“My name is Tibetan, and I am naturally a person hidden in the mirror.”

Qin Feng smiled and said with deep meaning: “As for whether or not he sees a problem in the next place, it seems to have nothing to do with the feather fairy?”

Zhuang Wudao is too lazy to pay attention to the temptations of these people. With the wisdom of Qin Feng, how can it be flawed in front of Scarlet Yang City?

The treasure of the virtual mirror is crucial, even if it is only in case, Zhuang Wudao has reservations about Scarlet Yang City.

The experience of being in the market made him a natural suspicious. For any personnel, there is a guarding heart.

“If people are ready, they can leave -“

When you went ahead, go to the foot of the main peak. Yu Yunqin, a few people, had to stop talking, immediately behind Zhuang Wudao.

In the first seven hundred miles, Zhuang Wudao has been once, and only a few people spent less than half a time. Only when it was at the mountainside, the speed of Zhuang Wudao slowed down again.

However, at this time, Zhuang Wudao cracked the speed of the ban, and it was still not the same as before. Lin Yu Shi joined forces and Qin Feng helped him at the top of the peak. Along the way, Idle has been similar to the speed of the ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator. It is Yu Yunqin, and it has not been dragged down. This woman’s body has a circle of light yellow divine light, which can suppress the surrounding ban, all the disturbances, so that these bans are temporarily stagnant and unable to work. There are also Zhuang Wudao and Lin Yushi from time to time pointing, Yu Yunqin is also easy to follow, followed closely.

At the mountainside, it is the region where the cultivator is the most devastating, and it is also the most rewarded place for several people. The top grade of the Spirit Tool, here is harvested for three thousand. There are more than three hundred treasures at the level of magic weapons, including mid-level magic weapons, up to thirty-four.

In addition, there are many demon corpses.

The only regrettable thing is that most of these treasures were made by the ancient method of millions of years ago. It is not as fine as the method of the modern refining device. The power is weaker than the Spirit Tool made by the world. A line.

However, there are also some excellent works. This is the case with the ancient law refiner. The technique is rough, and the emphasis is on the opportunity and the naturalness of the universe.

The refined Spirit Tool is either extremely poor or top-notch, and can even be a battle of the best.

After another hour, Zhuang Wudao finally stood before the two huge corpses. Until now, the dignity in Zhuang Wudao鈥檚 eyes was slightly faded.

After receiving the two corpses, the purpose of his departure from the Cold Heaven Palace has been reached. All that’s left is to find the Cultural Technique for Nie Xianling.

The next step is to collect and collect, both corpses are up to a thousand feet, and any level of void treasures in the world can not be accommodated. It can only be maintained by secret method after being divided, and stored in a small space of the void treasure.

The most important thing is naturally the fleshy bones. There are also two fifth-order 铔熶腹, for the general Primordial Spirit cultivator, the value is even above this fleshy bone.

Zhuang Wudao has two deputy dans as the core of the disintegration, but this does not mean that this 铔熶腹 does not matter. Qi Dan can match the deputy Dan, increasing his distracted control of the avatar. In addition, it can be one of the sources of his distracted mana.

What surprised Zhuang Wudao most is that it is because the Spirit of Heaven and Earth is too rich, or the source of life of Flood Dragon is too tyrannical. In the depths of the body of the corpse, there is still a living in the lungs and lungs. Just like a person’s death, the internal organs will remain active for some time.

The value of these two corpses is greatly increased, and the fresh things are kept. When refining the body, it is easier to restore the activity.

In addition to these two corpses, there are four corpses of the fifth-order big demon at the mountainside.

According to the previous agreement, Zhuang Wudao and Lin Yushi each took three. Zhuang Wudao is another big demon corpse, but it is a fifth-order holy blood eagle, but it is a poor blood vessel.

Zhuang Wudao also used half a day, and there is no left to divide it.

This demon corpse, he is prepared for the ink spirit. For a long time in the future, this is the food of Mo Ling. Although the three-legged gold and the poor blood vessel do not match, it is also a bird lineage. For Inkling, the body of this big demon is far more effective than the pair of corpses.

After that, I still took a variety of Spirit Tools and walked up. After the six-headed fifth-order big demon, there are twelve more mid-level magic bags that can be called fine.

However, whether it is Zhuang Wudao or Lin Yushi, it is like a mirror.

Knowing these magic tools, Spirit Tool can only enhance the foundation of Leaving Dust’s two sects, and it will not have much effect on the overall strength of sect. Most of them will choose to sell at the right time after the event, in exchange for the Origin Storing Stone and other things.

After all, Divine Abilty’s polarization can be known as long as it can be repaired into the Golden Core. If the cultivator has sufficient financial resources, it will not choose the legacy left by the predecessors, but try to refine itself and match its own work with the Prfound Technique Divine Abilty.

However, those magic tools that are passed down by this sect can be exceptional. After all, inheriting the Cultural Technique, the sect is the lineage, and the practiced Prfound Technique Divine Abilty is also similar.

This is the benefit of the big sect. The Spirit Tool, which was left by the predecessors, can be used by future generations without the need to deliberately seek refining.

And the repair is often the magic weapon that can be found, what to use,

Therefore, this is within the cold heaven palace, the two sides are most valued, but also the various kinds of grass and trees that grow here. Even if it was the sword that had been extinct before, it would be cleaned up regularly and swallowed up. But for millions of years, there are still countless fish in the fourth layer. The two have come to this road and have found no less than a thousand. The highest grade is the fourth order, and the farthest year is more than 40,000 years.

There are still more years of far-reaching earth-based grass and woods hidden in the ground, and even the gods can not help but destroy the sword. It is a pity that the group did not dare to be too arrogant in this fourth layer, unable to explore down, let Yulin two, are regrettable.

It was about 9000 feet high from the main mountain of the Han Palace. Although it was cut off by the waist, it collapsed. There is still a peak and a part remains.

At this time, another face of Qin Feng is here. When Zhuang Wudao arrived, it was a mess of Forbidden Law.

If it is not the pivot here, it is not completely damaged, and there are certain constraints. This whole fourth layer is enough to be daunting.

This squad will not collapse, only because of the true central eye, on the seventh floor. However, the banned spirits in these four layers will change in an irregular way.

At that time, even if it was a real Dao Fusion cultivator, it would be difficult to clarify the context of this process.

Here his cultivation base is the strongest, and the reception is only Nie Xianling. He is doing his best and will be here for the next few days. With the help of the sword here, with the help of sword spirit Qin Feng, the whole array is analyzed.

As for a few of them, they are continuing to search for the various treasures in this fourth floor.

Zhuang Wudao is not afraid of Yulin, what means, one is the character of Scarlet Yang City, do with difficulty, trustworthy,

Second, in the collection of Lingzhen, Nie Xianling and Qin Feng have an advantage. Although there is no Primordial Spirit cultivation base like Lin Yushi, the former can be regarded as the sect of the cold heaven palace, the identity of the saint. There are ‘seven killing sword fans, in hand, you can shuttle any distance at any distance.

The other is better. At the same time, you can make a six-sided mirror and move freely in any area that does not leave the main mirror two hundred miles away.

Nie Xianling is also practicing the “Taiwan No Extraordinary Method”, which can be regarded as the most authentic inheritance from the Cold Heaven Palace. In this fourth layer of action, it is much more free than Lin Yu.

So the real worry about someone being private is the two of Scarlet Yang City. The four people joined forces, and in just six days, they searched the entire fourth floor of the Wanli area.

I have to say that this is indeed a huge treasure house. It is the spirit medicine collected by several people of Nie Xianling. It is equivalent to the production of two red-skinned Leaving Dust for nearly two hundred years.

Only Zhuang Wudao was seen when he was in an empty space. The light is the fourth and fifth orders of the value that can be compared with the incarnation of the demon, as many as forty.

In addition, Nie Xianling also found two treasure houses from the Cold Heaven Palace. Inside the fourth-order Origin Storing Stone, each number is as high as 100,000.

There are also a variety of training materials that are difficult to measure – this is what can really increase the strength of the sect, enough for the current Leaving Dust to be needed for sixty years.

There are also some places where four people can only give up because of the existence of an independent ban. Although Nie Xianling and Qin Feng can get in and out of it, they can’t charge it. One of the treasury stores, the storage of three turns of Xuanyuan Dan will reach 10,000, but unfortunately the ban is tight and cannot be collected.

It is not impossible to force a break. Just like this, it will definitely trigger a wave. At this time, even a slight change in the situation will be devastated.

The four people are not greedy, and they all know that it is appropriate, and the principle of doing what they can do is not lost because of smallness.

Even these most important reservoirs from the Cold Palace can’t be touched. After six days, when the four people gathered again at the top of the main peak, the treasures that were found on the fourth floor had almost filled the small void treasures they brought.

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