“What is this?”

The voice of Bu Xuanqing is in the shackles. Under the oppressive pressure of the real people, the body can hardly move. The real body of the festival is held in front of the corpse of the true emptiness. However, the left and right are the incarnation of the bottle, the incarnation of the treasure mirror, at this time, according to one party, God is arrogant, all of them will firmly lock the three.

Once the three people have any action, they will surely usher in the real people of the festival, such as the thunder and flood.

Before seeing the real people of the festival, the surprise of returning to the gods, the technique used for Zhuang Wudao, has disappeared. At this moment, in the eyes of Xuan Qing, there are only doubts and horror and fear.

It’s not just because of the fact that the net is scattered, it’s not because of the four pairs of sword wings. There is also a change in the air machine that has been passed down, and it is in the real way of the festival, before the three pairs of sword wings are generated. Magic Tanzi, Fengshan and Xuefeng, actually in a moment, one after another.

A strong sense of crisis, haunting the heart of Buddhism, even if there is a blessing of the mysterious Heavenly Dao, the result should not be so.

The power of the magic sandalwood is that he is also deeply jealous. What is the ability of Zhuang Wudao to kill the magic sandalwood, and is it under the joint of three people?

The most troublesome thing about the magic sandalwood is the ‘blood and blood substitute’, which can be replaced several times, but not hurt at all.

How is Zhuang Wudao, how to crack this surgery? In the time of less than three hundred interest rates, even the three people who killed the magic sandalwood, the strength of Zhuang Wudao, is it so strong?

By the way, there is also the Heart of Heart Demon, and I don’t know when it will disappear. The fourth-order Heart Demon, the main body is one, and it does not reach the point of differentiation. However, it is possible to incarnate his mind, projecting the creatures within a radius of 100,000 miles, and moving them around, all of them are free.

But at this moment, this should only have been broken out of the Heart Demon, but it is completely gone, and within the mind, it can no longer be sensed.

In addition, what is the relationship between these pairs of sword wings and that Zhuang Wudao? Why is it that after the death of the three men of the magical Tanzi, blessing the real person of the festival?

“Heavy sword wing, my discipline, call this technique a heavy sword wing”

In the eyes of the real people, the color of pride is revealed: “Although he has rarely taught him since he started to get started, it is the most convincing discipline of my life.”

Yun Lingyue can pass on his clothes, and Hua Ying is the best in his heart, but Zhuang Wudao is the most proud of him.

The future is boundless, Leaving Dust Palace For millions of years, no one has been promoted to Void Refining, and no one can escape from Heaven, the history of crossing the border, can’t say for sure will be broken in his discipline.

“Heavy sword wings -“

The face of the bloody person is also as gloomy as water. The arms have been restrained and trembling, but in my heart, it is even colder.

Since he was promoted to the Primordial Spirit, there has never been a panic, and he is quietly floating in his mind. Sure enough, it really is that Zhuang Wudao –

But in the next moment, the bloody person saw the nakedness of the body, and the blood flowing from the wound was abnormal flow. Under the control of an inexplicable force, an incomparable rune was formed on the ground.

And some of the runes inside, the bloody people are more aware of the familiar, can not or forget. And the blood on the eyes of the people suddenly collapsed into needles.

“This is the blood sacrifice?”

The blood that flows from the net is scattered on the ground. Form a complete blood sacrifice array. Most of the runes in it, the bloody people know it, they just don’t know the festival, which is the sacrifice to which the Lord.

As for the sacrifices –

At the moment, it is not only the blood of the people who are scared, but also the Xuan Qing and Jun Baichuan, and they are also pale.

“Forgot a few of them, they are all masters of this line. They are experts in their own hands. They are still using this method for the first time. They are not enough to make a living. Please ask three people to laugh.”

At this time, the real people of the festival are like an ordinary person who is somewhat ordinary, but his words are awkward. But now it feels like this, it’s like that, it’s boring, and it’s multilingual.

However, I don’t know why. In addition to this ordinary, the three people are more concerned about it, but it is the hidden feeling of ecstasy under the smile of the festival.

The real people of the festival are unaware of it, still no one else, manipulating the blood of the true and scattered people, and continuing to construct the spirits.

“I thought that I wouldn’t have any contact with your magical method for a lifetime. If you come to the end, you will still break the ring. If you know the truth, you must laugh at the old–“

Step Xuanqing knows the macro truth of the festival, which is the macro daoist of Scarlet Yang City. Ten years ago, the feathers were dead, but Scarlet Yang City said so, but the real situation, many people have speculation.

But at this moment, Xuan Qing did not delve into the meaning of the truth, and there was no intention of chatting with the festival.

The four seem to be in the same place, the secret confrontation, but has experienced countless rounds. The thirteen mouth water fires away from the sword, has been with his ‘too yin and yang plate, and ‘magic bracelet,” in a few breaths, confronted no less than a hundred times. Step Xuanqing’s own Divine Abilty Collection Technique is also constantly changing and playing in this short period of time.

However, all the turmoil was forced by the law. All the rebellion was unrelenting and forced to suppress before the action was put into action.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear it invisibly. In the air outside the three people, it is constantly bursting.

Behind the step Xuanqing, it has been soaked by cold sweat. At this moment, the law of the three men is not crushing, but ‘control,

Fucked between the palms of the hand, freely, life and death

At this time, Xuan Qing’s mood is even more scared when he uses only one sword than the previous method.

It was a sword of six million swordsmanship. He could even feel the traces of Dao Technique from the sword.

The real people before the quarter of an hour are already difficult to match, and can be compared with any one of the ten to fifteen in front of the monument.

After the blessing of the sword, it has turned into a horrible monster. Step Xuanqing estimates that even the first five of the Primordial Spirit are here, I am afraid that it is not the enemy.

Re-smart sword wing – this is the real person of the festival, the Xuan Heavenly Dao species, the reason for the Zhuang Wudao?

It seems that the heart is full of spirits and generals. Step Xuanqing has tried to stop the formation of this blood sacrifice with the singer of the singer, Jun Baichuan.

However, it is useless. Those bloody runes are still like bamboo, and they are extended step by step to outline the big array of graphics.

Looking at this more and more complete picture, Step Xuanqing is restless and deeply breathing, only to force himself to calm down, and then I can see the strangeness of this array.

“You are not a blood sacrifice, not a devotional demon – this is, mysterious Heavenly Dao species”

Step Xuanqing eyes stunned, this blood sacrifice array, actually completely took the ‘Xuan Heavenly Dao species, as a devil to sacrifice, and is completely unrequited. Why is this again?

It’s strange to say that today’s law is a move. I have already won the prize, why do I need to contaminate the Demon Dao?

Yanshou? Even if they are to sacrifice their three, it is impossible to extend the law of life. It is even more suspicious to offer the mysterious Heavenly Dao species.

Suddenly, Step Xuanqing seems to think of something, looking at the top of the real person. The image of the size of the thumb. I saw the pure Buddha power that was full of golden awns before that. At this moment, I have already faded a lot.

“It turned out to be a void Buddha country”

The blood of the blood is also a movement in the heart, and it is faintly understood.

It turned out that it was the kind of ‘Xuan Heavenly Dao’. The essence of this blood sacrifice is to strengthen the ‘Xuan Heavenly Dao species, and you can continue to extract the vast Buddha’s Yuan from the Void Buddha Kingdom.

This is not enough to push Zhuang Wudao to the Primordial Spirit. At this time, I still want to go further –

“Step brother is not a magic sect master, not only the best way to count the world, this rumor is also the top choice.”

On the festival side, it is already exhausted. But even so, the three people present can’t give birth to the slightest heart, just because the three of them are still in the control of the law, among them,

“As you can see, I have no life essence. I used this mysterious Heavenly Dao species, and my life has been less than three moments. However, there is only one thing, the old road can’t be relieved. Before my mysterious masters sat down, I once called me to sit in front of my seat, and I will pay for my life. I will entrust Leaving Dust to teach me. Sect rises and falls and has been obsessed with life. In today’s battle, although Leaving Dust is winning, the situation is still in danger. During the year, Heaven’s cultivating circles will be fought and looted and looted. There must be a strong and powerful person who has the power to suppress the times. It has been born and shocked the various sects. It makes the world small and does not dare to commit crimes. Leaving Dust or Can be safe and sound -“

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