“There is this thing”

Guanyue only said that it was a rumor, but Yuandaozi directly confirmed that: “I know that the real person of the festival is always using the lock and the essence of the technique, so it has always been inferior. Otherwise, I will be the eighth in this monument. ,can’t say for sure Nine is his.”

The locks are hidden, and they are derived from the same secret technique. Using the lock and the essence, you must have mastered the ‘reverse god,

“So, you think that the festival is a real person. Finally, the mysterious Heavenly Dao species is used in Zhuang Wudao?”

“In addition to this, there are other possibilities for watching the moon. It can make people ascending to the heavens in a single leap and achieve the Primordial Spirit. The strength spans more than 600 and enters the top 20 of the monument.”

Just talking, watching the moon’s eyelids slammed a pick, always calm and self-contained, actually almost out of control.

“Now, it is already the 18th place on the first day of the monument -“

Just now, the name of Zhuang Wudao, on the stone monument, turned into a bloody light. Then in the eighteenth place, condense again.

Also attracted to the monument, once again a noise.

“The 18th, is still rising?”

“I was still in the 24th place. It was less than half a cup of tea. It actually raised five ranks.”

“I don’t know this child, when will it reach the limit?

“If this is the first step in the top ten list, it will be interesting.”

“this child, it’s really a gift. The list of the law has reached the fourth, the kendo is already the ninth in the world, and the Fist Technique is also the twelfth.”

This last sentence of metamorphosis, but from the monument, has been someone, began to ask Zhuang Wudao, ranked in the rankings.

“The sixth place in the world is really unbelievable”

“The cultivation base is only the 1st Heavenly Layer of the Primordial Spirit. This child is only the 18th in the ranking. But in this world, you can really get what he wants, but I am afraid that it will never exceed the number of ten fingers.”

The Yuandao faintly looked down at the bottom, and then calmly regained his gaze: “Listen to your tone of voice, it seems that there is still doubt in your heart?”


Looking at the moon slightly dagger, calmly said: “There are a lot of doubts, such as the mysterious Heavenly Dao species, even if the festival of real people with hundreds of years of cultivation, it is impossible to make Zhuang Wudao, one step from the Golden Core four Re-entering the Primordial Spirit, like this innate talent, the required strength in the breakthrough is often ten times that of the ordinary cultivator. Again, this Zhuang Wudao ranking is too exaggerated. This child’s perception It’s really high, but it’s impossible, one step to the next –”

The 18th place of the monument, is this more exaggerated? After all, the ranking of this monument is a comprehensive assessment. Personal cultivation base, strength, potential innate talent, the quality and quantity of True Origin, the number of Prfound Technique Divine Abilty, the ranking in each ranking, and the accumulation of the industry. The latter is the most important of them.

In the eyes of the moon, there is also a doubtful color: “Even if the cultivation base can be perfused, forcibly promoted. But this industry has accumulated, where does it come from. I don’t believe that Zhuang Wudao can understand the number of avenues. How to improve the level of Leaving Dust Palace?

It is necessary to know that the top 20 people in the top of the list will be at least two to three 3rd Grade above, and they will be promoted to the 5th Heavenly Layer and even the 6th Heavenly Layer.

And even if it is the ‘Xuan Heavenly Dao species, it is only a seed. It needs to be taken after the research and digestion.

The time required, I am afraid that it will take dozens or even hundreds of years.

“And-” Guanyue Sanren asked the last question: “I understand that the real person of the festival, why not use this technique in his own body? Even if it is at this moment, it is not enough to create a heavenly monument. Reverse the occupation.”

That step Xuanqing and the bloody person, are all on the monument, the top 20 people.

Step Xuanqing ranks seventeen, and the blood is on the top. It was originally ranked 19th.

What’s more, there is the Sugawara Temple that is watching the outside world –

“It makes sense and it makes people wonder.”

Yuan Daozi was deeply pondered. After a while, his eyes flashed a little differently: “I don’t know why, but I think the daoist of the festival will never sit down and watch Leaving Dust Palace fall. This way, there must be reason.” If, I mean, if you say these difficulties, he can have a solution. The purpose of this festival is to create a predecessor who ranks fifteen in the top of the list. For example, that mysterious Heavenly Dao species, the wedding dress Dafa is from Zen, it is the means of Buddhism. If the Shiling Buddha Cave is really the multi-million sorghum sitting on the ground, then only the empty Buddha country, the mysterious Heavenly Dao species will have enough nutrient stamina. Help him get things done.”

Looking at the moon, the real person is round and round, and suddenly looks back, once again watching the monument. The fifteenth place of the monument, this is a big hurdle. The first fifteen people, similar to the cultivation base in the back, seem to be similar, but it has completely opened a level.

For example, Yuan Daozi, even if it is four or five ‘step Xuan Qing, such a combination of strength, is not an enemy. In the fifteenth place, every five places is a small hurdle, and the strength gap is quite disparity.

But it’s still a level, and they are jealous of each other, and they all have amazing cards. It is like the innate war of the returning Origin of Yu Xuan, the mysterious Dao of the daoist, and the Great Peace Sect of the North, the twin hail that was recently known.

He never felt that the words of Yuan Dao were ridiculous, but they felt that there was a lot of truth. The way of doing things in the law has never been targeted, so that the mysterious Heavenly Dao was wasted and the Leaving Dust Palace would not be in danger.

So, today, on this monument, I will see the birth of a peerless powerhouse?

And just after an instant, there was another exclamation at the bottom of the wall.

“Magic Tan, look at the magic sandalwood, has no name.”

“The thirty-sixth place, the wind bamboo cold. Sure enough -“

“Is it already fallen? I don’t know who this is, who is the hand of death?”

“This Demon Dao giant, in the land of the Central Plains, does not know how many kills have been created, and there are today. I thought that no one can get him in the world.”

“This person also participated in the Battle of Shiling Buddha Cave, presumably the handwriting of the Leaving Dust Palace. This Leaving Dust has the power of one family. The three major magic sects of the single battle, I really waited before I waited, it is a small sight. Southern Heaven.”

Looking at the moon and distracting people, I still have to pay attention to the life of Zhuang Wudao. He wants to just look at what level of Zhuang Wudao can be achieved today? Which of the top fifteen can rank geometrically?

I think there are many people in this day, and there are many people waiting for the result. See how far this Leaving Dust new pillar can be achieved –

Under the darkness of the world, the lake water that has been poured from the outside has filled all the space under the Shiling Buddha Cave. The fierce battle has reached the second level.

Within the not-so-wide space, countless black water dragons circling and criss-crossing.

Yuan Bai and Ling Hua Ying stood back to back, and the body was covered with blood marks. Some are bloody enchanting, knife wounds, and some are their own hands to cut off the flesh and blood.

The black water dragons contain huge poisons, which may erode the whole body if they are slightly contaminated. So the two had to do this, taking the initiative to remove some of the meat that was splashed with poisonous water to prevent the spread of toxins.

However, the situation is even worse. At this time, the lower layers of the entire cave have been turned into water countries, almost completely falling into the control of the purple sea lay. With the cover of this person, the bloody moon enchanting of the nine princes is also like a tiger, and the difference between the knife and the road is unpredictable.

The two can hardly be separated for a while, and once they leave each other, they will be able to cover each other and will be surrounded by the joint attack of Zihai Ju Shi and Yu Jiujun.

Only sometimes, even if the two know each other separately, they must fall into the danger of their own battles. The entire battle has been completely controlled by the other side.

Just outside the 20,000-foot, a huge stream of water can be seen, spiraling up and gradually forming a shape of the otter. And Hua Ying looks in the eyes, can not help but inwardly grinds teeth.

At this time, he was backed by Yuan Bai, and both of them were doing their best to restore their injuries. However, on the opposite side, it is obvious that they do not want to give them time to cultivate.

Faintly sighed, Ling Hua Ying Zhou Jianhua re-flashed, and turned into a rainbow. Brought a group of water and fire two colors, such as the rainbow of light and shadow, to the distant Zihai lay and the direction of the water, and went straight.

The eleven water and fire sword shadows are criss-crossed, and all the water and water dragons along the way will be forcibly broken and cracked. However, it is not true that when the Hua Ying sword shadow arrives, the purple sea layman’s body is already the first step into a water, into the lake below.

Hua Ying did not pay attention to it, and still kept the sword light forward and rushed to the water. A huge sword shadow waved, and the unformed water was broken into pieces.

The water control technique of the red pheasant monkey can be called unparalleled in the world. Although it is just a true form of the purple sea, it is enough to control the water in the purple sea, and then upgrade several steps. Therefore, Hua Ying did not dare to let this thing be done, even for a moment.

The otter is broken, and Yuan Bai is here again, but it is once again in a difficult battle. Hua Ying was forced to leave the sword, but Yuan Bai was at the moment of his intention to follow, and suddenly there was a flash of blood and blood on the side of the body.

The bloody enchanting glory of the glory, divided into dozens, although by Yuan Bai, with a Great Falling Monument Hand directly forced to repel the fight. However, outside his body, there are countless magnetic cutter blades, which sweep across all directions.

There are countless water dragons around the two feet, or biting or catching, and Yuan Bai’s figure is surrounded by a group of people.

And Yuan Bai’s figure is completely turned into blood. From time to time, there is a group of black light and light, shining in the body. One hand is completely beastified, turned into a furry arm, and the palm is not limited to the Great Falling Monument. It is more to use the claws on the hands to compete with the bloody enchanting and bring a sharp claw. The wind, a piece of film forcibly tears the surrounding water dragon blade.

After all, the Great Falling Monument is just a beginner and not very familiar. On the contrary, this instinct, the battle mode in the Southern Heaven forest, is more suitable for the battle of the moment.

A pair of flesh palms can be used to swallow the sun, do with difficulty can protect themselves from injury, but those toxic liquids are the most troublesome, even if they are demon and suffocating, they are also rejected, often being directly penetrated and corroded and splashed on the skin.

The two Primordial Spirit cultivators teamed up, and Yuan Bai could not improve his situation even if he struggled with his left and right. Like a trapped beast, in the shackles of the dragon, the water is gradually exhausted.

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