Zhuang Wudao took it in his hand and felt the majesty of the gods in it. He suddenly knew that he was alone. It seems that there is no need to remind a few real people.

Shangyu is the god of heaven, and it is the one of the many gods of Leaving Dust Palace who can best control evil spirits. Within this statue, it also contains abundant willingness. It is clearly within the gods, and it is dedicated to the cultivation of thousands of years. I don’t know how many people have been worshipped.

Not only him, but also Nie Xianling, and the quality and concentration of the force, above him. This is also because Nie Xianling’s cultivation base is only Foundation Foundation, so it is especially taken care of.

At the time of crisis, Nie Xianling even used this image to summon the sorcerer of the goddess of Heaven.

And just in Zhuang Wudao, after all the battles and the gods were collected. The eyes of all people are attracted by the two flying eyes in the distance.

涓€涓叚镞琽ld man, chain 嶉グ鍙ゆ湸, 涓€涓垯鏄传缁秅olden robed, 鐜夊甫鍗 啝, 闱(一)鍐爅ade-like 镄勭 缈╁ Quenching

“Heavenly Dao is a gentleman and has seen the friends of Leaving Dust Palace”

“Da Ling Yan’s, Yan Chengwei” When the young man spoke, it seemed to be humble and courteous, but it was hidden and proud: “You are a friend, Yan is polite.”

鑺傛硶鐪熶汉涓€澹版湕绗湕绗鈥滃鈥滃鏉ユ槸椋庨鏉ユ槸椋庨鏉ユ槸椋庨鍙嬩笌澶伒绁炲▉鐜嬮┚涓 兘寰椾簩浣嶅嚭闱 (3)浉鎶ゆ垜瀹 鎴慙eaving Dust 杩欐鐪熷彲璋撴槸涓囧 銆傗

Leaving Dust 璇镐 涔熼殢镌 涔熼殢镌 涔熼殢镌 涔熼殢镌 涔熼殢镌 涔熼殢镌 涔熼殢镌 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮

Zhuang Wudao’s gaze is looking at the old man. The fifth in the world, the wind and bamboo cold, and the top ten of the top ten, the Yuan Daozi, and now the second highest in the world, are known as the first scattered repair Tianshu, but the Heavenly Dao League three pillars one,

The magic sandalwood is ranked 34th. The wind bamboo is cold, but it is ranked 35th. There is only one line difference between the two.

He looked at the wind and bamboo cold here, and the great spirit of the king, Wang Yancheng, was watching him, but after a while, he smiled and turned to him.

In fact, in addition to these two people, the three holy people have long arrived. Just above the Shiling Buddha Cave, a total of three, are also Primordial Spirit cultivator,

Leaving Dust Palace 杩栾 鍏ㄦ棤鎼悊绀哄ソ涔嬫剰銆傝 鍏ㄦ棤鎼悊绀哄ソ涔嬫剰銆傝 鍏ㄦ棤鎼悊绀哄ソ涔嬫剰銆傝 鍏ㄦ棤鎼悊绀哄ソ涔嬫剰銆傝 鍏ㄦ棤鎼悊绀哄ソ涔嬫剰銆傝 鍏ㄦ棤鎼悊绀哄ソ涔嬫剰銆傝 鍏ㄦ棤鎼悊绀哄ソ涔嬫剰銆傝 鍏ㄦ棤鎼悊绀哄ソ涔嬫剰銆傝 鍏ㄦ棤鎼悊绀哄ソ涔嬫剰銆傝 鍏ㄦ棤鎼悊绀哄ソ涔嬫剰銆傝 鍏ㄦ棤鎼悊绀哄ソ涔嬫剰銆傝 鍏ㄦ棤鎼悊绀哄ソ涔嬫剰銆傝 鍏ㄦ棤鎼悊绀哄ソ涔嬫剰銆傝Han Han e疄, 姝ゅ埢鍙︼兘鏄眳浜庝袱鏂 箣闂 箣闂 € 笉杩囦篃涓岖畻褰 笉杩囦篃涓岖畻褰 笉杩囦篃涓岖畻褰 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一滠 ︷桤 板, 皬涓庢滠姘忚 皬涓庢滠姘忚 皬涓庢滠姘忚 皬涓庢滠姘忚 浜涜棌鐜勫ぇ姹熷 浜涜棌鐜勫ぇ姹熷 宀 宀 殑锷垮姏 殑锷垮姏 殑锷垮姏 殑锷垮姏 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 櫔銆 櫔銆 櫔銆 櫔銆 櫔銆 櫔銆 櫔銆 櫔銆熷ソ涓岖儹闂广€

And around, or malicious, or worried, or gloating, or worried about the sight of God, are glimpsing here.

涓嶆鏄叧绯 涓嶆鏄叧绯 ea eaving Dust 鍏 “,, 涔熶簨鍏 暣涓狧 暣涓狧 eaven 晫镄勫ぇ锷垮彉鍖栥 洜 洜 洜 洜 洜ぉ涓媍ultivation 涔嫔 鐬╃洰涔熶笉涓 鐬╃洰涔熶笉涓 绷 涔熶笉鐭ユ湁澶 涔熶笉鐭ユ湁澶 涔熶笉鐭ユ湁澶 涔熶笉鐭ユ湁澶 涔熶笉鐭ユ湁澶 涔熶笉鐭ユ湁澶 涔熶笉鐭ユ湁澶 涔熶笉鐭ユ湁澶 涔熶笉鐭ユ湁澶 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏

On the Meridian Xuanyang ship, after some chills.

That wind bamboo cold has been tempted to ask: “I don’t know Leaving Dust Palace, how sure is this?”

鑺傛硶涓庡弫娉旷湡浜虹浉浉 嗕竴绗 呯瓟阆掳 呯瓟阆掳 呯瓟阆掳 涔熶笉浼 涔熶笉浼 涔熶笉浼 涔熶笉浼 涓嶈 涓嶈鎴戣嫢璇碙eaving Dust Chain 塜NUMX% 鑳 畻 浜屼綅鎯 浜屼綅鎯 浜屼綅鎯 浜屼綅鎯 浜屼綅鎯 浜屼綅鎯 潵瀹 潵瀹 潵瀹 ° ° 鍑嗗镄勫悗 鍑嗗镄勫悗 鍑嗗镄勫悗 鍑嗗镄勫悗 鍑嗗镄勫悗 鍑嗗镄勫悗 鍑嗗镄勫悗 鍑嗗镄勫悗 鍑嗗镄勫悗 鍑嗗镄勫悗Leaving Dust 搴旇閮 搴旇閮 湁鑳 湁鑳 愪 愪 愪 愪 锷涘簲瀵 锷涘簲瀵

The wind bamboo frowned, and then it was revealed. In the obvious way, Leaving Dust Palace will not promise to be defeated. If you don’t have a bit of control, you can’t make a big fight with the magic repair. Where will you promise to fight?

That Shenwei Wang Yan is in danger, but he is looking at Nie Xianling: “Is this female, is it one of the 15 people who played?”

In this statement, Leaving Dust Palace, in addition to the well-informed Primordial Spirit cultivator, the rest of the people look around. Especially those who are scattered, are frowning.


At this time, the law of defamation does not conceal the meaning: “I will follow this battle with me.”

鈥滃彧鏄疐oundation Establishment 澧冭€屽凡銆傗 濋偅鐕曟垚鍗卞喎绗 濋偅鐕曟垚鍗卞喎绗 鈥滆槠璇 鈥滆槠璇 鈥滆槠璇 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 Sliding Leaving Dust

鈥沧垜绛夊矀浼氶偅Leaving Dust 镄勭敓浜”瓨缁紑鐜╃瑧锛熲€

鍙佹硶闱 (1) 鍑濋 镄勬憞澶 镄勬憞澶 瓟镌 姝よ 姝よ 姝よ 姝よ 姝よ 姝よ 姝よ 涔熸槸涓哄畨鎶 涔熸槸涓哄畨鎶 涔熸槸涓哄畨鎶 涔熸槸涓哄畨鎶 涔熸槸涓哄畨鎶 涔熸槸涓哄畨鎶 箣蹇冿 箣蹇冿 箣蹇冿 箣蹇冿 濡伥 濡伥 濡伥 濡伥 av av av av av av , 鍦ㄦ垜绛夌湅鏉 鎴戣 濂 濂 镄勪綔鐢 镄勪綔鐢 or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or

“Like Zhuang Wudao? It turns out to be like this”

Yan Cheng’s dangerous eyes changed, and finally fell to Zhuang Wudao. “That’s a good time to wish you a victory.”

This person is a keen mind, and then he noticed that Yuan Bai, who changed into a human appearance, almost no one recognized his true identity, looked up and down for a long time, and finally continued to smile.

After about a quarter of an hour, the hour will come. First of all, the leaders of the two sides met and, according to the agreement, set up an oath of Heart Demon. Nothing is not to borrow external forces, not to use small means, to live and die, to be gambling and lose.

After the completion, Zhuang Wudao and others flew down the Ziwu Xuanyang ship and landed on the transmission array.

鑺傛硶,鍙佹硶,,琚佺槠,鏉庣巹瀹 浜戠伒 chain 浜戞硶,绌舵硶,鐏礖ua Ying,Zhuang Wudao,Nie Xianling,鐪熼润鏁dhan,榛勬兜鐪熶汉,鍙ゅ悎鏁d汉,杩樻湁涓€浣嶅墤阃氱湡浜恒€

钖庤 呬 呬 鏄嚭镊﹄竴涓猄 鏄嚭镊﹄竴涓猄 鏄嚭镊﹄竴涓猄 鏄嚭镊﹄竴涓猄 鏄嚭镊﹄竴涓猄 鏄嚭镊﹄竴涓猄 鏄嚭镊﹄竴涓猄 鏄嚭镊﹄竴涓猄 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸炴槸姹熷崡涔嬩汉,屾槸鑺傛硶鐪熶屾槸鑺傛硶鐪熶屾槸鑺傛硶鐪熶镞╁镞╁镄勪镄勪涓涓呖浜ゃ傝鑺傛硶闾傝鑺傛硶闾璇璇墠鏉ュ姪鎷墠鏉ュ姪鎷墠, gallium 嶅垰鍒氲 鍒 like €

鍑 垬涔嬩 垬涔嬩 澶, 澶 閮 閮 閮 槸鐭ユ牴鐭ュ簳 绁炶壊闀囧畾銆 绁炶壊闀囧畾銆 绁炶壊闀囧畾銆 绁炶壊闀囧畾銆 绁炶壊闀囧畾銆 绁炶壊闀囧畾銆 绁炶壊闀囧畾銆 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四烲eaving Dust 殑€鏂鏂鏂Primordial Spirit Late Stage cultivator ,鍙湁涓変汉屽屽凡,鐢氲呖杩樻湁涓€浣岶oundation Establishment cultivator 鍑戞暟銆傝€屽闱 浼奸偅瀵傝涓娄 瀵傝涓娄 涓冩寚澶╃惔钖涚栌宸, 涓冩寚澶╃惔钖涚栌宸 旀獉瀛 旀獉瀛 夊叚浣峆 夊叚浣峆 rimordial Spirit Late Stage, key chain 夊洓浜ぉ 鍓嶅洓鍗佷綅镄勫瓨鍦 鍓嶅洓鍗佷綅镄勫瓨鍦 鍓嶅洓鍗佷綅镄勫瓨鍦 鐜勬竻 鐜勬竻 鐜勬竻 旋 旋 旋 鐜勬竻 旋 旋 宀 宀 宀 笉浣 笉浣 笉浣 笉浣 蹇冨 笉浣

The law and others do not care, one or two people are uneasy, it does not matter. There is no need to explain at this time, just enter the cave, Zhuang Wudao’s heavy sword wings to bless, it can make these two people feel at ease.

褰揿垵Leaving Dust Palace 闾h埇镄勫姡锷 杩欎簩浜 篃浠嶆棫渚濈 篃浠嶆棫渚濈 屾潵銆傝槠璇 槸娆犵潃 槸娆犵潃 Leaving Dust 浜 浜 涓嶈 涓嶈 涓嶈佽 佽 佽 涓や綅镄勫 涓や綅镄勫 杩樻槸鑳 杩樻槸鑳 杩樻槸鑳

As the divine light inside the law lit up, Zhuang Wudao suddenly felt dark. He has experienced many times through the void, knowing that he has entered the boundless void.

There is a lot of turmoil here, and the people are pulled apart. However, there is a chain, and Zhuang Wudao and Nie Xianling are always tied together.

After about a moment, the void in front of the eyes cracked again. The two of them walked through the field and set foot on the ground, but in front of them was a blood red color.

Strong resentment –

杩欐槸Zhuang Wudao 绗竴涓康澶 Achievements 杩欎簺 斾 斾 generous, 杩樼湡鏄笉鐣椤 镣 镣 镣 杩栾タ闱 三 (3) 殑鐏佃剦 灞呯劧閮 灞呯劧閮 鍏ㄦ暟鎶 鍏ㄦ暟鎶 Wu Wu Wu Wu 涔嫔墠鍦ㄨ埞涓婂 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Imon Dao 涓夊畻, 涓嬫 浼 浼

Within a full range of 100,000 feet underground, there is no way to sense a trace of the ground.

In addition to this, the resentment of the mind and the sorrow of the mind is extremely serious. I don’t know if these magical repairs are intentional. Zhuang Wudao can only sense up to three thousand feet. It is estimated that Nie Xianling will be even more unbearable.

Unlock the chain of the left hand, Zhuang Wudao looked at all around, ready for the first time, put the heavy altar.

The terrain here is narrow and the altar is not easy to expand. However, not far from the front, the terrain is gradually widening, and it should be possible to find a suitable place for the cloth.

“Follow me -“

Turning around, Zhuang Wudao saw Nie Xianling’s willow eyebrow, which was slightly wrinkled and showed a sad color. This is the realization of the bloody power here, the cultivator of the Primordial Spirit and him, or nothing. Like the Foundation Establishment like Nie Xianling, it takes Royal Origin to resist it. It is estimated that the smell of bloody smell here is indeed unbearable for girls.

With a smile, Zhuang Wudao grabbed Nie Xianling’s arm. A True Origin with thunder and fire was poured into the past, and Nie Xianling’s face suddenly looked good.

At this time, Zhuang Wudao was too lazy to care about the prevention of men and women. Going straight forward to about 20 places, the caves here are really wide, and there are five hundred square feet of flat land.

In fact, Dao Technique can also be used directly to open up in this cave. However, before the altar was laid, Zhuang Wudao was not forced to disturb the fluctuations of Yuanli and shocked the opponent.

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