“You, is it a ghost?”

At the moment of the speech, in the pupil of Step Xuanqing, this moment was terrified to the peak. It is possible to count the battle of the Shiling Buddha Cave to the extent of this kind. This festival is a real person, and it is simply a ghost and a god. It has transcended the human category.

“The trail friend understands? Sure enough, the intelligence is high.”

The festival was amazed and looked back. It seemed to be a keen eye for Step Xuanqing.

However, this praised speech, listening to the ears of step Xuanqing, but only feels incomparable irony.

No wonder, there is no such thing as a net mess, but just three of them as a sacrifice for this blood sacrifice. The former method of tempering, just take its blood, used to draw this blood map.

This one, if it is really good to play a handful of blame, all the cause and effect karma, all passed on to the month before, for them to display the ‘Future Stars and the treasures of the power to hold the curse, the law is grand. And myself, but it can be easily and easily taken away, without stains –

The wedding dressing method described in the ancient Taoist book is not only a transferable cultivation base True Origin, but also can be passed on to the cause and effect industry newspaper. This is a kind of secret technique, which is a master-level means. Stealing the sky for the day, it is extremely mysterious.

Step Xuanqing feels that he has not only suffered bitterness, but also has a sweet taste. Pneumatic internal organs, so Blood Qi reversed internal injuries.

This time, more than three of them Demon Dao were brought home. That is the temple of the Suiyuan, fearing that it will be solid in this method, eating a big loss, and even shaking the foundation.

Who can bear the wrath of the Void Buddha State? Even if the General Court of Buddhism is afraid, it will not be able to withstand it.

If you can’t cope with it, I am afraid that the cold heaven palace a million years ago is the end of the Yuanyuan Temple. The law that directly bears the cause and effect is greatly increased, according to the rules of the Buddha. Even if it is so sinful, it will not be redeemed for its sins.

He is self-sufficient, and the Sugawara Temple has been in search for a long time. But from beginning to end, it is in the grasp of this law.

“But the trail friend is misunderstanding. My ritual has this arrangement early today, only because it is known beforehand. About two hundred years ago, Gan Tianzong was interested in my Leaving Dust, and there was Great Peace Sect in the north. Always look at East Ocean. The old road is helpless, can only reveal the true position of this empty Buddha country, secretly leaked to the people of the Yuanyuan Temple to know. There is a screaming of the Yuanyuan Temple, and the Tianzong is temporarily dismissed from the south. Others only know the dry days. Zong Mu Yuan Xuan is seeing me and retreating, but I don’t know it. It is another reason. However, this is also a drink and quenching thirst, planting the cause of today. For two hundred years, the Yuanyuan Temple is not planning to calculate Leaving Dust, or even Indulgence of the Great Peace Sect to expand south, it was all over.”

Step Xuanqing blinked and was unable to reply. This is the purpose of knowing the Shuyuan Temple early? Even the position of this vain Buddha country is also revealed by the law. This is no wonder. Their one-handed move will be step by step in the calculation of the law.

However, the rhetoric of the law seems to push his role to the second, but can not change the facts. Regardless of the results today, he has lost his step Xuanqing, and the Yuanyuan Temple will also be badly hurt.

And these are all thanks to the law of worship.

Before the war, due to the situation, forced the three magic sects to seek foreign aid, to induce the Suiyuan Temple to shoot, all the means, are wonderful.

“Holy shit you 姥姥”

Both Xuan Qing and Jun Baichuan have not been able to speak with strength. Instead, the bloody person is screaming and vomiting a bloody foam: “If today, if I want to let my blood fall here, then I am silent. There is nothing to say in the blood, but if you can take the plunge, you must destroy your Leaving Dust Palace. All men, women and children will fall into the prison after death. My blood will not be with you, Leaving Dust Palace. Destroy your Leaving Dust incense -“

The blood is still awkward, and it has never stopped. The festival has not been ignored, and it does not care: “So, it’s not that my rituals are really resourceful. It’s all about it, but it’s just a meeting. It’s not a festival. The Fazhen is a high-spirited festival, but it just happens to be the remnant of the Xuan Tiangui Tibetan wedding dress Dafa. It has only this secret technique. It can only be said that it is God. I prepared everything, but this heaven, but gave me more “”

Sixty years, the layout is calculated. However, it has ushered in three variables, one for tyrannical, one for the sinister blood, and one for the future star singer.

– There is no sinister bloody sunflower, these magic repair sect will not rush to the South.

And Leaving Dust Palace, a few decades ago, is not worth it, and it is not necessary to make a 僧 寺 曾经 曾经 曾经 第五 第五 第五 第五 第五 第五 第五 第五 。 。 。 Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le 。 。. Great Peace Sect, Yunshui Tiangong, can be a pawn.

The so-called unexpected joy means that today,

Looking at this bloodline, the operation is getting more and more urgent, and the airpower of the three people in the array is getting weaker and weaker. The law is light and faint, the expression is free and easy, and the mood that is revealed in the eyes is unspeakable.

It’s just his face, and at the moment, it’s getting older.

The gaze is more firm and firm. It is both God’s will. How can he not be arrogant?

His close-up disciple, he has never really taught anything. After getting started, I have gone through the storm, and I have been in danger for a few times, so that he has been right. It can only be compensated at this moment.

Tyrannical innate talent is a must, sooner or later is the top of the world. With that piece of Yunyang stone, you can also have the hope of breaking through Void Refining, and you will be able to fly higher and see farther in the future.

If this is the case, then the tyrannical he will be sent higher by the shackles of his statutes. Let him take a look at it, what kind of scenery is above the peak?

However, in the next moment of the festival, some of the moments of disappointment, a sudden divine light in the air on the grotto. The large space in the cave was forcibly torn, and a golden hand was stretched out from the inside, forcibly grasping the top of the festival, the statue of the god of the gods.

The real people of the festival, but it seems to have been expected. The sword shadow is divided, and a piece of sword net flashes in the void, and it is only necessary to break the golden hand into pieces.

It’s just that the scattered golden light, but it’s not scattered, but it’s turned into a sultry image, only the size of a person’s body and the voice of the Buddha. Within the entire cave, it is full of Buddha’s glory. Numerous golden wheels formed by Sanskrit are also produced at the same time.

The bloody atmosphere in this cave was all swept away. Then a figure with a red dragonfly appeared on the outside of the blood sacrifice.

This is a young man who is about seventy years old. He has six shackles on his head and two white eyebrows hang down his cheeks. At first glance, I know that I have a high sorghum, but at the moment, it is a cold face and a frowning face.

When the festival was seen, he couldn’t help but laugh. Still behind the hand, calm and self-sufficient: “It turned out to be a monk of the law. For a long time no see, I don’t know if the monk is good recently? Today is the time when my Leaving Dust and the demons are in the battle. When the monk comes here, what is the teaching?”

“The law brothers laughed -“

The face of Fa Xuan is already gloomy and will drip out of water: “If I don’t come again, I am afraid that after this life, I will break into the reincarnation and reincarnate for thousands of years without being detached. If only the old man is alone, then it will be.” However, I don’t want to be tired of my temple, so that my Heaven repairs thousands of Buddha repairs, and this is a great disaster.”

“Oh, Heaven is a Buddhist monk. It’s not just your family.”

The festival shook his head: “The monk has not answered me yet. Today, I am Leaving Dust and the three masters of the magic repair in the Shiling Buddha Cave. Why do you belong to the Buddhist monk, will you be here? Sanshengzong is guaranteed by credit, but the result is so Right? Right, I see the monk is so hostile, it seems to be an enemy of my festival, does this seem like a shot to the old?”

“Why do you need to take advantage of this tongue? This is the end of the matter. It’s good to say what you want with your brother. In short, today, my law can’t make you feel good.”

When the law was coldly snorted, the images of hundreds of people were beginning to recite the curse early, and the sound of the sacred voice was vast. In an instant, countless giant bergamots, from the void, went to the three in the sacred squad, and seized the past.

At the same time, a silver-white flame suddenly ignited, and it spread from all directions to the place where the festival was established.

The holy Buddha fire, after the cave, in addition to the sacrifice, the last glimmer of power, but also all burning and purification.

“Sure enough, I knew that the monk knew that today, most of the dogs want to jump over the wall, regardless of reputation. Unfortunately -“

The festival sounded a chuckle, and the left bottle was incarnate, and the silver bottle in the hand was sacrificed. Numerous Nanming was separated from the fire. Like a waterfall, it fell down from the inside, and the whole blood sacrifice was surrounded by the center. More fires are reversing, and those silver-white Buddha fires are forced to retreat.

At this time, the last few words are spoken out.

“–Unfortunately, it’s a pity that it’s too late and it’s too late.”

The Mirror incarnation on the right side, the silver mirror hanging on the side, shot dozens of glaring brilliance in an instant, sweeping around, and completely smashing the bergamot.

At the same time, the three-dimensional body of the Xuanqing, both burst at the same time, fried into blood meal

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