“A good festival of real people”

瀛愬崃鐜勯槼鑸 瀛愬崃鐜勯槼鑸 笂 椋庣ň瀵掑 椋庣ň瀵掑 椋庣ň瀵掑 掑惛浜嗕竴鍙 掑惛浜嗕竴鍙 瘨姘旓 瘨姘旓 帹娴 帹娴 帹娴 av av av av Leaving Dust 浠嶆湁銮 儨涔嬫満銆 嵈缁濇湭鑳 嵈缁濇湭鑳 嵈缁濇湭鑳 钖庝 钖庝 钖庝 钖庝 钖庝 钖庝 钖庝 钖庝 钖庝 钖庝 钖庝 钖庝 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 €

The Shiling Buddha Cave is surrounded by a large array of things, and everything that happens inside is not directly visible to outsiders. However, as the Heavenly Dao League, the real third person is also the fifth in the world. Naturally, there are ways to understand the changes in the caves.

“It really makes people admire the step-by-step layout of the two hundred years, and set the future for hundreds of years.”

The god Wei Wang was in danger, and the face was already out of arrogance. It was rare in the eyes and floated a bit of admiration.

“But when it comes to making no fuss, it is a bit too much.”

浠栨湰韬 鏄櫤鎱 鏄櫤鎱 浜 浜 浜 鑳 鏄櫤鎱 鏄櫤鎱 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea €銆傛悈锷ㄤ腑铡熶贡锷 璋嬬畻Great Peace Sect 钀у畧淇°€娇娇Leaving Dust Palace 鍝€曞湪浠栬韩娈掍箣钖 浜〉彲鍦ㄥ嚑锏畏鍐呭畨鐒舵棤鎭 鍧愬€欎腑铡熶箣浜 鍒嗗嚭缁撴灉銆

鐒 屽湪涔嫔悗鍑犲崄骞 屽湪涔嫔悗鍑犲崄骞 鍗 张 张 张 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu 宕涜捣 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu ,鎻愬墠钖戠当铡熷濡ュ岗,浣垮悗浣垮悗呭彲鍏ㄥ姏呭彲鍏ㄥ姏冨眬鍗椾笅銆冨眬鍗椾笅銆竷阒堕槾竷阒堕槾旇钁旋村紩寰楀ぉ涓嬮瓟淇瑙庛€

These are all methods of law, unforeseen.

However, this section of the law is also an out of the ordinary, with the emptiness of the Buddha country as a guide, because of the situation, forcibly reverse the overall situation, turning the disadvantage into a winning position. This is the disaster of the door, but now it has become an opportunity for the full rise of the Leaving Dust Palace.

鍙敮镫鐜勬竻绛変汉,鍗存槸姝诲缑鍙儨,杩欎簺Demon Dao sect, chain槸澶ф湁鐢ㄥ銆

鈥滆瘽铏 姝 浠 浠 浠 浠 鍗 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩Huang chain 夎 鑺傛硶, Zhuang Wudao, 鐏礖ua Ying, Nie Xianling 杩欑瓑innate talent 鍗撶粷涔嬫潗鎺ヨ繛鐜€

The wind bamboo cold faintly sighed, and then thoughtfully, looking at somewhere in the Shiling Buddha Cave: “Which look?”

All the airpower in the Shiling Buddha Cave was suppressed by the big squad, but with his cultivation base, it was possible to sense that Zhuang Wudao existed. There is also a constant turbulence, more and more tyrannical minds to read Qi and blood, giving people the oppression of the weather.

“This child? I should – is not his opponent.”

璇村埌姝ゅ镞 绁炲▉鐜嬬嚂鎴愬嵄绋岖◢钟硅鲍, 嶅哜澹 嶅哜澹 嫤said with a smile 锛气滃嗳纭殑璇 鏄湪浠栭 鏄湪浠栭鎴戝 鎴戝 鎻愪笉璧 鎻愪笉璧 嚭 嚭 嚭 嚭 嚭 嬬殑鍕囨皵銆傜湡涓岖煡杩欎綅鑺傛硶 嬬殑鍕囨皵銆傜湡涓岖煡杩欎綅鑺傛硶 嬬殑鍕囨皵銆傜湡涓岖煡杩欎綅鑺傛硶 嬬殑鍕囨皵銆傜湡涓岖煡杩欎綅鑺傛硶 嚭 嚭 嚭 嚭 嚭 嚭 嚭竴鏁村骇铏氱┖浣涘浗,涔熶笉璇ュ姝ゆ墠瀵广傞毦阆搕傞毦阆搕his child 鏄敓Key岀煡涔嬩笉鎴 涓€鍑虹敓灏 Identify Void Refining 澧 殑阆 殑阆 笟 笟 笟

After all, it is impossible to see with your own eyes, only general induction, so many details are not known.

“Even if you don’t feel like an opponent o”

Fengzhu cold eyes, for a moment is complicated and difficult to say: “I also have a hunch, and now fight this person, should not go ten rounds. The top fifteen in the monument, there must be a place.”

鈥滆 鈥滆 鏄嚜鐒堕偅鑺傛硶杈涜嫤 槸涓篖 冨眬 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖 槸涓篖Ammonia 鍑 竴浣嶅彲鏀拺鏁 竴浣嶅彲鏀拺鏁 囨厬褰 囨厬褰 囨厬褰 唬镄勭粷浠 唬镄勭粷浠 唬镄勭粷浠 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜浠栫殑搴旷嚎Key 岃█,浣庝簬鍗佷簲,灏卞彲绠楁槸璋嬭触鈥曗€曗€

鐕曟垚鍗辫鍒版澶 嶆劅 嶆劅 夊埌椋庣ň瀵掕涓殑寮傛牱 夊埌椋庣ň瀵掕涓殑寮傛牱 浜庢槸鑻ユ湁 浜庢槸鑻ユ湁 浜庢槸鑻ユ湁 浜庢槸鑻ユ湁 浜庢槸鑻ユ湁 浜庢槸鑻ユ湁 镐濈殑杞ご锛 滈鍏 滈鍏 滈鍏勫彲鏄劅瑙夊彲鎯 涓嶆 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩 丩

Although it was on the Ziwu Xuanyang ship of the Leaving Dust Palace, the two were separated at the moment and there was a sound barrier. Therefore, Yan Chengwei is completely fearless, and this sentence will be heard by the people of Leaving Dust Palace.

“This is not taken for granted?”

The color of the wind bamboo cold face smiles: “If possible, who does not want to be safe, peace of mind cultivation ask, spend the rest of the hundreds of years?”

姝ゆ垬Leaving Dust 鑻ヨ儨,鐕庡师瀵虹敓鍑虹殑殑 琚獿eaving Dust Palace 鏂╂柇銆傞偅涔熷 ammonia镒忓懗镌€,涓夊湥瀹椾笌澶х伒鐕曟皬涔嬮棿,蹇呭畾鐭涚浘婵€鍖 鍐嶆棤鍜岃В镄勫彲鑳姐€

“You guys are so hypocritical.”

Yan Chengwei coldly snorted, he has always had a bad attitude towards the people of Leaving Dust, which is due to this. Where is the wind and bamboo cold, the surface and the qi, where is the like to wait for Leaving Dust to go up and down, and immediately die?

“But these words, the wind brother can say, but never let people listen.”

The wind bamboo is silent, and I know the truth. It is not only that these words cannot be leaked, nor can it be used for Leaving Dust.

Even if you are tired of Leaving Dust, you can only sit and watch.

Otherwise, Daling Yan’s painstaking plans will be integrated into the many teachings of the Shu, and will immediately collapse. First of all, the redness will give birth to a dissident, and the betrayal of the light will be great.

“But to say that the real people of the festival are already thinking about the matter, the overall situation is settled, but it may not be.”

As he spoke, Yan Cheng was at the forefront. I can feel the distance, a huge sword and a strong air, flying through. Even at this moment, it is still far away from 100,000 miles away, and it still makes many of the Primordial Spirit cultivator here, with a sense of heart and a throbbing in the chest.

I don’t know what kind of mystery is used. Only this time has already spanned more than a thousand miles. Getting closer and closer here, Yan Chengwei estimates that it takes only a moment to get there.

And the Huang Huang Jian potential, he is more familiar with it,

“The first sword repair in the world, the Suiyuan Temple is a big one -“

“This one, is it really coming?”

The wind and bamboo eyes changed, and there was a hint of scorn and smile on his face: “Yuyuan Temple, this is no longer a face?”

“It’s me, I don’t care about this. Sect reputation, sometimes useful, sometimes it’s impossible to eat.”

Yan Chengwei’s sneer: “If he is here, there is still a chance to recover. The law is still unstoppable, but at least it can make the Yuanyuan Temple get out of it and escape the world. The void of the Buddha is broken. Ten thousand years ago, the achievements of the two million sorghum against the annihilation of the world were not only stolen by others, but also ruined by others. The calculation of Leaving Dust failed, but the wife and the soldiers were lost. The shame is thrown home. That one is the only way to see if it can be saved a little. If you can kill Zhuang Wudao, you may not be able to turn it around. Even if the plot to transform the southern Buddha is lost, you can also break Leaving Dust. The rise of the trend. And that method of Xuan, after all, was the master of this,”

“So, this war is still not understood, and the outcome is still undecided-“

Feng Zhuhan looked north, and the sensed Sword Intent has become stronger and stronger. The mind is also subconscious, it flashed a thought – a sword to the north

“I don’t know if Zhuang Wudao will be this opponent?”

The festival does not hesitate to live, and painstakingly plan to push his own disciples into such a situation. If you can’t stop this, Leaving Dust Palace will still be in danger of falling. Decades of life essence, two hundred years of planning, will also be lost.

“I am also curious”

Shenwei Wang Yan became a dangerous voice and laughed: “One of the world’s first sword repairs, the monumental Premodial Spirit fourth person, a new Primordial Spirit, the strength has entered the top fifteen of the world. This is already the past twelve years, Heaven In the world of revision, the most extreme battle of the Primordial Spirit. I don’t know what the final result is?”

More than ten years ago, Yu Xuxuan was shocked. With an enemy and ten, killing the second technique, repairing the Tianzong Chonglei real people, stirring the Heaven and the clouds, the situation in the southwest has changed greatly.

However, today’s Shiling Buddha Cave, the upcoming battle, is not inferior to the southwestern battle. If you talk about the strength of the opponents, it’s the difference.

At the time of Yu Xuxuan’s battle, there were ten Primordial Spirits in Sanshengzong, but there were few real strongmen. There are only three people on the top of the monument. That Chonglei real person, although the second surgery, can be changed due to the Early Cultural Technique. Once cultivation was ruined, the roots were insufficient, and it was only in the 14th place of the list.

At the moment, Zhuang Wudao’s opponent is recognized as the first kendo in the world, only because the True Origin cultivation base is not as good as people. Only then ranked fourth in the total number of monuments, after the second sword Xiu Le Changkong.

However, although the ranking of the first one is only the fourth, even if it is the first three people on the monument, they dare not say that they will win. A strong strength, as early as a hundred years ago, I used the cultivation base of the Primordial Spirit Initial Stage to devote myself. When I killed four Primordial Spirits in the first battle, I was convinced by the cultivator.

More than a decade ago, if Yu Xuanxuan was replaced by a big one, the result would not be different. That Chonglei real person, also want to die in one hand.

Even if it is Yu Xuxuan, it has an amazing record of killing and cultivating the thunder, and possesses the soul of the Returning Origin. In the eyes of the cultivator in this day, no one thought that Yu Xuxuan would be stronger than a big one.

And even if it is in Yan Chengwei’s view, the strength of Yu Xuxuan should be weaker than that of a big one. Like the soul of the war, the means to increase the strength of the people, based on the foundation of the three holy sects, which one? These means of things are often extremely precious, and they are always cherished.

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