e: The monthly ticket is sad reminder, and then ask everyone for the next month’s ticket.

The mind converges, and Luo Qingyun wants to continue to persuade that today’s festival is not the same as Zhuang Wudao. Leaving Dust side, although there are heavy sword wings and mysterious Heavenly Dao species, these two tyrannical chips. Leaving Dust’s opponents, but also not ordinary people, where can this ideal situation occur?

Unless their opponents are waste snacks, they are stupid enough to be hopeless.

However, the words have not been exported, Luo Qingyun has stopped. These reasons, Zhuang Wudao is even clearer than him. Only this moment, the sadness, hatred, and gratitude in the heart, there is nowhere to solve. These self-blame words are just the words of Zhuang Wudao that can’t be vented, and they don’t want to face it.

And in the next moment, a huge amount of lightning, slammed down. Zhuang Wudao’s pair of pupils also restored the focal length again.

Primordial Spirit gathers and robs

Only when the Primordial Spirit is completed will it be robbed of thunder. At the same time, the mysterious parts of the body, with the body, also began to change. The body of the Innate Battle Soul adds two rounds to all of his Prfound Technique Divine Abilty. It’s not just those who have opened a new hole in those niches, but within the soul, they also started the mysterious changes.

The power of the soul is growing in madness. It has exceeded the limit of 100,000 feet – specifically, it is 99,999.

This is the cultivation base, the mind can cover, the limit of complete induction. Further, the range cannot be amplified any more. However, it does not mean that God will never grow again. Next, it is the words, the Tao, the Dao Fusion, the soul of the mind, the avenue is too virtual, inductive.

The thunder and lightning flashed, and the bombardment came, but it was wrapped around the outside of Zhuang Wudao. After a moment of entanglement, Zhuang Wudao was completely tamed with the liver and incorporated into the body. It was swallowed up by the “Taiwan Heavy-duty Feathering Heavenly God Ray” and became part of the Taishen Dusit Thunder.

Compared to the breakthrough Golden Core, the robbery is powerful. These looting of the Primordial Spirit is not at all robbed.

Zhuang Wudao breakthrough Golden Core When it comes to the situation, it is the fourth-order thunderbolt ‘Taiguang Guangri Lei, the weakest one in the fourth-order robbery. At the moment, the face is also the fourth-order, calling the hybrid Feixing Lei, and the power is stronger than the former.

However, at this moment, the strength of Zhuang Wudao is more than ten times that of the first entry into the Golden Core. With the use of cursing and bloody battles, it is ten times more.

Around the body, the robbery surrounds. Zhuang Wudao is completely ignorant, and the body, like the long whales, absorbs the water, and these all-in-one flying stars are sucked into the body. Primordial Spirit has been formed, Zhuang Wudao unscrupulous, spread his own air, spread out.

It is both an announcement and a demonstration. The wind rises from the clouds, and the sky is full of thunder clouds, which are scattered at the top of Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao’s gaze has already been looked at, and the two who still survived. The eyes are indifferent, the murder is full, the evil tendencies are full, and there is a little madness.

At this moment, the heartbeat of the blood peak daoist is almost stagnant. The fingers of the magic sandalwood are also deeply caught in their palms.

Being swayed by Zhuang Wudao by God, it was his instinctive tremor, almost disappearing the desire for resistance, bowed to the front of this child, and closed his eyes to death.

In the realm of Primordial Spirit, this child is one step ahead of the Primordial Spirit, stepping into Heaven’s 800-Primorial Spirit and not the ordinary Primordial Spirit cultivator. It is only a matter of sight, this person’s True Origin air machine, Similar to Gu Yunhang of the year, it can enter at least the top 20 of the monument.

It’s ridiculously impossible, it’s impossible to become a peerless person in one step. In this world, no one can do it.

The magic sandalwood is subconscious and does not want to believe, but the last remaining point in the heart is clear, but it is told to him, this is true.

In front of him, it is indeed the most extreme Primredial Spirit cultivator in the world, and the top of the monument is at least within twenty, and it is also the top-ranking strongman who swallows blood and battles.

It may be that you can crush him into a crush with just one finger.

The teeth are tight, and the magic sandalwood is fighting at this moment, against the force of the surrounding magnetic elements, moving outward.

Zhuang Wudao cultivation base The speed of lifting is fast, but it also uses more than a hundred breathing time. In this hundred breaths, it can only stand in place and it is difficult to move.

The magic sandalwood does not want to escape, but simply cannot escape. Zhuang Wudao In the case of Qi Condensation, you can use the small yin and yang, and sleepy people. By the time of the Primordial Spirit, it has increased to a maximum of 100%. Naturally, this time depends on the cultivation base and the results are different. Those Qi Condensation situations, even if they do their best, can’t get rid of the yin and yang. Changed to Immortal Ascension cultivator, even if Zhuang Wudao is doing its best, there is nothing to help.

However, it is not easy to crack this technique, but it is not the magic sandalwood at this time. At this moment, Zhuang Wudao’s vast mana, the “small yin and yang” with endless magnetic power, has made him almost desperate.

The figure continues to the depth of the ground, and the range covered by the small yin and yang of Zhuang Wudao is already close at hand. In the eyes of the magic sandalwood, there is also a ecstasy.

Just a hundred feet away, he can escape from the control of Zhuang Wudao and escape.

After the war today, we must stay away from the southeast, and we will not step through the Tibetan mysterious river for the rest of our lives. Why are you so stupid, and I have heard the words of Xuanqing’s people?

Leaving Dust Palace stands still in the southeast for thousands of years. Since the beginning of 6,000 years ago, it has always been among the top ten sects in the world. Can it be easily provoked?

However, at this time, Zhuang Wudao’s coldly snorted, leisurely passed to the heart of the magic sandalwood, suddenly missed a group, until this time gave birth to the induction, God read the shock, Zhuang Wudao outside the mixed yuan fly Star Lei’, I don’t know when it’s gone,

The magic sandalwood has not reacted yet, there is a vast fist power, and the impact is everywhere.


The magic sandalwood roared in both eyes, but then he did not want to think about it, and he swelled the whole body Qi and blood.

The dog was anxious and jumped to the wall, and the beast was fighting. His magic sandalwood is four hundred years old, even if he knows it is not good, he will never lack final struggle.

A bloody spurt, condensed at the fingertips of the magic sandalwood, bloody finger grabs have also been placed at the fingertips, this is the strongest blow you have condensed all his power. After a blow, a cultivation base must go back at least thirty years, but it is better than losing life.

But at the moment of the fist power and the body, it broke all the delusions of the magic sandalwood, all the escape thoughts.

Nine million elephants, the power of this punch is actually nine million elephants –

Within the mind, I just flashed this thought, the body of the magic sandalwood, and the sound of the “canopy” exploded again. The flesh and blood are scattered, the difference is that even the most finely divided blood beads are burned by Nanming from the fire and turned into dust powder.

Almost at the same time, I was unwilling to go from a distance of six thousand feet. There was also a group of flesh and blood, which broke open. Under the burning of Nanming, even the half-point of flesh and blood remains.

At this time, in front of Zhuang Wudao, the blood peak was pale, and it was forcibly taken to his eyes by a force of attraction.

Eyes change, fear, anger, shame, panic, despair, alternately flashing in the eyes of the blood peak daoist.

“This time, it is Buddhism, please take the mastermind, I just coincide with it.”

“If Zhuang Daoxiong is willing to let me put a life, the blood peak can swear, and the Red Spirit and the Three Immortals will never be enemies with Leaving Dust.”

See Zhuang Wudao always faceless, only gaze scornful, murderous as it is. The blood peak is flawless, but the expression is more charming and humble. If you can reach the music, you can achieve the major event. And the rules within Demon Sect have always been the strong.

“I heard that Zhuang Dao brother is like the sea in the north. The blood peak is willing to be driven by the Taoist brother. The Chi Ling Sanxian teaching can also be the chess piece in the hands of the Taoist brother.

“If the Zhuang Dao brother does not believe, you can use the Leaving Dust Palace to ban blood, and the blood peak can be temporarily a spiritual slave.”

The voice stopped abruptly, and the bloody peaks of the real people ignited a red-red flame. Only have time to struggle. The whole body was completely separated from the fire by Nanming, and it was completely burned into fly ash.

The Primordial Spirit of the blood peak was forcibly sucked out by Zhuang Wudao. As Zhuang Wudao played a spirit, the Primordial Spirit had no resistance, and was forced to become a finger-sized one. group. Blood peaks can only struggle with strenuous efforts, constantly trying to break away from breakthrough.

With the seals of Zhuang Wudao, the blood peaks can no longer move.

Zhuang Wudao also handed over the bloody Primordial Spirit to a jade bottle. This person’s Primordial Spirit can be used to swear to several Senior Brothers, even if they are not used, and can be used as a blood sacrifice material in the future.

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