e: On the third day of the third day, once again ask for the monthly pass

“It’s here”

Zhuang Wudao stood up and let Nie Xianling put down after the gods swept around. Then I will throw the altar down. The wind will rise in the wind and will open to a radius of five hundred feet in a short time.

After that, Zhuang Wudao re-printed, and four consecutive thunder fires were made out. The total number of 144 thunder and thunder, from the ground up, formed a ‘heavy gods and unlimited masses.

There is no spirituality in this underground. This is a mysterious god, and it is less than the usual power of 10%. However, it is better than nothing, it is somewhat useful, at least to protect Nie Xianling from being in the lineup.

岄偅涓 锏 锏 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬 簬姪锷 傝 傝 傝 浜涘 浜涘 鍎¤仈 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉 昉

‘Thunder fire, if cured with a solid symbol, it can last for a month, but it can no longer move. Zhuang Wudao This time, it is a real-life symbol given by the real people. These thunderfires can only be maintained for a day, but they can be used in small areas. The only downside is instability, and the thunderstorm’s power will weaken over time.

Nie Xianling did not need Zhuang Wudao to command, but he had already settled on the altar and stood at the rear, the location of the smaller independent legal platform.

Zhuang Wudao sprinkled four 傀儡天珠, four thunder and fire scorpions, guarding the altar of the altar, and acting on his behalf to control the ‘heavy gods and the gods are boundless.

The focus of the four Thunderfire Guards is Nie Xianling. Although this girl is fighting for the Golden Core, it can be too weak in the context of this Primordial Spirit, and it really makes Zhuang Wudao feel at ease.

All this was properly arranged, and Zhuang Wudao was also a flash, ready to enter the altar. However, at this time, Zhuang Wudao’s heart was alarmed and the situation was suddenly changed. The body immediately flashed and split into two. Then, only between the two different figures, a finger pointing, suddenly wearing the air, silently in the void.

The power of the vast array of millions of elephants suddenly broke out. Huge hurricane, and instantly smashed the phantom of Zhuang Wudao. Even the body that he has been far away from fifty or sixty feet can not be spared. The huge impact force makes Zhuang Wudao out of control, such as the throwing of sacks.

Zhuang Wudao is numb in the chest and wants to vomit blood. However, the warning signs in his heart at this time did not retreat.

Forged 絇rfound Technique, Ox Demon Chaotic Dance

72 Forms Great Falling Monument Hand , 浠ョ柉镫 箣锷 二 (2) 臣 娲掓愧鍑荤潃銆傜劧钖庨偅鐪嬩 娲掓愧鍑荤潃銆傜劧钖庨偅鐪嬩 骞 骞 镞犲镄勮櫄绌 杩炵 杩炵鏁板崄阆撶妧鍒╂棤鍖圭殑镞犲船缃”垉,琚玓huang Wudao 镄凣reat Falling Monument 鎺屽娍,涓€涓€鎷岖銆效嵈链夋洿澶氱殑缁嗙椋庡垉,鍦ㄤ粬韬懆杩戝湪鍜昂澶 鐖嗗彂镣 紑銆 紑銆 huang huang Zhuang Wudao 镄凮x Demon Hegemon Body 镄勪笉镰撮噾韬 涔熷嚑涔庢姷寰’笉浣忋€

鍗 究 夊お 夊お 勫 勫 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 勫 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 勫 娌夌敳涓嶭 娌夌敳涓嶭 ust ust ust ust ust ust ust ust ust €涓濅笣镄勮鐥曘€效鏂鏂敤锷茶佸埌,佸埌存笚笚鸿厬銆效お暗勫viii娌夌敳涓嶭eaving Dust 闀跨敓琛d笉浼ゅ垎姣Zhuang Wudao within the body, 浜旇剰鍏厬鍗村樊镣硅杩欐殚锷茬粸鎴愪

At the end of the day, Zhuang Wudao gathered all the powers in one place, with a big cracked stone and a shot at the void. However, only a loud bang, a huge invisible giant shear, finally appeared in front of Zhuang Wudao. The whole set of scissors, there are more than ten feet long.

If it is not Zhuang Wudao, it will be blocked. This cut can even cut his whole person into two pieces.

Also until this time, Zhuang Wudao’s heart was only slightly slowed down. However, he still did not dare to delay, and the blood god shield, erected, stood on his side, and then blessed the tower. Then I saw a devastating force, hitting the blood god shield, on,

“Blood Yang and Rongjin, one finger is broken”

Zhuang Wudao has been unable to prepare to perceive the power of this finger. I only know that the power of this finger is more than the limit of 2.5 million.

Zhuang Wudao Even if it is a big broken cloud, all the strength is out, with both hands against the shield. The whole person is still involuntarily, and then throws it away again.

涓 鍙屾 鍙屾 镊 鐩 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰ 帴鍦╰鍧氶煣宸 鍧氶煣宸 鍖栧埌浜嗕竴涓瀬绔殑灞傛 鍖栧埌浜嗕竴涓瀬绔殑灞傛 鍖栧埌浜嗕竴涓瀬绔殑灞傛 杩栾 鍖栧埌浜嗕竴涓瀬绔殑灞傛 鍖栧埌浜嗕竴涓瀬绔殑灞傛 鍖栧埌浜嗕竴涓瀬绔殑灞傛 鍖栧埌浜嗕竴涓瀬绔殑灞傛 杩栾 杩栾 悕涓 悕涓 悕涓 悕涓 悕涓 悕涓 悕涓 悕涓娌¤兘鎶婅绁炵浘寮鸿娲炵┛,屾槸灏嗗ぇ閮ㄥ垎镄勫姏屾槸灏嗗ぇ閮ㄥ垎镄勫姏屾槸灏嗗ぇ閮ㄥ垎镄勫姏忓弽寮silicon屽洖銆

Zhuang Wudao is of course a pair of arms, turned into blood and minced meat. The finger of this person is also rubbed, and a crack is broken. It is also a crack in the fracture.

I have not been able to spare a little bit of effort to deal with this shock shock. This one, who is obviously only taking the shot, has also done his best at the beginning.

“Magic Tanko”

The figure was thrown to six hundred steps, Zhuang Wudao body stood. A pair of crippled arms immediately stretched out the granulation. Under the blessing of the sacred body, it was like the Inextinguishable Dao Body, and it recovered.

Just in the eyes of Zhuang Wudao, a figure that familiarizes him is now in front of his eyes. It’s just not the same as the previous time. At that time, in the Devil’s Cave, it’s just a devil’s body, and in front of him, it’s eight hundred feet away, but it’s the deity of the magic sandalwood. , the top 36 murderers

Zhuang Wudao 蹇崭笉浣忎竴阒靛ご镄彂楹 镐庝箞镊 棣栧厛阆囧埌镄 灞呯劧杩樼湡鏄 灞呯劧杩樼湡鏄 涓 浣嶏纻 浣嶏纻 浣嶏纻 key 屼笖杩 笉 笉鏄崟镫竴浜 闄ゆ涔嫔, 闾d 鐢ㄦ棤褰 鐢ㄦ棤褰 (5) 澶 澶 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 dao dao dao dao dao daoょ粎鍓︻湡浜 闾 娉曞疂镞犲 娉曞疂镞犲 娉曞疂镞犲 娉曞疂镞犲 娉曞疂镞犲 or or or or or or ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial ial銆

No, it shouldn’t be met. This time, there are deliberate traces on how to look. It is not a coincidence that these two people are encountered here. It should be the intention to pursue his Zhuang Wudao.

Only when the people passed in, the location has been disturbed and divided. These magical repairs should not be an exception. How do you know where he will appear, and rush to this place in such a short period of time?

“It’s just a small friend of Magic Tanzhuang. I haven’t seen it for a long time. No, it should be said that it is the first time I meet.”

The magic sandalwood smiled coldly, and the corners of the lips were quickly hooked up to the earlobe, which looked unusually evil and murdered in the eyes.

“Is it a surprise to see the eyes of a small friend? This expression, hey, I like it the most.”

As I spoke, I walked forward and walked forward. For the Zhuang Wudao cloth here, the “Heavy Gods are infinitely big, and they seem to have never cared.” The power of thunder fire is added, and you can’t delay the magical sandalwood.

Hard to break the power of the pros and cons, and walk out in a big battle. In the eyes of these top-level Primordial Spirit cultivators, there is no fourth-order array of sources of spirit power.

Zhuang Wudao’s eyes are helpless: “I don’t think of the Tao Tan Taoist, is this a vengeful person?”

He is really helpless, or the first time it fell into such a dilemma. I can only hope to delay the time with words, but it seems that the effect is not good.

With the magical Tanzi’s understanding of this ‘re-emphasis of the gods and the vastness of the sky, the pace is getting faster and faster.

“Smile, the soul incarnation and me are two, the avatar is destroyed by your hand, just if it is a life, die in the hands of your Zhuang Wudao.”

旀獉瀛愪笉镐ヤ笉鐕 旀獉瀛愪笉镐ヤ笉鐕 屽 屽 屽 鐪嫔悜浜哯 Wu Wu 韬悗镄勯偅搴 Wu 硶鍧涳 硶鍧涳 硶鍧涳 硶鍧涳 鈥滃叾瀹炶 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔堛 彧鏄偅浣嶆阆揿厔 effect, 瀵 綘鐢氭槸蹇屾傩銆傛垬鍓嶆浘鎶樻崯鍗佸 綘鐢氭槸蹇屾傩銆傛垬鍓嶆浘鎶樻崯鍗佸 瀵垮懡, 绐ョ湅澶╂満, 璁や 浣犳槸杩欎竴鎴樼殑鍏 犳槸杩欎竴鎴樼殑鍏 敭 敭 鏄渶寰楅鍏堣 鏄渶寰楅鍏堣 鍐 鍐 箣浜 箣浜 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴 傛湰搴鐪嬫潵,鎴戦偅姝ラ死鍙 鏋 劧鏄墍鏂欎笉宸€曗€曗€

璇濋煶镊   鍦ㄦ硶鍧涗箣澶 蹇 蹇 劧浼犲嚭浜嗕竴澹 劧浼犲嚭浜嗕竴澹 浠ュ 浠ュ 浠ュ 杩炰 杩炰 杩炰 杩炰 杩炰 杩炰 偢鍝嶃 偢鍝嶃 偢鍝嶃 偢鍝嶃 偢鍝嶃嵈鏄竴灏婇净鐏ぉ鍌,涓涓鍓戞柀鍦ㄤ竴镞犳墍鍓戞柀鍦ㄤ竴镞犳墍夌殑绌哄銆夌殑绌哄銆嵈灏嗛偅宸嵈灏嗛偅宸啀娆¢殣鍖啀娆¢殣鍖笉佺殑宸ㄥ壀,鍐嶆鎷”埅,灏呜伞鍙e悕闂籋eaven 淇晫镄勬硶瀹 寮鸿鏂╅宕╁紑銆

The key 屽彟涓夊皧 伀澶╁ 伀澶╁ 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵 涔熸槸杩炵鎸ュ嚭鏁板崄涓婄栌娆$殑sword light, gallium 嶆渶缁埚皢涓€涓︷潚琛玠aoist 撴壆镄勮 撴壆镄勮 褰 褰 阃 阃 揩鍒 揩鍒 揩鍒 褰 四 四 四 四 四銆

Zhuang Wudao 鍗寸湅閮芥湭旋悜钖庣湅涓悜钖庣湅涓鐪鐪鏄庣煡杩欎綅鏋dao daoist 镄勭洰镄 鏄厛闄ゅ幓Nie Xianling ,涔熸湭 chain夊垎绁炲叧娉

锷犲叆 ㄥ ㄥ 浠栨棭宸 浠栨棭宸 浠栨棭宸 浠栨棭宸 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑 傛櫘阃氱殑净鐏ぉ鍌€鐩稿綋綋屽凡,鐢氲呖杩樿绋嶉€娄竴绛广€

锲涘皧 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 箞渚挎槸 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢缃殑锲涘骇鈥橀 鏄庣 鏄庣 鏄庣 忛兘澶╁ぇ阒 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙

杩欐灚灞眃aoist 寮哄垯寮虹煟,镞犲船椋庡壀涓庢棤褰(五)亖涔嬫湳,閮戒娇浜哄繉鎯 鍙┒鍏舵牴搴 杩桦彧鏄疨Rimordial Spirit Initial Stage

In the eyes of the sixth-order gods, the invisible method has no effect. Four Thunderfire Scorpio teamed up to protect Nie Xianling safe and sound.

Therefore, at this moment, only the magical sandalwood that has not yet been shot in front of him is the most sensational.

鈥淔oundation Establishment 澧 曞畞镒 曞畞镒 曞畞镒 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳 笉瑕丳蹇呯劧涔熸槸姝ゆ垬鍏抽敭銆傛湁镌€浠€涔圥rfound Technique Divine Abilty ,鎴栬€呯涔 鑳 澶 箙澧炲 箙澧炲 箙澧炲 浣犱 Le Leaving Dust 涓€鏂殑瀹炲姏锛熻 殑瀹炲姏锛熻 屼笖鏁堟灉涔嫔 屼笖鏁堟灉涔嫔, 瀹氱劧涔熸槸瓒呭嚭涓や笁浣峆rimordial Spirit Late Stage 镄勪 链 垯浣犱 垯浣犱 Le Leaving Dust, 瀹Hydrogen argon 姝ゅ啋闄┿€傛墍浠モ€曗€曗€

Inside the eyelids of the magic sandalwood, there is a slap in the face: “So just kill this woman, this battle will be settled?”

灏卞湪Zhuang Wudao 蹇 鎽囧姩镄勫埞闾 旀獉瀛愭暣涓﹄ 旀獉瀛愭暣涓﹄ 旀獉瀛愭暣涓﹄ 蹇 蹇 蹇 蹇 蹇 蹇 蹇 劧鍖栨垚浜嗕竴锲 劧鍖栨垚浜嗕竴锲 劧鍖栨垚浜嗕竴锲 劧鍖栨垚浜嗕竴锲 劧鍖栨垚浜嗕竴锲 劧鍖栨垚浜嗕竴锲 劧鍖栨垚浜嗕竴锲 劧鍖栨垚浜嗕竴锲 劧鍖栨垚浜嗕竴锲鍐 秾 key

After a single point, the whole piece of the sky collapsed. Zhuang Wudao gaze, and then with the slightest hesitation, the whole person turned into a thunderbolt, a flashing flash, it was six miles away, avoiding the edge of the magic sandalwood. Then behind him, there are sixteen face fire Mingyang mirrors.

The so-called long-term, the shortcomings of attacking the enemy, the only thing he can do now is the ninth cultivation base of the world, and the shackles that have already rushed into the top 30 of the monument.

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