Therefore, the sacred son of the Cold Heaven Palace is not one, but two. The name of the bliss son, the female name Acacia.

The specific merits are, Zhuang Wudao has not seen it, and has no concern. He entered the building, not for the inheritance of the “Cultivation Technique” of this “Mele Fun”, nor for the collections in it, but for other purposes.

Strong pull Yu Yunqin into the building. Zhuang Wudao First of all, this first floor hall is a very common decoration, there is nothing valuable.

There are only four walls, those seemingly ordinary wooden textures. If you look closely, you will find that there are all the patterns of men and women, which can be seen almost everywhere.

Yu Yunqin glanced at it, and he turned his gaze, but his heart was more confused. He asked directly: “Zhuang Senior Brother, is there something to tell me?”

I don’t understand Zhuang Wudao, taking her here to do it, and it is still this bliss building – the bliss building with the blissful and joyful inheritance.

銆屼笉鏄粈涔堜簨瑕佽皥, 屾槸闾 屾槸闾 屾槸闾 屾槸闾 Cultivation Cultivation

鐩 涓嶈 涓嶈 Z Z Z Z 涓嶈 涓嶈 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃 屾湰鏄嗳澶囧緟浣犲埌浜哃闾d箞灏箞灏嫨镞ヤ笉濡傛挒镞ャ 傛澶勭幆澧冧笂浣 槸f槸Dual Cultivation Techique 镄勬渶浣虫墍鍦ㄣ

“Is it ahead?”

Yu Yunqin feels that he has become a mess in his head and can’t think of anything.

闾f€曟槑鐭huang Wudao 镓€瑷€镄凞ual Cultivation,骞堕潪鏄寚闾h倢倢や箣浜 Yu Yunqin 涔熷凡鏄緸娑╁埌镙鏄緸娑╁埌镙镞佽 镞佽 镞佽 镄勫皯骞 镄勫皯骞

銆娈ual Cultivation, 鐜板湪灏 bowl ual Cultivation 锛熴€

銆屽 鏄湪姝ゅ Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation棤涓庝鸡姣 鏁堟灉褰撴槸 chain 浣 浣€€€€

Zhuang Wudao 涓€杈硅镌€,涓€杈杈张镌佸紑浜嗛ton鏄庤涓栫鏄庤涓栫,寮寮濮嬭镦濮嬭镦搴搴搴ゼ瀹囥ゼ瀹囥备富瑕佹槸杩欐ゼ鍐呯殑钖勫绂佹硶銆 粬浜屼 涓 镞 镞 Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation Cultivation礌銆

涓嶈 杩欐ゼ鍐 杩欐ゼ鍐 鍗 橹娌 ° ° ° 涔 Zhuang Wudao 鍗 inch 湅 佷 佷 涓 浜涗 浜涗 浜涗 浜涗 湪杩椤骇妤 湪杩椤骇妤 湪杩椤骇妤 湪杩椤骇妤 湪杩椤骇妤殑绗簲灞 唴 唴 変竴浜涚殑鐢 変竴浜涚殑鐢 変竴浜涚殑鐢 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 e e e 簲镄凾 簲镄凾 簲镄凾 簲镄凾 簲镄凾 簲镄凾h瘈,鎸囩ず姘旀満寰︻幆涔嬭銆

Not surprisingly, this is a happy ending from the ancestral temple of the Nine Great Town of the Cold Heaven Palace. It is still incomplete, but it can be directed at the Returning Origin.

涔熶笉镒ф槸涓栭棿灏戞湁镄刋NUMXnd Grade Holy Spirit 绾ultivation Technique ,涔熷苟镞犻偑绁熶箣镒熴 傝槠璇 傝槠璇 傝槠璇 鍙鍏 镞 镞 镞 笉鍦ㄤ簬杩呴 笉鍦ㄤ簬杩呴 笉鍦ㄤ簬杩呴 熸彁鍗啴 熸彁鍗啴 熸彁鍗啴 熸彁鍗啴 熸彁鍗啴 熸彁鍗啴 熸彁鍗啴, key 屽湪浜巗 olidify cultivation base , 澧炲 浣撹 , ,, gallium 庡疄镙 熀, 浠嶅彲绠楁槸阆挞棬姝e畻銆

But the most important thing is that the seventh floor upstairs has a huge cloud bed in black and white Taiji. There is a lot of black and white aura inside, like water and liquid circulating inside, like a huge spiritual pool.

Zhuang Wudao immediately understood that this is also one of the treasures of the Cold Palace. It is the holy son of the Virgin House, a place of joy and cultivation.

绗竷灞傛ゼ涓婃帴澶 涓嬭Е鍦 杩欐槸鍒湁钑 剰 璞 璞 緛 緛 緛 緛 緛 Heaven and Earth 浜ゅ悎銆 啀锷犱笂杩栾呖瀹濇瀬涔愪簯搴 Dual Cultivation 镄勬晥鏋 瑕佽儨杩囧叾浠栨墍鍦ㄥ嚑 chain嶃

A little thought, Zhuang Wudao has been dragging Nie Xianling like a puppet, and continues to go upstairs.

The fifth floor is the first floor of the collection, and the sixth floor is the center of the small building. Zhuang Wudao spent a little time on the first floor, and took the position here to master the cracked part.

鎭 埌濂   镞笉鍒 镞笉鍒   搴 搴 搴 搴 搴 搴 濊 濊 D D D D D D D D D D D D叏銆

Huang 鍒 鍒 兘瀹夋帓濡ュ綋, Zhuang Wudao 灏眞 ithout the slightest hesitation 镄 傛棦鐒 傛棦鐒 傛棦鐒 傛棦鐒 槸 chain 夋瀬涔愪簯搴婅 umbrella hurricane殑Dual Cultivation 镊冲疂,瀹炲湪娌¢死鐞嗕笉鐢

夋鐗╁湪 e 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆 娆楀埌褰诲簳姊崇楀埌褰诲簳姊,鍙埚彲浣縔u Yunqin 鐜板湪镄勯殣镇 寰椾无瑙e喅銆喅銆綍涔愯屼笉涓屼笉涓屼笉涓

Only if there is such a time buffer, Yu Yunqin still has not recovered from the panic. Still dare not look at Zhuang Wudao, but look around and look around.

After a moment, Yu Yunqin is even more ashamed. I saw the four walls above, and it was also a pair of nude pictures of men and women, but more explicit. It’s incomparable to do the work of the cross.

On top of these nude images, there is also a line of meridian lines, which is related to the Culture Technique.

“Is this a bliss?”

Yu Yunqin 寮 綔闀囧畾 綔闀囧畾, 闅忓彛闂潃銆 ス镊︷棶 ス镊︷棶 ス镊︷棶 ス镊︷棶 铏 铏 铏 铏 鍙篃娌 鍙篃娌 鍙篃娌 鍙篃娌 彲浠婃棩涓 彲浠婃棩涓 彲浠婃棩涓 彲浠婃棩涓岖煡镐庣殑, 杩欎簺澹佺敾涓婄殑锲 奖 奖, 鍙﹄竴鐪 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鍦ㄨ剳娴 鍦ㄨ剳娴 鍦ㄨ剳娴 鍦ㄨ剳娴 浜ゆ浛闂︼ 浜ゆ浛闂︼ , 鎸ヤ箣涓嶅幓銆

“It’s the top three of the bliss and the last few, and the following is the Cultural Technique, on the fifth floor.”

Zhuang Wudao only shook his head and shook his head: “Today’s cultivation method has nothing to do with this bliss.”

闾f槸浠庣悈瀚e簻鍐 寰楁潵镄勪竴闂–ultivation Technique ,涔熸槸阆挞棬姝e畻銆畻銆悕鍞も悕鍞も桦お娓呯铻嶆竻钖堢湡缁涔熷彲绉 涔熷彲绉 鍙槸 NUM NUM NUM NUM 3rd Grade , 涓嶈 浠ヤ竴闂ㄨ緟 浠ヤ竴闂ㄨ緟 箣娉曡 岃 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸 宸殑Techique 銆傛棤暗€,夎韩浜ゅ悎,璁茬┒镄勬槸绁炲康浜よЕ, Origin Qi 鎺ヨ瀺銆

At this moment, he also noticed Yu Yunqin’s behavior, and it seems that he is getting worse. However, considering the special circumstances of this woman, it is not different. After the devil’s swearing, the performance is not normal, it is difficult to hold the mood, and can not be conscious.

Did not pay attention to, Zhuang Wudao striding on the black and white cloud bed, sitting on the side symbolizing ‘yang,’ sat down.

Yu Yunqin couldn’t be as generous as Zhuang Wudao, looking at the cloud bed, hesitated for a while. However, Zhuang Wudao directly grasped it with his hand, and the tyrannical force directly sucked her onto the cloud bed and sat down to the yin eye.

“Listen to my spirit”

Zhuang Wudao, while swearing, put a fourth-order magical character, ‘Tai Yu Qing Ling,’ to make Yu Yunqin’s mind and consciousness, and temporarily return to the clear.

Then, directly with his own thoughts, the “Tai Qing Shen Qing Qing He Jing, the content of the content and the cultivation method, all printed into the Yu Yunqin God. Striving for a word, Yu Yunqin will not comprehend the true meaning of ‘Tai Qing Shen Qing Qing He Jing Jing.

銆屽彲 chain変粈涔坈omprehend 涓嶉€忎箣澶勶纻銆

澶 涓や 涓や 涓や 涓や 镞 灏嗘墍 灏嗘墍 灏嗘墍 灏嗘墍 灏嗘墍 灏嗘墍 瑙 瑙 瑙 瑙 瑙 瑙 瑙 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu呮蒙镐濈墖鍒诲悗寰竴鎽囧ご,琛ㄧず骞舵棤浠€涔堜笉瑙c€效氨姣笉瀹(二)皵,True Origin 榧撹崱Key屽嚭,寮€濮嫔紩瀵糦u Yunqin , 寮 濮嬩 濮嬩 杩欓棬 杩欓棬 Dual Cultivation Cultivation Technique 镄刢ultivation 銆

棣栧厛娉曞姏True Origin 鍙戜簬浣揿,姘旀満浜ゆ帴,绁炲康浜ゆ劅銆俌u Yunqin cultivation base 杩树笉鍒癎olden Core ,杩樻棤娉曞仛鍒瘪Rue Origin 澶栨斁, 浠ヨ€浠ヨ浠ヨ Umbrella 姝ラ渶瑕乑€姝ラ渶瑕乑huang Wudao 鏉ヤ富瀵笺€

Yu Yunqin Chain Zhuang Wudao 绗》,镒忚瘑娓呮槑涔嫔悗,杩欓棬Dual Cultivation Cultivation Technique 涓婃 涔熸槸濂囧揩镞犳瘮銆俍 Wu Wu Wudao 鍙紩瀵间简绗竴杞 涔嫔悗Yu Yunqin 灏辫兘镊繁杩愬姛,涓宇huang Wudao 閰嶅悎銆

鍙湁鍦ㄤ竴璧稤ual Cultivation 涔嫔悗, Yu Yunqin 嶈兘娓呮绐ョ煡, Zhuang Wudao within the body 镄勬皵 chain 銆 銆

鍗佹暟绉岖函搴 <笌镐ц川瀹屽叏涓嶅悓镄勬硶锷汿rue Origin, 钖屾椂浜よ瀺娣锋潅, 鍙埚郊姝ゅ啿绐 and 叾瀹炴 叾瀹炴涓 绉 绉 閮 閮 槸鏋佸叾镄勫 槸鏋佸叾镄勫 澶 澶 仮瀹忋

Compared to her Foundation Establishment, it is a huge amount. Even if it is at the same level, I am afraid that no one can compete.

鐭崇伒浣涚狞涓 鎴 箣镞 箣镞 缇 缇 棴鐜勫綋镞跺 Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr鎸 鑳滆 鑳滆 璐炰竴鍏竷 嶃 嶃

Fortunately, between these cultivators, not only by force, to divide the high, otherwise Zhuang Wudao can directly crush all, become the first person in the world.

It is no wonder that in the past, Le Changkong and his father bid farewell to leave, there will be the phrase ‘everything and see the words after ten years.

In the case of Zhuang Wudao, after ten years, whether or not the top ten rankings of the monument can be preserved is indeed between the two.

Key 屾镞禗 cult 镄勪綔鐢 灏 灏 槸 Yu Yunqin , 鍙 鍙 姪 huang Zhuang Wudao 璋 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 rig 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 悊鎼姩杩欎簺 笉绱婄殑 笉绱婄殑 笉绱婄殑铻嶈 屼 屼 up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up嬫皵銆

Zhuang Wudao 镄凾rue Origin 娉曞姏,鎸夌收鈥桦お娓呯铻嶆竻钖堢湡缁 镄勮繍锷熶箣娉 鍦ㄥスwithin the body 娴佽浆浜嗕竴阆 灏Thinning chain

骞 笉鏄 笉鏄 笉鏄 姝ゅ 姝ゅ 浜 浜 浜 屾槸褰诲簳镄勭悊娓 屾槸褰诲簳镄勭悊娓 屾槸褰诲簳镄勭悊娓 屾槸褰诲簳镄勭悊娓 屾槸褰诲簳镄勭悊娓 娉 娉 娉 腑鍒嗘槑 腑鍒嗘槑舵€和€俍huang Wudao 鍙旋旋村鏄撶殑,灏呜伞浜汷rigin Qi 褰诲簳铻岖偧,浠ュ线鍙兘暗瑕佷簩鍗佸瑕佷簩鍗佸瑕佷簩鍗佸鎴栬闀 闀 殑镞堕棿 殑镞堕棿 姝ゅ埢鍗 姝ゅ埢鍗 殑镞堕棿 殑镞堕棿 殑镞堕棿 殑镞堕棿 殑镞堕棿 殑镞堕棿 殑镞堕棿 殑镞堕棿 姝ゅ埢鍗 渶澶 渶澶 骞 骞 骞

A cultivation base can also be completely stabilized and will not fall below the Primordial Spirit.

Key孻u Yunqin 寰楀埌镄勫ソ澶 涔熷悓镙 涔熷悓镙 笉 € € € 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 湪浠栫殑 韬硶锷沜 韬硶锷沜 韬硶锷沜 韬硶锷沜 韬硶锷沜 韬硶锷沜湪鐤妫镄勫闀 trousers

灏ゅ叾涓€韬綋璐 Zhuang Wudao 杩樻湭鑳 l畲鍏╮efining 敹镄勨 敹镄勨€桦厛澶 m2rigin Spirit ,,鈥樼巹澶╁綊钘忔皵,杩樻湁闾b€桦潳鍏潳鍏潳鍏,閮戒濂濂濂殑殑夎夎,涓嶆柇镄勮寔澹己鍖栥€

Let Yu Yunqin directly suck a cold, Shi Ling Buddha Cave, Zhuang Wudao in the end is how many cards used?

The former sword of the world was a big one, and it was really unsuccessful.

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