“–Unfortunately, it’s a pity that it’s too late and it’s too late.”

The flesh and blood is scattered, the countless Blood Qi, and the fragment of the Origin Soul, which was broken by the Xuan Qing and others, were forcibly bound by the blood sacrifice and could not be separated.

Immediately, they were all taken by the blood sacrifices, and they continued to enter the battlefield, disappearing.

In the wake of the bursting of the flesh and blood of the three people, the top of the man’s head in the festival is like the god of the gods, like, once again, the halo rose. It seems to be a door, open here, countless pure Buddha Yuan, pouring out from inside, rushing into the image of the god. The air machine is huge, like a flood, and it is surging.

In the ‘door, inside, although there is a strong force from the beginning to the end, constraining the outflow of the Buddha’s Yuan inside, but at the moment it is completely powerless, and can only let the mysterious Heavenly Dao kind, to the virtual Buddha.

“It’s too late for the brothers to say this, but it’s not necessarily. If you don’t do it, why should you start?”

Fa Xuan Dazheng is not discouraged, his eyes are watching the flesh of the festival. It does not matter if the three people of Step Xuanqing could not be rescued. Before he shot, he knew that the opportunity was very funny. Instead, it becomes a blood sacrifice ritual, and it is the key to carrying all the physique of the causal karma.

It is only necessary to block the causality of the real people of the festival, and it will make the plot of the festival impossible.

With his three-leaf Bailian open, and then there are hundreds of people around the shadows, and each hand has a magical Zen stick, and the pole is used to live in the ground. It is a large Buddha’s door, which is actually formed at this moment.

And a huge Buddha statue is also breaking through at this moment. The Buddha is vast and stirring. At this moment, even all the messy air in the Shiling Buddha Cave was suppressed.

Originally, the true origin of the real-life voltage regulation method, True Origin, at this moment, under the impact of this Buddha power, suddenly collapsed, broken and scattered, completely unable to resist, turned out to be vulnerable.

At this time, Fa Xuan also respected and bowed to the Buddha statue.

“Arhat Rong Rong, this is a Buddhist sinner, wanting to ruin my emptiness of the Buddha. The law is willing to sacrifice Buddha’s power for five hundred years, please Arhat, to defend my Buddha’s prosperity.

The image of the big Buddha was immediately glaring and round, and then a big hand suddenly pressed down. The thirteen mouth waters of the real people were almost smashed.

Then the three bodies joined together, and the force of a re-emphasized magnetic element shrouded the sky above the altar, but under the pressure of the bergamot, it was still impossible.

In just one moment, the face of the two incarnations was a crack in the face. It was also like a real person before, and the look of the face are similar to those of a stranger. At the moment, it seems to be a broken porcelain.

However, the real people of the festival, but also the same half of the panic, but the face is stunned, tone mocking: “The magic of the gods? Demon Arhat body, the monk is good and fruitful. But, say your Great Ascension Buddha’s Techique, and Demon Sect is similar to the outside, and I think it makes sense. Please come to God, but you still have to offer it with your own Buddha power, tsk tsk –“

When speaking, the Primordial Spirit, who is a real person, has already escaped from the body and drifted away.

“Five hundred years of intensive Buddha’s power for sacrifice, it seems that the monk, this is at all costs, but also want to fight with me. Also to the mysterious nature of the law, you will not die of peace of mind, give up. Friends today, but they are fooled. Monk and see, how about me?”

Those broken swords of water and fire, after a while, returned to the hands of the real people. In less than a time, it has become a big sword of water and fire.

Then a sword light, in the horror of the fascinating fascination, between the nodule and the Primordial Spirit, a glimpse

The body of the festival is filled with blood and magic elements for a moment. It has been suppressed by the mana of the festival before, but there is no constraint at this moment. Under the skin, it is covered with blood.

Then the whole body, which was blasted, was also the avatar, Blood Essence, and was taken down by the blood sacrifices below.

“Festival Method”

Fa Xuan’s eyes were red, and he was roaring out of control, watching the opposite side. I saw the Primordial Spirit at this time, but it was the extreme of weakness, faint and faint, completely different from the thought of a Primordial Spirit cultivator.

However, it was this scenery that made him scared.

Crazy, really crazy. He thought that this festival, there are scruples, and there are concerns. Unexpectedly, the other party has completely spared everything, even if the Primordial Spirit is damaged, it cannot be reincarnation into the reincarnation –

It’s also clear all of a sudden, the previous rituals and the words of Xuan Qing’s words are confusing and seemingly nonsense. But from beginning to end, it is to lead him to complete the final step of this cause and effect. Bluffing, secretly guiding, exhausted the means, provoked his fearful heart, so that he could cope with the loss.

It turns out that this is the law of causality? Really seeing it

– If it is not their Suiyuan Temple, how can this change in the land of Jiangnan? If it is not his shot, for the step Xuanqing three blessings ‘Future Stars and treasures wheel power curse, these magic repairs, how dare to fight in the Shiling Buddha Cave, forcing Leaving Dust to spare everything, and finally the Shiling Buddha Cave? If it is not his own eagerness to make a shot to force the real person to complete this final step, how can it make the Void Buddha State have a collapse?

——With these, the basis for the transfer of karma will be able to reverse the cause and effect, reverse the black and white, and transfer the karma! Everything is calculated, step by step, and leisurely.

Means very ruthless, no doubt, this festival, truly can be called unique in the world

“The gift of the Taoist friend today, the law of eternal life and eternal life, will be remembered in mind. Today, I swear to this, even after thousands of years, I have to pay for this cause and effect.”

Almost all of these words are spoken from the teeth, and then Xuan Xuan has no longer care about the current method, and the blood sacrifice that is running faster and faster. Just because of the huge Buddha statue on the top of the head, Vajra has been glaring at the moment, burning all over the fire. And that fierce gaze has turned to his magic.

Causal transfer, his law has become a sinner of the Buddha, carrying all the cause and effect newspapers after the collapse of all the emptiness of the Buddha. In the eyes of this demon Arhat, it is already the enemy of Buddhism that surpasses any demon.

The stalwart buddha, almost immediately abandoned the Principal Spirit of the festival, and turned to scratch, the huge force, so that the law can not move.

In the eyes of Fa Xuan, the color of despair is also revealed. In this moment, countless thoughts flashed. Desperate, hearted to death, let this demon Arhat kill. However, when I think about it, I will turn into a livestock in the future, and I will experience countless sufferings. The face of Fa Xuan is changed one by one, and there is a strong desire for survival, rising from the chest.

How can you be willing? He is not wrong, and he is loyal to Buddhism. However, it is necessary to be framed by people and suffer from the suffering of the world. He is unwilling to suffer, even if the body is dead, the spirit is broken, and it is better than the reincarnation.

Also, can you let the source of all the scourge of the festival, and then get away from it, and be free?


A cold drink, the mouth of the law Xuan, spit a mouthful of blood. At the same time, a string of bead bracelets made entirely of relics were thrown up.

Just in the golden hand of the demon Arhat, it will be time to come. The string of beads of beads suddenly burst open. Undoubtedly is a sacred object of Buddhism. It can be exploded at this time, but it is a bloody red brilliance.

With a burst of shaking in the sky, the seemingly unmatchable huge Buddha shadow in the void, the Arhat incarnation, actually collapsed and collapsed.

The eyes of Fa Xuan are also completely saturated with blood at this moment. There is also a strange streak between the eyebrows.

“唔-, 亵渎Arhat Jinshen, in the Buddhism, for the level of you, but you are not guilty of sin. This is the Buddhist monk, this is your choice?”

In the eyes of the real people, there is a flash of unexpected color: “The meaning of the monk is even if it is enchanted, and is not willing to enter the reincarnation? But with the causal karma you are carrying now, I am afraid that there is no demon. Willing to accept you.”

In other words, even the law is willing to turn to the magic insect. There is no interest in this world of the Lord, and it is an enemy of Buddhism.

“Everything is given by the friends of the day.”

Fa Xuan’s tone still tried to maintain calm, but the anger and indignation, resentful resentment, and the madness of the fierce, but still leaked out in the language, tragic and full of.

“Why do you need to use your rituals? My temperament, you can’t know, from the Buddha, isn’t you expected?”

The voice has not fallen, and the incarnation of the real bottle of the real person has already broken apart. It’s a million-colored bloody knife that has been smashed in the distance.

The holy silver-white Buddha fire has been completely transformed into a red lotus poisonous flame at the moment, and the enchanting spirit that was driven away is now more intense.

The silver mirror in the air, releasing thousands of blazing white light, fully suppressed the intrusion. The Nanming fire from the aquarium was also a few times in the instant, and it was entangled with the red lotus poisonous flame.

At this time, the thirteen water fires are away from the sword. At this time, the sword light is re-suppressed, blocking the millions of blood-cutting knives.

“My law is mysterious, even if it is dead today, even if God is squandering away from the gods, it is necessary to drag the Taoist friends to die. Only then willingly willing to die.”

One word at a time, the tone is not fluctuating, but with endless resentment. The fierce entanglement of Fa Xuan’s body is also climbing up to ten times. Even behind it, it is faintly revealed, a huge image of the gods.

It is from the beginning to the end, all of them are calm and true, and they are not blindfolded. Amazing color, more and more thick.

In the opposite state of this moment, such as the body of resentment, must be the ghost king. And if the corpse is intact, the future after 10,000 years will be the genus of the corpse

This thought was just flashed, and the silver mirror incarnation was also broken at this moment. Covered by the red lotus poison, completely swallowed,

So the situation of the festival is getting more and more dangerous, and the thirteen waters are off the sword, and four have been broken. The bloody knife shadow is almost coming, and his body is smashed.

The opposite is indeed what he said. Today, at any cost, he must drag him down and die.

It’s just the eyes of the festival, but it’s still calm, only the slightest pity. Six hundred years of cultivation, it is really sad to fall to this end. I know that it is impossible to do it, but I still refuse to give up. Choosing this most hopeless road is a pity. However, there is still no passing, only because of his discipline, it has arrived.

Just lingering in the past, there was a sudden tremor in the periphery of the cave. With the ‘Magic Buddha Magic Circle’, the Yuan Lili was violently turbulent, and the two black and white sword shadows suddenly came through. One left and one right, nailed to the side of the Primordial Spirit.

Immediately, there was a pros and cons that both of them were open, and the bloody knife was isolated. All the poisonous flames were also blocked.

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