
In the mouth of step Xuanqing, it is full of bitter taste at the moment, but there is still a strong unwillingness in the eyes.

“It is both a blood sacrifice technique, and it must be contaminated with the mysterious Heavenly Dao species. You are not afraid of your discipline. Since then, Demon Dao?”

“If I change to someone else, I will worry, but if it is tyrannical, I can rest assured. And the method I use should have no trouble, and it will not pollute the road.”

The festival method smiled slightly, and the eyes shone with a strange luster.

“Void Buddhism, such a good opportunity, I can miss Leaving Dust? The temple has been planning this for a long time, why is it that I am not? If it is more than 500 years old, when the mysterious Heavenly Dao achievements, I am waiting for today. You Daoyuan, where did you know the true position of the vain Buddha? Under the original Leaving Dust, only Hua Ying, but I am a kind of Heavenly Dao, but I am worried that he can’t solve my career. Fortunately, there is also tyrannical ― ―”

Like the old man who is about to die, the festival is not annoying, and he talks fluently.

With the rhythm of the festival, the last bloodline in the ground has already been in place, and the cohesion is completed. The entire blood sacrifice is bursting with blushing brilliance.

The cold eyes of the festival were also transferred, and three people were watched.

“In the way of Demon Dao, you have achieved the realm of Primordial Spirit, and it is the most famous peak in this world. But you will never think that you will have a day as a sacrifice?”

It was swept by this gaze, and the blood in the chest of the blood was like the ice of the ages, and the whole piece was frozen. Involuntarily, a sense of despair has been generated inwardly.

However, at this time, the heart of the bloody person, but there is a hint of hope.

“No, he wants to take the flesh and take care of this bloody demon.”

If he talks about the road, he is far worse than Step Xuanqing. It can be said that the understanding of the flesh can integrate a whole Yaksha into the blood of the body, but it is far better than the former.

Therefore, it is also possible to clearly sense that the festival is the same as the body. It’s already at this moment, transforming his own body into a blood sacrifice.

Intercept the scorpion Blood Essence to maintain the purity of the mysterious Heavenly Dao species

On the face of Jun Baichuan, there has been a glimmer of joy, and then with the slightest hesitation began to flee quickly. Although it is not clear why the festival is so, I know that this is the only escape opportunity for the three of them.

When the festival method transforms its own flesh into the sacrificial ritual, it is also the moment when the festival is the weakest. As for counterattack? Turn defeat into victory? What kind of joke?

Even if the law is full of strength, it has dropped a little at the moment, and it is still far more than the three of them. Even if they are a little closer, they are all sent to die. What’s more, the three have been in a state of disappointment.

It’s just his figure that just took out twenty feet. It is a dozen or so ‘nine days of magneto-optical meridian, and at the same time wears a void.

Up and down, not only will be left and right, left and right, all blocked. The intensity of the nine-day magneto-optical meridian also surpassed the previous four-fold devastating burning sensation, and quickly came from behind.

Jun Baichuan coldly snorted, pointing to a bomb on his own piano. With ‘ding-dong, a clear sound, the body also turned into a sound pattern, spreading to the distance.

Only after a short moment, there are three shuttles, which are successively hit, and the air bursts, the huge whistling, bringing a wave of invisible air, immediately sweeping the square

“Clean and scattered souls?”

The manifestation of Jun Baichuan’s wolf howling, the sound of the law has no shadow, is one of the most extreme tricks in the world. But there is a huge weakness, that is, fear of mixing, especially the disordered pop. When the cultivation base is insufficient, even the self must be lost in the pop.

The festival of the real person will use the technique of sound explosion, and blessing it on the pure soul of the soul, which is just his nemesis. Not only the direction of the sound lines, but also difficult to control, within the Primordial Spirit, was also shocked by the clean soul of the soul, a burst of dizziness.

However, Jun Baichuan did not dare to stay half-point, still fighting hard, and rushed forward. This is the last chance. If you can’t escape, it is like the rhetoric of the festival. It can only be used as a sacrifice to become the stepping stone for Zhuang Wudao to continue climbing the peak.

However, the next moment, the body of Jun Baichuan. But suddenly, another look, desperately looking at the front, I saw a red wooden sword, I do not know when hovering in front of his body. It’s less than half a foot from Jun Baichuan’s eyebrows.

Silently, he has locked his Primordial Spirit.

How can it be?

Just in the next moment when Jun Baichuan’s thoughts flashed, a glaring thunder suddenly exploded.

The currents of the road covered the body of Jun Baichuan, and most of them rushed into his eyebrows.

The whole body is paralyzed, and Jun Baichuan’s desperate desire to struggle, but within the soul, it is really a painful pain. After all, I still couldn’t support it. The whole person was black and the whole person was dizzy.

When Jun Baichuan was awakened, he found that his hands and feet were locked by a group of silver chains.

A knife that is also wrapped around the silk chain is inserted in the heart of his heart. I can’t afford the slightest effort, and even more so in my heart, my own with the body Blood Qi and the soul, is rapidly passing.

The bottom of this blood sacrifice, like the bottomless pit, swallows him now with the body, everything.

A little stunned, Jun Baichuan knows that his coma is extremely short, even less than ten breaths. At this moment, he has been completely locked again, and there is no rebellious force.

What about sacrifices?

Jun Baichuan face is like a gray, looking at the left and right sides. Then I found that the situation of Bu Xuanqing, who was the one with the blood, was even worse than his current situation.

Both hands and feet were cut off, and a silver chain knife was inserted in the heart of the left chest. The same is true of the Yasha incarnation of the bloody person. It is divided into five sections directly, leaving only the most important heart parts, and remains intact.

The trio and a fourth-order Yak incarnation were placed in a triangular shape. Only he was alone in the middle of the river, and his hands and feet remained intact.

However, Jun Baichuan has no luck, but the heart is deeper.

– The reason why the body is still intact, just because of his own True Origin, do with difficulty is still moderate. Being a real person, it became this Core sacrifice.

Crazy, this festival is completely crazy.

Jun Baichuan has completely escaped the idea of ​​escape, and the three fled at the same time, but they were all forcibly captured and bound here.

The strength of the first person of the Leaving Dust Primordial Spirit, what is the strength at the moment? It’s more difficult to kill three of them than to kill them.

“Festival method, a good method. It is really a good means, and it is really a willingness. I have been Xuanqing’s life, never served others, but I can admire the brothers, but this time I admire it -“

Step Xuanqing’s look, at this moment, is still calm, coldly smiled: “For the disciple, don’t hesitate to contaminate Demon Dao’s method, use the flesh as a relay ritual, sixty years of life essence, squandered today. For sect, forget about death, I am willing to make such sacrifices, and give me the righteousness to this point. My step Xuanqing is really the first time I have seen a friend of Tao. You are such a friend, but you are not afraid of bloody shackles after death, because of the cause of the industry, you can’t get rid of the obstacles. Reincarnation? Even being taken by the Lord, is it a demon?”

What he said was the cause and effect of the newspaper and the obstacles, but it did not refer to the lives of three of them, but to the empty Buddha.

Three hundred thousand years ago, two million Buddhist monks sat at the same time, sealed his Heart Demon, in order to resolve the danger of extinction – according to the Taoist book, this is worthless merit. But today, he was beaten by the law, using the technique of blood sacrifice and magic, and used the Buddha of the Void, the Buddha of the 2 million Buddhas, to become the Zhuang Wudao, helping the discipline to climb to the Primordial Spirit.

In this way, can there be no cause and effect report? Heaven and Earth Robbery backlash?

“No matter, why do you need to worry about me? Is this cause and effect report difficult, so I can’t take this trouble after the festival, leaving behind the people, dragging the path of the future. And this legacy is not impossible to solve. The old road is not bad, the three people’s ‘future star treasure wheel force curse, when it is not from Fubao, but the law is Xuan Dazheng, personally for you and other blessings? Even if there is that ‘future star Bao Luli holds the curse, Fu Bao, and he wants to come from the hands of Fa Xuan

The festival was held in the middle of the blood festival, and the eyes looked indifferently. It seems that the three men in this squad are no longer worthy of his value and have invested half the attention.

Suddenly there was a big sleeve, and there was a sigh in the distance. But the bloody man is still unwilling to die, still struggling to escape, intending to escape.

At this moment, they were separated from the sword by two water fires. They were nailed directly to the shoulders. The blood was just broken through the ban, and the trace of True Origin was raised. It was immediately defeated and broken, and the mouth was also spit a mouthful of blood.

So the blood of the person with the body, there are more Blood Qi, was forcibly extracted. The entire festival is full of blood.

However, in the sky above, there is another situation. The Buddha is full of light, countless Sanskrit, and flashes from time to time. A group of colorful halos entangle the statues of the gods, and there is a burst of sacred sounds. Exorcism evil spirits.

The three people in the array, the more and more Blood Qi is weak, dizzy, and the most serious blood-stained person, the Primordial Spirit also has a tendency to collapse.

And Buddhism can also sense, in the distance, the ‘magic Buddha magical wheel of the thousand-leaf array, the other air machine, is also increasingly strong.

Taking the three people’s Qi and blood gods as their sacrifices, they made ‘Xuan Heavenly Dao kind, and then revived, to extract more Buddha power and transfer it to Zhuang Wudao.

That erect, now I don’t know what the realm is? Primordial Spirit is a four-story building? Or has it reached the Primordial Spirit Middle Stage?

No, to the wiseness of the real people, how can you be stupid enough to only discriminate for yourself, simply stacking the cultivation base and improving the realm?

No accident, when it is the physical body Primordial Spirit, strengthen together. In addition to a solid foundation, the same can increase the combat power.

This festival is really intended to push one of its disciplines to the peak of contemporary cultivation.

And what is the last sentence, what exactly is it? There is really no ‘future star treasure wheel force curse, Fu Bao, the Buddha power of the three people, is the law Xuan Dazhengzheng, personally displayed this technique before January, personally blessing him three.

But what does this have to do with the blood sacrifice technique currently used in the Festival?

Slow –

In the brain of Buddhism, suddenly a divine light flashed through, and all the doubts in the mind of the moment were all solved. Subconscious, it is a chill.

“You, is it a ghost?”

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