锏句竾骞村墠镄勯偅鍦哄ぇ鎴树腑,鍙屾楠镄刢ultivator,搴旇閮借瓨镌瓨镌蹇呮镄勫喅蹇冦蹇呮镄勫喅蹇冦傛墍浠ヨ umbrella浜沜ultivator,闅忚韩闄や简链寰楀姏镄勬硶瀹寰楀姏镄勬硶瀹 浠ュ medicinal pill 鐤椾 涔嬬墿澶 鍏 粬镄勪竴搴斿搴 粬镄勪竴搴斿搴 閮 閮 湭 湭 恶 恶 恶 恶 湪韬 湪韬 €

Therefore, the relics of the cultivator above the battlefield are not as good as those of the well-preserved Dongfu.

姣旷珶鏄浘缁忎竴缁烪eaven 晫镄勫ぇ瀹 杩欑瀵掑镄凣olden Core cultivator ,搴旇閮戒笉钖屽嚒笉钖屽嚒椼傝缮 chain傝缮涜嵂锲 鏄敮涓 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 杩囩璇涚粷鐏墤镄勬劅搴旀竻 杩囩璇涚粷鐏墤镄勬劅搴旀竻 杩囩璇涚粷鐏墤镄勬劅搴旀竻 杩囩璇涚粷鐏墤镄勬劅搴旀竻 杩囩璇涚粷鐏墤镄勬劅搴旀竻 杩囩璇涚粷鐏墤镄勬劅搴旀竻 杩囩璇涚粷鐏墤镄勬劅搴旀竻 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三 三澶 呖銆

The result did not disappoint the five people. The first few Golden Core caves to explore, the treasury inside, is unbelievable.

Medicinal pill,Spirit Tool,钖勭鏉愭枡,Zhuang Wudao 绮楃暐涓€绠 鍝€曚inter-chain 渚垮疁镄勪 镙 镙 镙 涔熷彲銮 涔熷彲銮 涔熷彲銮 涔熷彲銮Sloth

Key 岃 岃 镙 殑娲炲簻 殑娲炲簻 殑娲炲簻 殑娲炲簻 殑娲炲簻 殑娲炲簻 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 唴 唴 唴 洖 洖 洖 洖 洖 洖 洖 洖 洖 洖 洖 洖悗,涔熷皢浼氭槸涓存鐥呬汉,链岖敤浜嗕竴鏋岖敤浜嗕竴鏋ぇ鐢熺敓锲炲ぇ鐢熺敓锲炲涓涓埇镄勬晥鏋埇镄勬晥鏋銆

Just enter enough of the introduction of the discipline, and after a maximum of fifty or sixty years, a large number of Golden Core Foundation Establishments will grow.

镊︻劧 浣 浣 浣 浣 熷緟镄 熷緟镄 熷緟镄 杩樻槸闾 簺绉佷 簺绉佷 鎷ユ湁镄勮嵂锲 畲鏁 畲鏁 畲鏁 畲鏁 畲鏁 畲鏁 畲鏁 濆瓨涓嶅銆 濆瓨涓嶅銆 濆瓨涓嶅銆 濆瓨涓嶅銆 濆瓨涓嶅銆 濆瓨涓嶅銆 濆瓨涓嶅銆氶兘鏄洜鐢熷嚭 夌伒鏅 夌伒鏅 夌伒鏅 夌伒鏅 夌伒鏅 琚璇涚粷鐏墤镒熷簲钖庣牬寮冩 琚璇涚粷鐏墤镒熷簲钖庣牬寮冩 琚璇涚粷鐏墤镒熷簲钖庣牬寮冩 琚璇涚粷鐏墤镒熷簲钖庣牬寮冩 琚璇涚粷鐏墤镒熷簲钖庣牬寮冩 琚璇涚粷鐏墤镒熷簲钖庣牬寮冩

In general, the cultivator’s pharmacy will be equipped with a special array of spirits. In addition to the better effect of the culture medicine, these woods produce wisdom and become medicines.

But for millions of years, there have always been some surprises. This makes the entire well-preserved drug garden within the five floors extremely rare.

When Zhuang Wudao walked into the first, the largest area, the most complete banned medicine garden, looking at the seven purple trees less than five feet high, could not help but be on the spot.

The reaction of Lin Yu Shi is also the same as the difference. After the entry of Zhuang Wudao, it is also the same.

“This is, the purple soul tree?”

Yu Yunqin also took a cold breath and stared at the strange tree. Touching by hand, the mind is inductive, and after a while, Yu Yunqin’s face is filled with excitement and blush: “It’s really the ancient purple book, used to refine the purple soul tree of the purple soul. , at least it has reached the fifth order, 300,000 years.”

镓€璋撶璋撶传傛瀬绁炰傛瀬绁炰傛瀬绁炰,鏄嚑鍗佷竾骞村墠, Heaven 晫涓 晫涓 涓杞 涓杞 涓 绉嶆嵁璇 绉嶆嵁璇 绉嶆嵁璇 绉嶆嵁璇 绉嶆嵁璇 槸鏋佸叾 槸鏋佸叾 槸鏋佸叾Edicinal pill 銆

The purple soul berry produced by the purple soul tree is the main material of the purple soul.

It is a third-order Chidan that can make the Foundation Establishment cultivator easier to attack the Dan.

It is said that the number of Golden Core cultivators reached its peak in a period of time in the era when the Purple Souls were spread.

There is a history of incompleteness. In the cultivation of the cultivation, the purple soul tree was cultivated by various comprehensions. The production of a large number of purple souls, the number of Golden Core cultivators, once reached 60,000, more than several times this era.

It was a pity that after about 320,000 years, a sudden arrival made all the purple spirit trees at that time die overnight.

寰埚cultivator , 涔熷皢姝ゅ綋鎴愬洜鏋沧姤搴 Heaven and Earth 涓 姏锲 姏锲 镄勪緥璇佷箣涓 銆傜 銆傜 銆傜 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛镄凣olden Core cultivator , gallium 浠ヨ aven 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 链 链 链 链 链

Since then, Yu Dingdan, which is mainly based on ore, has gradually prospered. As a substitute for the purple soul, Shen Dan began to improve and become popular in 10,000 years.

In fact, if it is effective, Yu Ding Dan is not as good as the latter.

To know that the purple soul is very god, it is the dragon and tiger method, they can all be used. Even in the realm of the Primordial Spirit, you can use this material to cultivate your soul and strengthen your spirit. The Primordial Spirit and the Golden Core can be used to quickly upgrade the cultivation base.

鈥滃彲鎯 閮 槸 槸 life essence 灏呜繎, 宸 棤杩涢 棤杩涢 pile 鍙兘, 鎯 绉 绉 绉 涓嶆槗銆 涓嶆槗銆 笉杩団 曗 曗 曗 曗 曗 曗

Zhuang Wudao took a look at the dozens of plants next to him, only the small arm of the person’s arm, the height is less than two tall trees.

鈥滆 浜涘辜鑻 浜涘辜鑻 浜 湁镊 湁镊 湁镊 皯涓変竾骞 皯涓変竾骞 銆 銆 銆 銆 甫锲瀞 涔嫔悗 鍩 鍩 鍩 鍩 鍩 鍩 鍩 鍩 鍩 鍩 鍩 鍩 傛祮 傛祮鏋滃嚭浜с€傗€

A total of seventeen small ones of the purple soul tree, fifty years later, each plant will have about five or six purple spirit fruit. And each purple soul fruit can refine more than ten purple souls.

A cultivator of Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, above Qing Danfa Dan, even if the cultivation base is worse, only about five or six, you can have a full grasp of the knot.

涓嶈 杩欐槸 杩欐槸 鏋佺镄勬儏褰 鏋佺镄勬儏褰 骞 镄勬儏鍐 镄勬儏鍐 镄勬儏鍐 镄勬儏鍐 Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le 鏉 闾d簺Spirit Root 急急,宲宲erception Root Bone 浠欑紭鍙埚悓镙峰宸 涔熷緢闅 donate 繘鍏ラ棬澧欎箣鍐呫€竴鑸兘淇埌Foundation Establishment 澧冨浑婊” 镄 鍩 鍩 湰閮 湰閮 湰閮 瓒 瓒 瓒 镄勯 镄勯 镄勯 pir pir pir pir Root perception Root Bone 浠欑紭,杩欎簺cultivation 镙 湰 湰 湰 湰 湰 湰 湰 湰 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭 镄勭

鍏跺疄杩栾嵂锲唴,锏句竾骞翠腑骞堕潪鏄病夊夊夊浠洿涔呯殑绱洿涔呯殑绱镙戙 彲瑕佷箞鏄痩 effect ife essence 宸茶呖,浜庢灟Key 佹銆傝涔堟槸娌°C湁瓒 镄勫吇浠 阃愭笎琛 急 急 急

Trees and the like also pay attention to the weak are prey to the strong, and the law of survival is even more ruthless. The plundering of nutrient power, even for its own children and grandchildren, is not merciless.

Among the world’s demon, the genus of vegetation is recognized as a weak emotion, cold and passionate, and more like Heavenly Dao.

The result of the purple soul tree every 100 years, the 300,000-year-old purple soul tree, can produce hundreds of results at a time. However, in the end, it turned into a tree species, and in the end, only 17 of them were in this area. And each strain seems to have some symptoms of malnutrition.

In fact, the entire three-hundred-square-meter medicine garden has become the world of purple soul trees. Except for some insignificant low-level grasses. Any other wood of the same class, there is no place here.

“Good luck, if you can restore the purple soul of a million years ago, there will be a Golden Core.”

涓 澹 澹 澹 ケ钖锽 ケ钖锽 殑璧炲徆 殑璧炲徆 殑璧炲徆 殑璧炲徆 殑璧炲徆 殑璧炲徆 殑璧炲徆 鐒跺悗鏋楃窘鏂 鐒跺悗鏋楃窘鏂 鐒跺悗鏋楃窘鏂 鐒跺悗鏋楃窘鏂 鐒跺悗鏋楃窘鏂 鐒跺悗鏋楃窘鏂 鐒跺悗鏋楃窘鏂 鐒跺悗鏋楃窘鏂 鐒跺悗鏋楃窘鏂 鐒跺悗鏋楃窘鏂 鐒跺悗鏋楃窘鏂浣曞垎娑]Leaving Dust, the chain 杩戝鍒 杩戝鍒 杩戝鍒 濂 濂 濂 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶 煶ㄥ缑涓婏纻鈥

It is best for Leaving Dust Palace to give up, all the purple spirit trees, all returned to Scarlet Yang City. However, this is only a beautiful vision. This kind of rare treasure can be much more precious than those harvested on the third floor, like the 30,000-year-old snow ginseng, the 70,000-year-old snow-covered hazelnut.

Every hundred years, there are six fourth-order fruit, and ten to sixteen Golden Core cultivators are added, which is equivalent to a large-scale purple ore vein. Unless Zhuang Wudao’s brain is broken, it will never be let go.

Zhuang Wudao is also a slightly ironic smile, but it has not immediately argued with Lin Yushi: “The matter of separation, can be said afterwards, if you want to transplant this tree, you must be bothered by my Tibetan mirror friends.” It is quite troublesome.”

However, it is pointed out that there is no Qin Feng, the purple soul tree seedlings here, Scarlet Yang City, do not want to bring out.

The fact is that in the next few pharmacies, the number of those found in the medicinal gardens that can be compared with the purple soul tree is more than twenty.

There is even a ‘Xuanyang Emperor Song, which also has a year of 210,000 years. According to the book, the results of this tree for three hundred years, only one result each time.

And this fruit, no other use, is just a cultivator that can make the Golden Core peak, advanced Primordial Spirit

And it is just entering the fifth order, and there is at least 100,000 years of life, with the body life is the strongest, you can bring out the transplant.

Zhuang Wudao thought about it a bit, but he took the initiative to give up a purple soul tree, plus two other rare treasures, in exchange for the ownership of the object.

The reason is that the characteristics of the Xuanyang Emperor Song, coincides with the Leaving Dust Palace’s ‘Nine-day Magneto-optical Meridian Dafa, and ‘Nan Ming’s fire.

Most of the usual pine trees grow in the cold north. Only the ‘Xuanyang Emperor Song, different, born in a hot place, absorb a lot of Yanghuo essence to strengthen your body.

Leaving Dust Palace cultivator, not only can promote the Primordial Spirit, but also enhance the level of power of these two Dafa, although the foreign body can bear, but can guarantee that the combat power is not weaker than the human

Instead, Scarlet Yang City, after getting this thing, only has the function of upgrading to the Primordial Spirit.

‘Xuanyang Di Song, can guarantee the Leaving Dust Palace, every three hundred years will produce a Pemordial Spirit cultivator with a hundred strengths in front of the monument, and this tree has been less than forty years since the last result.

Zhuang Wudao thought of several uncles and borrowed some treasures of life, and life essence has seven or eighty years of appearance.

It is a pity that this can help people achieve the Primordial Spirit, and the whole is only one such thing. I don’t know what the next two layers are, what kind of gains?

Whether it is Xuanyang Emperor Song or Purple Soul Tree, it is good for sect. However, there are very few who can benefit him personally. After splitting with Lin Yushi, Zhuang Wudao only got two ‘Lingyang Tiantan’, which can assist the following False Spirit Aperture of 3rd Grade.

The spirit medicine from the Cold Heaven Palace is extremely crowded, and it can help people to open up the amazing things.

The problem is that now, the Zhuang Wudao cultivation base has reached the Primordial Spirit, and the spiral medicine for his current state has rarely been rare.

Less than this Heaven practice, there may be less than one hundred,

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