At this time, Nie Xianling was just stunned and looked up. Not only is the blood peak daoist and the magic sandalwood, she can’t believe everything in front of her, she is also skeptical about herself, whether she is in a dream or a fantasy. It is really the scene in front of you, too ridiculous, beyond the limits of human imagination.

Not long ago, she was still worried about the safety of Zhuang Wudao. With your own affliction, the Senior Brother needs to be distracted and unable to do what it takes. This battle must be fierce.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the situation has changed dramatically. The blood peak daoist, and the invisible cut Fengshan, have been successively awarded.

Even the incomparable magic sandalwood was also punched by Zhuang Wudao, and it was crushed into powder. The whole process seems to be effortless.

It seems that the world’s fourth scattered, the top 35 people in the top of the monument, in front of Zhuang Wudao, is simply worthless.

The robbery just now made her difficult to understand. However, it is also able to sense the True Origin air machine in Zhuang Wudao’s crazy upgrade.

Even if I am an idiot, I can guess a few points. At this time, Zhuang Wudao is definitely a cultivation base. And must be ascending to the heavens in a single leap , cultivation base to her level of difficulty.

“Senior Brother, you, this is, Primordial Spirit?”

Nie Xianling asked cautiously, his eyes were suspicious.


Zhuang Wudao At this time, there is really no thought to speak, only a slight raise of the hand, a body of various materials cohesive, has appeared in front of him. The figure is similar to his height and his face is similar.

Then there are two Golden Cores, buried inside the body. Zhuang Wudao’s own Primordial Spirit is impossible. Although the Primordial Spirit can be removed from the body, it means that it is also physically invisible. Therefore, the second third Primordial Spirit is needed. Otherwise, even if the body incarnation is carefully shaped, it is only a level of separation.

This avatar, driven by his two Golden Cores, can only last one hour when he has about 40% of his combat power, but at this moment, it is enough.

Looking at this Shiling Buddha Cave, even if it is only 40% strength of his body, who can easily overcome this temporary avatar?

At an hour, if he has not yet been able to solve the internal warfare of this Shiling Buddha Cave, then it will cost him a respect for him, this is fulfilled, this piece of mind

An idea, the body of the body, has fallen to the altar. As the mana unfolds, the array is motivated, and within a few thousand miles of a moment, all those who wear the reinvented jade plate that he personally refines are within his induction.

Fortunately, at least Leaving Dust Palace, no one is broken –

The tight heart is loose, Zhuang Wudao’s heavy heart, but can’t be a little lighter. Turning to a complex look, looking at the direction of the real people in the festival, eyes sorrow, reluctance, not willing to face.

“Junior Sister, you have my incarnation and four thunderfire guards here, the safety should be innocent, and wait here first. Masters those, I need to look over –

When the voice fell, Zhuang Wudao did not wait for Nie Xianling to answer, and he had already crossed the air, and the figure hurried to the northwest direction, and quickly went.

“Senior Brother!”

Nie Xianling has heard the sorrow and heavyness of Zhuang Wudao’s words, but just opened the inquiry, Zhuang Wudao’s figure has disappeared, and the body has turned into a thunder and rushed into the blood. Can not help but dumb, and then sighed.

“Mr. Master -“

That one is also one of the most respected three of her in the Leaving Dust Palace. The change of the Senior Brother cultivation base, I wonder if the legendary ‘reverse gods return to Tibet?

Shaking his head, Nie Xianling was concentrating on his own, and then his mind was absorbed by the movement in the altar. Through the altar, you can sense the orientation of the heavy jade plate, so you can also indirectly know the changes in the battle of the Shiling Buddha Cave.

With Zhuang Wudao’s three pairs of sword wings blessing, the situation has been very different, and the strength of all Leaving Dust cultivators has now tripled.

But at the moment, Nie Xianling, the most concerned about is the real people. It is also within this cave, except for Zhuang Wudao, the most powerful air machine.

Almost at the same time, Zhongyuan Daling Huangjing, Tianjibao.

At the moment, the monument is full of people, and almost all the people in the fort are stunned, watching the changes on this monument.

In the beginning, it was only the cultivators that were waiting for the martial arts, and then only less than twenty. There are dozens of hundreds of cultivators, and they rushed in and entered.

The cultivation base Golden Core Foundation Establishment is not the same, but it is not all the big sects, the Dao Hall in Dajing Hall is the real person. The expression is also like a difference, shocked, amazed, and there is also unbelief and embarrassment.

At this moment, even the cultivator, where the Heavenly Dao Alliance is stationed, also forgot the Tianji Fort, each with its own eyes changing and looking at this huge stone monument.

The back of the monument can be used to inquire about the cultivator in the world, all the spirits. On the positive side, it is the top 100 cultivator that manifests Heaven’s skill.

At the moment, this ‘Zhuang Wudao, three characters, is listed on the inside of the castle at the moment, the reason for the riot.

“It is already the 19th place -“

“This is simply ascending to the heavens in a single leap !”

“Heaven World Zhuang Wudao, ranked 19th in the total ranking. Born in Zhou Country, Shenzhuang, now living in the Nanping Mountain Range Devil Cave. Leaving Dust Palace Heaven is under the disciple of the courtyard, aged thirty-seven. Primordial Spirit 1st Layer. Father Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi Shen Lie, mother Zhuang Xiaoxi passed away –

“Is this person really, is it the Primordial Spirit?”

“How is this possible? Is it true that this is not a mistake? How can it be a step of Primordial Spirit?”

“I remember this child. Not long ago, it was only the realm of the Golden Core. The ranking on the total list seems to be between 900 and 1,100. It is the 22nd place in the Golden Core. ,”

“Yes, it’s 1,034, and the Heavenly Dao League’s Golden Core list was only two months ago.”

“If this is the case, then it is a miracle. The age of thirty-seven and the achievement of the Primordial Spirit, Heaven has been around the world, I am afraid that this is the only one.”

“Leaving Dust Palace, a Leaving Dust Palace has a rare talent.”

“Zhuang Wudao, Leaving Dust – remember Leaving Dust. Now, isn’t it in the Shiling Buddha Cave, fighting with the Three Magicians? Is it a breakthrough?”

There were a lot of arguments around, and there were soaring noises.

At this moment, the Heavenly Dao League’s moon-watching and scattered people are also standing on the wall of the Sky Fortress. Their eyes are unpredictable, and they are paying attention to the changes on the monument.

For the chaos in the sky at the moment, the moon has not stopped. Today’s situation is different from the past. Because of the monopoly of the monument, the dissatisfaction with the Heavenly Dao League, the world does not know. Sometimes it is not good to block, forcibly suppress, it is not the best policy.

The change of the monument of heaven today is indeed a matter of change in the overall situation of the world, and it has been closely watched by all the teachers.

At least in advance, among the people, the cultivator of the top ten monuments will be degraded in the Shiling Buddha Cave.

“Nineteen? Really the younger generations will surpass us in time –“

A hoarse snoring sounded at the ear of the moon, and then he did not wait for him to react. An old man with a crane and a fairy was already on his side.

“Watching the moon, I know that you have always been very concerned about this Zhuang Wudao. I don’t know how this time, how do you see it?”

“Have seen the Yuandaozi Senior Brother ”

The first sight of the moon is respectful, and this one is the third in the world. One of the pillars of the Heavenly Dao League, life essence is 470 years old, and now ranks eighth in the Heavenly Monument. In the Heavenly Dao League, it is also highly respected.

It’s not that he looks at the Primordial Spirit, so he can stand up to the court.

“I feel incredible and guessing, this should be the means of the real person.”

“How about the festival?” Yuan Daozi behind his hand: “I have heard his name for a long time, but unfortunately it has always been a side, it is my life.”

The one in the southeast, how could he not care? The same is not the innate talent, but they can all have Great Completion, naturally admire each other.

However, his Yuandaozi, although only 5th Grade Spirit Root, has a Dao Body. This Heaven is ranked in the top five Dao Body, but the festival is only one 2nd Grade Spirit Root, but still Achieved the Primordial Spirit and became the best cultivator in the world.

The painstaking and supportiveness of the Leaving Dust Palace has not fallen for five hundred years, and the burden is heavy, far above him.

“I remember that the Emperor Tianzong also intended to seek the southeast of the country. The first person in the world had gone to the southeast to test the truth of the festival. The result was that the real person was shocked, and the patriarchs were restrained, so for hundreds of years. Don’t dare to commit crimes.”

The moon is faint, and the voice is getting heavy: “But in addition to this, there are rumors. It is said that this festival is true, the reason why it can force the retreat of Mu Yuanxuan is because of a secret technique I don’t know if it is true or not?”

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