“Unfortunately cannot be cultivation here –“

Standing at the top of Jiuqianzhang, Yu Yunqin looks down at the bottom, and his eyes are full of regrets: “If you can stay in this cold temple for three or four hundred years, for people like father and Zhuang Senior Brother, breakthrough Virtual Dao Fusion should be a breeze.”

Not far from Nie Xianling, I feel the same. If she is here, she will have a complete grasp of the perfect Golden Core like the Senior Brother.

But unlike Yu Yunqin, she has the Rashless Soul Body, which is able to understand the essence of this cold palace. I saw many Yu Yunqin, something I couldn’t see. So at the moment, there is more in the heart, but it is still disdainful.

“Which is so easy?”

Lin Yu Shi laughed and looked at all around with his eyes: “This is not as simple as you think. The spirit of Heaven and Earth here is very good, but there are still shortcomings. Can be here. In order, I am afraid that there is no one in the most innate talent. I think that among the fifteen people in the world, the number of people who can reach this step will not exceed three.”

Heaven and Earth are incompletely constructed and the avenue is incomplete. Although the environment is far better than Heaven, it is still not easy to breakthrough into the realm of Dao Fusion.

It requires a deep accumulation of the Taoist industry. Otherwise, one million years ago, the talents of the Cold Heaven Palace will flourish. It was not until the death of millions of years ago that there was only one seriously injured Dao Fusion, suppressing sect.

And somehow, from entering the fourth layer away from the cold. He feels his heart and has an inexplicable sense of crisis. I don’t know the source, it’s everywhere.

It is not the sword of extinction, but another source.

If you want to attack Void Refining in this spiritual land, I am afraid that it will be difficult but more terrible.

There is no evidence, no reason, Lin Yu Shi Xinchao induction, instinct is not appropriate.

“So hard?”

Yu Yunqin couldn’t help but look at it, but then he was attracted by the movement of the pivot.

Zhuang Wudao At this point, the focus has been collected. He has been like this for the past six days. Whenever True Origin is cultivated to its peak, he will directly observe the world,

Because of this mystery, he analyzed the speed of this big palace, it is incredible. Otherwise, even if he is accumulating with his current Dao Technique, it will take at least three to five months to solve the problem of the formation.

With his cultivator in the realm of Primordial Spirit, he can use it for up to two quarters of an hour and can use it twice a day.

After two quarters of observation, Zhuang Wudao is on the one hand to restore Origin Qi on the one hand, and on the other hand to push back the three-layer array structure.

Closed eyes and thoughts about two hours or so, Zhuang Wudao only spit a sigh.


Take out a jade slip and engrave it with God. After the interest rate, Zhuang Wudao picked it up and saw it inside a silver mirror.

“Understanding this jade slip, it should not be difficult to break the line.”

The silver mirror was silent for a long while, and then Qin Feng’s laughter was heard: “And waiting for me for a while, the Tibetan mirror people will not be responsible.”

This silver mirror is still in place. Mostly, the other face mirror, even the main mirror, entered the fifth or even sixth layer.

However, Qin Feng said that it was a moment, but it was not until two hours later that several people at the top of the peak clearly felt that the law was banned above and there was obvious looseness.

Zhuang Wudao waited patiently for half a day, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

“Go up”

When the ban was suppressed to the extent that the portal was opened, Zhuang Wudao directly explored it, grabbed the shoulder of Yu Yunqin, took the woman, and flew away in the huge hollow above.

Qin Feng and Nie Xianling didn’t bother him. They had a jade ring and would not be harmed by this law. Yu Yunqin, even if there is that treasure to protect the body, it is difficult to protect.

Whether it is for the Supreme Yin Body or the friendship between Yu Xuxuan and Leaving Dust Palace, he can’t let this woman have a little accident.

Just when I went up, Zhuang Wudao couldn’t help but feel guilty. I only felt that Yu Yunqin’s breathing was sharp and heavy, and the surface was faint, which seemed to resist.

“Yunqin? But what is the discomfort?”

In fact, he has been suspicious, whether Yu Yunqin is not happy with the opposite sex, abnormal sex, and some rejection of men.

At the time of Leaving Dust Palace ten years ago, Yu Yunqin was a sleek and slick person in the pursuit of others. But in fact, it does not make people take a half-point cheap, even if it seems to be the most heart-felt, it is still a distance.

For the dual cultivation of the genus, it is an unusual resistance. Switching to him is Yu Yunqin, with the excellent Dual Culture of Supreme Yin Body, it really doesn’t make sense.

Even if this woman does not want to contact men, the performance of Yu Yunqin is too strange. Entering the fifth floor, it only takes a hundred breathing hours. Can you not bear this time?

“Where is there -“

Yu Yunqin’s look is a bit flustered, his eyes are too far-sighted, and he is not willing to look at Zhuang Wudao, and his face is more rosy.

Zhuang Wudao’s brows slightly wrinkle is even more inappropriate. No matter what kind of situation, with Yu Yunqin’s Taoist cultivation, how can it not control his own mood at this time?

Sure enough, that thing –

Most likely, this is the reason why the Dao Fusion Void Refining cultivator, which was suddenly degraded and seriously injured, was away from the Cold Heaven Palace. This is not so simple. If anyone wants to be here, break Void Refining Dao Fusion, I am afraid that I have missed the plan.

There is a hidden feeling in my heart. Zhuang Wudao quietly looked at Lin Yushi, who was looking at it. Both of them looked at the heart. Then they each turned their eyes off and did not move.

At this time, no one noticed, just behind the three, Nie Xianling looked at the back of Yu Yunqin, his eyes were full of dissatisfaction and his face was cold.

However, it seems that he was consciously unconscious. Nie Xianling slightly condensed willow eyebrow, and the look returned to calm again.

Entering the fifth floor, it is also a mess, and the damage is even worse than the four layers. The entire formation is pierced hard.

However, the death and injury is extremely small. At first glance, I have not seen any corpse.

However, seeing here, most of the pavilions and pavilions were crushed. It’s actually that the residue has not been left, it’s a situation that is too much to be overswept by the storm.

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but give birth to a bad association. The corpse that is not left here, has been crushed under the two strong tyrannical forces.

From the side of the Han Palace, it is the tourmaline true king of Dao Fusion. At the time of the big summer, it was the call to attack the cold palace, the town of Longshi, the only son of the great summer,

The two men tried their best and the land of the spirits was not destroyed. It was already strong enough.

“This should be the discipline from the Cold Palace, the place where the preaching is taught. The Golden Core cultivator from the Cold Palace also lives on this floor.”

Lin Yu Shi glanced at all around, and then explored it, and immediately there were several discarded pieces of the blade, and he reached his hand.

“At the time of the war, it should be a sword array, and the scale is not small, at least six levels.”

In those corners, there are hundreds of such flying sword fragments. Zhuang Wudao also grabbed a piece and explored it in his hand. True Origin excites and the residual sword trembles.

Despite the long time that has been separated by millions of years, Zhuang Wudao still feels the fierce battle at the time and the general situation at the time. It is also possible to break the marks from these swords and figure out how strong the person who broke into the fifth floor.

The sword array here, and the Leaving Dust Palace’s guardian Nanming Dushen Tianshen Lei Lie fire flag gate array, should be the same level, Wei power is quite.

It is such a sword array, there is the suppression of Dao Fusion cultivator, as well as the support of the cold guard palace, still can not support half a day.

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but calm down. If you think about it: “The fifth-order powerhouse who broke into this fifth layer seems to be more than one.”

In addition to the end of the Daxia Dynasty, there should be two other people. In fact, one of them is a demon-repairing identity-

In addition, above the blade, there is a remnant of the magic.

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but think of the mysterious extreme East God, and the extremely bad land. Millions of years ago, the strength of Void Refining was not just from the cold palace?

Since these two mysterious characters can be promoted to the fifth stage, then their descendants should have the same opportunity to reach this level.

But why have people who have no fifth-order or Void Refining power emerged since they left the Cold Heaven Palace? Until these tens of thousands of years, there were successive upper cultivators, coming to this world.

My heart is puzzled, but Zhuang Wudao thinks that in the millions of years, everything that happened in the past is drowned in history and there is no accurate documentary record.

Who knows that in the past one million years, there have been no fifth-order powerhouses? But even if there is, the strength should not be too strong. Otherwise, it will not be a million years ago until now, and only one from the Cold Palace, almost unified the entire Heaven repair.

Putting down these inconsequential distractions, Zhuang Wudao began to gather the swords and magic pieces here. And Nie Xianling and others are heading to the only well-preserved buildings.

The most striking of these is the building in the southeast direction, which is a nine-storey building. It is the place where the library of the Han Palace is located. Zhuang Wudao feels a little, knowing the books inside. It is no less than 5.4 million copies. It is nearly five times as many as the library books of the previous Leaving Dust Palace. It is truly vast.

This book building, the materials used in the Cold Heaven Palace are all good, and the ban is also very hard, not collapsed in the war. It also allowed the books inside to be preserved in the war.

It is a pity that there is no Cultural Technique in the nine towns including the “Taiwan Nothing Method” from the Cold Heaven Palace.

These books are naturally impossible to divide equally. For a master of comprehension, the most important thing is the knowledge system and the inheritance of the Cultural Technique.

People of all kinds of Spirit Root can find the Cultivation Technique that suits them in the sect. Any cultivator in the door can be easily answered in the book when the cultivation encounters problems.

Can do these two points, then this sect, even if there is no suitable spiritual land for a while, can also rise quickly.

– If there is no law in the same year, pointing him to the foundation of cultivation, his cultivation base is also impossible to advance by leaps and bounds in this short period of several decades. The sword spirit’s guidance is not bad, but the position is too high and not suffocating. He can’t understand a lot of things.

Most of the instructions given to him by the festival can be found in the library of Leaving Dust Palace.

Therefore, this one hundred and four hundred thousand books are not only for Scarlet Yang City, but also for Zhuang Wudao.

The result of mutual compromise is that after the two sides counted the book list, they copied half of the copies, while the original Liang Family was equally divided.

There are also some of the Golden Core cultivator’s residences, which are mostly preserved due to independent banned guards. Because of the war, there is no one inside. At that time, the Cold Palace should have mobilized all the discipline humans.

However, for this reason, these Dongfu Pavilions left by the Golden Core cultivator were regarded as the real treasure house by Zhuang Wudao and others.

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