榄旀獉瀛愭湰浣撹倝韬殑锷涢噺,镊冲皯涔熻揪涓や竾璞°€傝秴杩唠huang Wudao 浜斿€崭箣澶 钖勭绉樻湳涓嶱rfound Technique Divine Abilty 澧炲箙, 锷涢噺鏋侀檺杈 簩锏 竾浠ヤ笂銆 摢镐昛 Wu Wu Wu Wu 鏂 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found found鑳 尮鏁屻

Even if he is actually a body cultivation base, the specialization is actually boxing swordsmanship, the technique is only minor. At this moment, I have to change the way of fighting.

Go straight to the flesh and fight hard, that is the idiot

Sixteen roads are too strong and clear, and they are close to each other. They are only close to each other, and they are bombarded with lightning speed. It is the magic sandalwood, and it can’t be avoided.

However, before this, the magic sandalwood has been turned into a bloody yang, with the blood and Yang Rong Jin Shen, directly absorbed most of the power of Yang. The remaining part, the trauma caused to the magic sandalwood, small and small, almost negligible.

Zhuang Wudao 鍞竴鍙 骞 骞 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑 锷涚殑Key to key

However, just a moment later, in the eyes of Zhuang Wudao, there is no luck. I saw the bloody yang of the group. At this time, like a falling star, I went to the altar and Nii Xianling’s position went straight.

After the eyes were helpless, Zhuang Wudao faintly sighed, had to re-light, and also appeared in the sky above the altar, Nie Xianling. I have known for a long time that with the wisdom of this magical sandalwood, I can’t know how to attack the enemy. His Zhuang Wudao has the ninth method in the world, and the 30th in the list of the top of the sky, at this moment, it is useless.

浠ヨ绁炵浘涓轰富,Zhuang Wudao 涓€灞效眰镄勫竷娉曢樆鎷]€备笉杩囧嵈涔熻兘浜茬溂瑙佸闱 闾i瓟妾€瀛愯劯涓婄殑璁ヨ,娈嬮叿涓庣嫲镫瀔illing intent,

“The magical day borrows the law, the blood and the yang melt the world to give me death.”

All the blood and light are turned into a gunshot. Carrying the momentum of destroying the earth and destroying the earth, it is coming. Will Zhuang Wudao’s body mind, all locked

浣縕huang Wudao 杩戜箮绐掓伅,钖屾牱镄凯rfound Technique Divine Abilty ,涓ゅ勾鍓崭笌鍓崭笌旀獉瀛愬垎绁炲寲韬殑闾旀獉瀛愬垎绁炲寲韬殑闾竴鎴竴鎴鍙翻娌°C湁鍏 湰浣撹 湰浣撹 湰浣撹 鑸皵锷胯 鑸皵锷胯 鑸皵锷胯 鑸皵锷胯 濞 濞

‘When, a roar, the gun hit the shield. Zhuang Wudao’s muscles Qi and blood, suddenly visible, the speed of the shattered and scattered, turned into mustard dust.

Even if it is Zhuang Wudao, the force of this gun will be unloaded by the great movement of Qiankun, and it will still be unable to stop the collapse of flesh and blood.

The strength of this magical sandalwood is so strong that it is so strong! The forty powers in front of the monument are so desperate.

“The soul is unparalleled, and it is absolutely powerless”

“The soul is unparalleled, the sword is clear”

濂 瓙娓呰剢镄勫棑 瓙娓呰剢镄勫棑 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu

缁濆姏阃氱杩欓棬Prfound Technique, 鎸夌悊鏄笉鑳 姞鎸佺粰浠栦 銆傜劧 銆傜劧 孼 Wu Wu Wu 涓嶅悓, 浠栨湰灏 槸鍒涘嚭杩欓棬Prfound Technique Key 鍙堟槸Nie Xianling 鐩存帴浠ユ棤濡勪箣 浠庝粬杩欓噷澶嶅埗 浠庝粬杩欓噷澶嶅埗, €€ chain 変竴鍒 兘涓 兘涓 妯 妯 竴镙 True Origin 棰戠巼鐩歌繎銆傛墍浠ie Xianling 姝ゆ湳鏂借睍,鐩存帴灏变娇 Zhuang Wudao 涓€韬箣锷 鐩寸炕鍏

Zhuang Wudao 鍢撮噷鍗存槸鍙戣嫤, Nie Xianling 纭疄镵收,鐭ユ檽姝ゆ椂,浠栨牴 chain病夊灏戞柦灞昉 foundrfound Technique Divine Abilty 镄勬椂闂淬 竴韬 竴韬 ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound ound 鍦≒ 鍦≒ 鍦≒ 鍦≒ 鍦≒ 鍦≒ 鍦≒ 鍦≒ 鍦≒ 鍦≒ 鍦≒ 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓旸ivine Abilty, 锷犳寔鍦ㄤ粬韬笂銆

The problem is that he is now unable to withstand the power of the opposite magical Tanzi.

The blood god shield is tough, and under the impact of the 2,500,000 guns, it has not been damaged. Zhuang Wudao’s gaze is also awkward.


Hand holding the blood shield, suddenly one side slipped, forcibly turned the blood gun away. Qiankun moved a lot, borrowed the power to transform, and injected more than half of the power of this gun into the blood god shield, and slammed it to the chest and abdomen of the magic sandalwood.

At the same time, behind Zhuang Wudao, three pairs of sword wings were also opened. There was also a double embarrassment in that eyelid.

“Heavy swords, no match, no match”

Re-emphasizing the world, twisting the power of the void, almost locked the figure of the magic sandalwood in the air. Zhuang Wudao is also afraid that this kind of lethality is not enough. On the top of a pair of flesh, there is a yellow brilliance.

Wrestling hand, big cracked stone


The blood god shield, directly in the chest and abdomen of the magic sandalwood. For a time flesh and blood scattered, massive visceral debris, sprayed from behind the magic sandalwood, and then under the burning of the sun, gasification and evaporation.

鐢氲呖钄揿 鍒 鍒 瓟妾 瀛愮殑鍏ㄨ 瀛愮殑鍏ㄨ 瀛愮殑鍏ㄨ 閮 閮 閮 叆浠杦 叆浠杦 叆浠杦 叆浠杦 叆浠杦 叆浠杦 叆浠杦 叆浠杦 ith ith ith ith ith ith ith ith ith ith ith ith寲鎴愪 绮夊皹銆

However, Zhuang Wudao was too late to rejoice, and the body of the magic sandalwood suddenly exploded. The huge shock recoil, his entire internal organs, shocked all the displacement, a trace of blood spilled in the mouth. Then I saw a bloody light appearing on my right side. Just in a flash, the figure of the magic sandalwood has once again appeared in the trace, unharmed, and the eyes are full of surprise and admiration.

“I have a big idea of ​​Zhuang Xiaodao, it seems that it’s really a little bit too small, you can’t.”

Zhuang Wudao is a chill in the heart, strong straight up the body, and the magic sandalwood.

“What are you, blood and blood substitute?”

Demon Sect 绉樻湳, 灏呜嚜宸 竴閮ㄥ垎琛 镶 镶 镶 琛 琛 闄勮繎涓嶈秴杩囧叾绁炲 闄勮繎涓嶈秴杩囧叾绁炲 闄勮繎涓嶈秴杩囧叾绁炲 闄勮繎涓嶈秴杩囧叾绁炲 闄勮繎涓嶈秴杩囧叾绁炲鍙娄箣鍦 傝嫢阆囦笉鍙姊鎷掓姷杈 傝嫢阆囦笉鍙姊鎷掓姷杈 傝嫢阆囦笉鍙姊鎷掓姷杈 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 i 铡熸湰镄刡 铡熸湰镄刡 杞Щ 杞Щ 杞Щ 杞Щ 杞Щ i i i i i i i i i i冭呖Primordial Spirit 銆 熷姪涔嫔墠鍩嬩笅镄勮 熷姪涔嫔墠鍩嬩笅镄勮 熷姪涔嫔墠鍩嬩笅镄勮 熷姪涔嫔墠鍩嬩笅镄勮 熸仮澶嶈缮铡熴 熸仮澶嶈缮铡熴

He should have thought that the magical Tanzi would be willing to put the bloody figure on his own soul. I must be similar to the one that can be killed on my own.

– This is not the value of the bloody figure, not because of its willingness, but because of this ‘blood figure, for his body, it is of little use.

In the moment, I thought of all the truths and all the way. Zhuang Wudao is in the chest, but the heart is getting more and more dead. Only then, he has gambled on all the lore, almost used himself, all the power that can be used.

But the result is still not hurting the magic sandalwood –

Unless you are able to find out in advance the place where the magical sandalwood arrangement is ‘blood and blood,’ you will not win.

Or, if you can continue to kill this magic sandalwood more than seven times, it can also make this person, and then can not resurrect. But now, where can he do it?

“Do you know? Good insights are the blood and meat substitutes. Those who have died in my hands these years, but none of them can be recognized. Only Zhuang Xiaodao friends know at a glance.”

There is a little bit of color in the eyes of the magical sandalwood: “It was my early golden core, and I got it. Thanks to this technique, I was lucky enough to live now.”

Zhuang Wudao’s eyes are awkward: “Only by this secret technique, your heavenly monument is ranked more than thirty-six.”

“When I was in the previous cave, I didn’t see you talking nonsense? I want to delay the time and wait for help. I am afraid it is hard to do so.”

旀獉瀛愮瑧镌 旀獉瀛愮瑧镌 鎽囧ご锛 鎽囧ご锛 滃ぉ 滃ぉ 铏 铏 cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cultivating base cult 笅澶 笅澶 嚧鑳 嚧鑳 嚧鑳 嵈鍞嫭绉樻湳涓嶱 嵈鍞嫭绉樻湳涓嶱 嵈鍞嫭绉樻湳涓嶱 effect Rfound Technique Divine Abilty, 闱炲ぉ     鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 鑳 啀 啀 啀 啀 啀 鎺掑悕鍗冧綅涔嫔唴 鎺掑悕鍗冧綅涔嫔唴 鎺掑悕鍗冧綅涔嫔唴 鎺掑悕鍗冧綅涔嫔唴 鎺掑悕鍗冧綅涔嫔唴 鎺掑悕鍗冧綅涔嫔唴簳鐗岄殣钘忥纻鍗 鏄綘 鏄綘 huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang斾綅銆傝缮 chain 夎 鍑犲弻鍓戠 鍑犲弻鍓戠 鍑犲弻鍓戠 曗 曗 曗 曗

The eyes changed, and the magic sandalwood turned to look behind Zhuang Wudao, the big three small, four pairs of sword wings, the eyes flashed a happy color: “This is not a single Divine Abilty, but can bless many people? Is it the strength of your Leaving Dust Palace? Fortunately, my magic sandalwood only needs one step late today. This war is only fearful of ruin. The Xuan Qingdao friends chose to fight in this Shiling Buddha Cave, although it is another I have a picture, but I didn’t expect it to be beaten.”

Zhuang Wudao 蹇冧腑inwardly 涓€鍙 浠栫幇鍦ㄩ 鏄庡墤缈 鏄庡墤缈 鏄庡墤缈 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗 鍗銆傝镦炰箣锷涢樆鎷 浠栨牴 chain  镒熷簲涓嶅埌鑺傛硶绛変 镒熷簲涓嶅埌鑺傛硶绛変 镄勮 镄勮 杩 杩 傛镞 篃娌 篃娌 篃娌 ° ° 硶绔嬭 鍒 鍒 篃娌 篃娌 篃娌涗箣涓 杩欓瓟妾 瀛愪篃涓崭 瀛愪篃涓崭 瀛愪篃涓崭 瀛愪篃涓崭 瀹 瀹

涓旀垬锷涗笉濡 浠栧嵆渚 珯涓婂幓浜 涔熸槸韬涔嫔眬銆 涔熸槸韬涔嫔眬銆 ling Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian鍦嗗崈 鍦嗗崈 屼箣绗 崭箣锷涚殑锷犳寔銆 崭箣锷涚殑锷犳寔銆 崭箣锷涚殑锷犳寔銆 崭箣锷涚殑锷犳寔銆 崭箣锷涚殑锷犳寔銆 崭箣锷涚殑锷犳寔銆 崭箣锷涚殑锷犳寔銆 崭箣锷涚殑锷犳寔銆 崭箣锷涚殑锷犳寔銆 崭箣锷涚殑锷犳寔銆 彧鑳 彧鑳 彧鑳 涙 涙 鑳 鑳 鑳凩eaving Dust 璇镐汉, 鍙 鍙 鏀拺 箙镞堕棿 箙镞堕棿,

Just the magical sandalwood in front of him, to solve it, is beyond his ability. I don’t know how to be a real person in the law. Where is this time? Can you help in time?

When I was thinking about turning the electricity and thinking about breaking the game, Zhuang Wudao suddenly heard a string of sounds. I don’t know where it came from, the sound is trembled, not pleasing to the ear, but it makes the life feel creepy.

“Seven-finger Tianqin, Junbaichuan?”

Don’t think, Zhuang Wudao knows the sound of this piano, from who. Among the 30 Primordial Spirits in the Shiling Buddha Cave, only this one is famous for its practice of playing the piano.

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