan, ‘Xuanyang Emperor Song, the same level of things, but it is more than a lot.

“This is the sixth floor of the Cold Palace. It can be said that it is a large-scale medicine garden. If it can be brought out, even if it is only half, Leaving Dust Palace will not use 愁spirit medicine for a hundred years.”

Qin Feng’s face mirror has always followed suit, behind Zhuang Wudao. At this time, I also said with a sigh: “The treasure house between the world is no more than this.”

鏋楃窘鏂絟earing what was said,鍙︻暖鎸佷竴绗 骞朵笉浜堢疆璇勩€

Zhuang Wudao 闱笂,鍗存槸姣笉鎺╁枩鑹层侺eaving Dust 涓庤丹阒翠笉钖 璧ら槾镄勫簱钘 镊冲皯杩樻湁涓夊崄骞翠涓绉 绉 銆傛墍浠ヨ 銆傛墍浠ヨ 銆傛墍浠ヨ 浜涘 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏 笉浣庣殑鐏佃崏Hydrogen hydrazine

鍙疞eaving Dust Palace 涓嶅悓,鍗犳嵁East Ocean,涓€缁熶笢鍗 锷垮姏澶у箙箙╁钖 disciple 镄勬潵婧 涔熷闀 镊 镊 镊€嶃€傝€岃Umbrella 鍑犲崄骞 唴, 浜戠伒 chain 堜 rich ect, reading 囩敤镄勪篃閮 槸 槸 ╁紶鏀 ╁紶鏀 ╁紶鏀 瓥銆 瓥銆 ぇ ぇ 嗘嫑 嗘嫑 嗘嫑 媎 媎 媎 媎 媎 媎愬崌Origin Storing Stone 涓巑edicinal pill Spirit Tool 备 备 备 备 縺闂ㄥ唴 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑 夋洿澶氱殑

镞 呖浠婃棩 镞╁ 镞╁ 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Read 嶃€

Key 岃呖浜岙 carlet Yang City , 闄ら潪鏄 樼巹阒 樼巹阒 笣鏉 涓庘 樼 樼 傛 傛 傛 傛 杩欎竴灞傜骇镄勮呖瀹 杩欎竴灞傜骇镄勮呖瀹 垯 垯 ect ect ect ect ect炲姏,涓崭,涓崭,夋牴,夋牴,寲銆

鍙洜璧ら槾镞╁凡鎶婂娍锷涜鎶婂娍锷涜村锲disciple 涓巗pirit medicine 璧勬簮,寮€鍙戝埌浜唒eak 銆effect chain 塱nnate talent 涔嬩汉,鍦⊿carlet Yang City cultivation 悂銆 悂銆 彧瑕丼 pirit root 瓒   埌 Golden Core 澧 瀹氱劧鑳e ammonia 瀹氱劧鑳 鎴愬姛缁 鎴愬姛缁 銆 銆

“Senior Brother can remember? The layout here –”

Yu Yunqin and Lin Yu Shi are also not interested in the thousands of spirit medicines. But the eyes are blurred and look around all around.

“It seems exactly the same as the Forbidden Lake Palace in the third floor!”

Zhuang Wudao’s eyes can’t help but sigh, even if Yu Yunqin doesn’t say it, he noticed it.

– The Forbidden Lake Nine Hall, the main hall of Yunhai, the inner four halls and the outer four halls, all in the same position as the only seven well-preserved seven-storey buildings on this floor.

That is to say, these nine buildings have propped up the entire seven-story cold environment, the land of the spirits, and the pillar of the entire palace.

钖嶅瓧涔熷悓镙 笌绂佹箹涔濇宸浉浠 笌绂佹箹涔濇宸浉浠 笌绂佹箹涔濇宸浉浠 笌绂佹箹涔濇宸浉浠 浠ョ牬鎹熸渶涓ラ 浠ョ牬鎹熸渶涓ラ 浠ョ牬鎹熸渶涓ラ 浠ョ牬鎹熸渶涓ラ 浠ョ牬鎹熸渶涓ラ 浠ョ牬鎹熸渶涓ラ 浠ョ牬鎹熸渶涓ラ ゼ涓篊 ゼ涓篊 ゼ涓篊 ゼ涓篊缇 缇 Borrow. 妤煎垎宁冨洓鏂 鏄负鍐呭洓妤笺€

There are also four elephant buildings, Shanhai Tower, Kek Lok House, and the fourth floor of the Evil Moon Tower. It is surrounded by the fourth floor.

Zhuang Wudao looked at the sky again, only to see the southeast direction, where there was a huge cave that was also opened by the sharp edge.

These three fifth-order powerhouses have joined forces and have been in the seventh floor of the Cold Heaven Palace.

However, in this ‘sky, when it is well preserved, there should be days and nights, and the sky is full of stars. It is very likely that at the earliest time, the face mirror is the suppression. It’s only because of the fact that no one has been in control of the inheritance of the cold palace for more than a thousand years. Only then moved this original town to the third floor, as the forbidden lake palace of the disciple trial.

When thinking about it, Zhuang Wudao suddenly looked at it, thoughtfully, looking at the center of the sky. If it is as expected, if it is not the empty mirror, there is also the distinction between yin and yang?

In the Forbidden Lake Palace, only the night, where the empty mirror, should be the genus of Yin. Even if there is, there should be a quality of the order, and a mirror on the mirror.

However, this is only his guess after all. If you want to confirm, you need to wait until you enter the seventh floor.

“I will go there first.”

Nie Xianling, like a black jewel-like scorpion, flickering, and then with the direct start of the slightest hesitation, going hollow in the direction of the south.

That direction is exactly the ‘Xinghai Building, the whole of the cold heaven palace, the most likely, there is a ‘seven killing swords, the complete Cultural Technique.

In fact, in Zhuang Wudao’s guess, these nine buildings, apart from the pillars of the Cold Heaven Palace, are also likely to be the residence of the nine holy sons of the Han Palace.

Nie Xianling is far away, Zhuang Wudao looks at Qin Feng again, the latter smiles: “Don’t look at me, I have a full version of the “Taiwan No Law”. It can be a million years later, the sea of ​​the sea, this sea of ​​clouds The temple, I will not miss it.”

He now refines into a six-sided mirror, which is more like a mirror incarnation. You can enter the Yunhai Hall to look at it.

However, this voice was exported, and the voice of Qin Feng changed slightly: “The situation inside is not simple. This face mirror, you will accept it for me first.”

Divine light 灏 映 , , 杩欓 阈 壊瀹濋暅 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu闀沧敹璧 鐒跺悗闅忔 涓 (1) 叆鍒 简 Void Ring 鍐

Qin Feng said that Yunhai Building is not simple. It shows that the situation inside requires him to go all out and even unable to maintain this incarnation. Did not ask him for help, there is no danger in the building, still within the scope of Qin Feng can cope.

“From the ninth floor of the cold, dare to ask Zhuang real people, how should this be distributed?”

Whenever the object obtained is an odd number, Lin Yu Shi will have an abnormal trouble.

Zhuang Wudao’s lips can’t help but pumping. This is already the ninth time since Lin Yushi’s entry into the Cold Heaven Palace.

I don’t know at the moment, in the end, in the seventh layer, what kind of gains are there. If they are still odd, the two parties are only afraid of having a dispute.

However, these nine halls are indeed troublesome. He has also seen it, and every building here can only allow one person to enter.

As a result, the gains inside are not known to both parties. It is difficult to clarify what is hidden between each other.

“On the ninth floor, I am five of you, and I will inherit the Culture Technique from the Hanjiu. Both sides can print one copy each.”

Zhuang Wudao is also a temper who does not want to suffer. However, when Lin Yu’s frowning, he also pointed out: “The most difficult thing in this place can be solved by me.

Lin Yu Shi Ben is sneer, and the printing tradition inherits the Cultural Technique? So the most beneficial thing for this time is the Leaving Dust Palace. From the Heritage Technique, Scarlet Yang City is no one can practice. It is the way of Leaving Dust Palace, which is somewhat different from the Cold Palace.

As for the extent of the fit, look at the Tibetan mirror and Nie Xianling.

However, when I heard the last sentence, Lin Yu Shi showed a thoughtful color.

“The trickiest thing?”

闅愯斀镄勭湅浜哬u Yunqin 涓€鐪 鏋楃窘鏂 寰 寰 寰 寰 滈偅灏 滈偅灏 滈偅灏 滈偅灏 嫓 嫓 嫓 嫓 嫓 嫓 嫓 嫓 嫓 嫓 嫓 嫓 嫓 嫓 嫓 嫓渶寮 渶寮 浠ョǔ濡ヤ 浠ョǔ濡ヤ 浠ョǔ濡ヤ 浠ョǔ濡ヤ 浠ョǔ濡ヤ 浠ョǔ濡ヤ 浠ョǔ濡ヤ 浠ョǔ濡ヤ 浠ョǔ濡ヤ 鎴戜 鎴戜 鎴戜 鎴戜 鎴戜 鎴戜 鎴戜 鎴戜 鎴戜 銆傞偅涓滆タ铏 銆傞偅涓滆タ铏 銆傞偅涓滆タ铏 銆傞偅涓滆タ铏 銆傞偅涓滆タ铏Scarlet Yang City 镄勬 娈 搴旇鑳   喅銆傗 e喅銆傗€

After that, after the direction of the feathers, go to the air. Leaving Yu Yunqin directly, I can’t think of anything tricky here, it’s hard to live two people.

Zhuang Wudao did not say a word, and directly pulled Yu Yunqin, and went to the direction of the northernmost building.

Bliss House – Bliss Acacia, the only one of the nine buildings that can accommodate two people at the same time

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