Zhuang Wudao is silent, he has indeed sensed it. The opposite of the birthplace, like a sacred flower, the common existence of the world of gloom –

The higher the cultivation base, the clearer the induction will be when it is set, and the neglect of forgetting will not be achieved. No wonder those cultivations have a line of people who will try their best to leave a blood vessel descendant for themselves.

Closed again, Zhuang Wudao fell into meditation. After half a moment, Zhuang Wudao gave birth to an idea. On the shoulder side, ‘Inkling, standing inspiration, flew into his hands.

Zhuang Wudao’s pair of pupils also violently split and changed again into a double pupil. At the same time, a mindfulness is also pinned on ‘Ink Ling, body.

The scene that Zhuang Wudao saw in front of him also changed instantly, and it turned into black and white. White for life, black for death. There are also countless lines with countless overlapping images.

It’s like two paintings that are roughly the same but partially different, overlapping together.

This is what is seen in the eyes of the three-legged crows, which is completely different from the human vision.

“A weird world -“

Zhuang Wudao The world of the Nether, seen by the eyes of the three-legged crows, is too weird and almost abstract. A lot of things can’t be understood at all.

It is not entirely due to the three-legged ravens themselves. It is said that it is non-life and death, but it is actually biased towards the birth.

So the eye of the Raven, seeing the dead world is actually broken, not even half. The realm is not enough, the cultivation base is insufficient, not the dead, and many things on the other side are incomprehensible and feel absurd. What’s more, it’s just a half-cut world in the eyes of this crow.

Fortunately, Zhuang Wudao, for the time being, did not have the heart to understand the land of dying, and there is no such ability. His purpose is to prepare for the reincarnation of the tribes and the Divine Abilty.

However, it is impossible to have a soul reincarnation in this 50,000-foot high. Zhuang Wudao Slightly thinking, the idea drives the three-legged crow, carrying the five groups of magic species, flying out of the Ziwu Xuanyang ship.

It was nighttime, but the free sun and the hurricane were still vast. Especially in the bright moon above, in addition to the Taiyin Star Force, it is still a lot of power to cast the sun.

It is said that even the Primordial Spirit cultivator does not dare to be alone, swimming in the 50,000-foot hurricane.

However, the three-legged crows are different, but they are free to fly outside the ship. The birds and monsters have the power of the wind, and those hurricanes are helpless.

As for the Taiyin Star Force and the Sun’s real fire, it can’t hurt. The legendary three-legged ravens, this is the ancient three-footed Jinwu and the other emperor of the Taiyin. This is the same power of the Sun, and the innate talent is above the three-legged Jinwu and the Yinyin congenital god. However, due to the parents and his family, he was deprived of the Divine Abilty.

However, after all, there is a Divine Beast level, close to the avenue. The blood vessel did not fall on this, but it turned out to be the force of life and death, as well as controlling the yin and yang.

However, although the three-legged corpse does not have the Divine Abilty of the sun’s power, the ordinary yin-star power and the sun are really hot, and there is no help but to hurt it.

Only those natural lightning generated by Heaven and Earth are a bit of a headache. However, Zhuang Wudao has his own way, a god thought, to the real people who are sitting in the town of Ziwu Xuanyang ship. When the three-legged crow flies out of the Ziwu Xuanyang ship, it has its own layer of thunder to cover its body. Hold the Inkling through the air and go straight down. This little guy rarely travels alone when he is alone. Until recently, at this altitude of 50,000 feet, he was released by Zhuang Wudao for a while. The people on board, many Primordial Spirit cultivators, are extremely familiar with it, so no one blocks them.

However, at the same time, Zhuang Wudao also received a warning from the real people of the festival – not to harm the innocent creatures, and to contaminate the karma.

Zhuang Wudao silently, the blood sacrifices he had with Zhuang Xiaohu not long ago, asked himself to be dripping without leaking, silent. However, I never think that I can get through the festival.

It’s just two men and women, and they’re not convinced. Once you get into Demon Dao, it’s hard to get rid of it. After the blood sacrifice, the magic addiction, even if Zhuang Wudao suppressed well, completely with the body’s konjac refining, can not be cut off. At most, it is only a matter of delaying the extension of the magic addiction.

The key point of the real-life warnings of the festival is that it must not be contaminated with karma, and it is not allowed to harm innocent people. Although the latter is not an add-on, but the festival is more important, it is still its own disciple.

“I am a master, it is really embarrassing-“

Zhuang Wudao smiled and continued to rely on the three-legged ravens. Originally, the idea of ​​the Golden Core cultivator can’t be too far from the ontology, but the difference between the ink and the spirit is his life’s Spirit Beast, which is equivalent to his avatar. As long as the distance is within 30,000 miles, it can be sensed. Waiting for Moling to advance to Golden Core, the distance can be further

Going south, flying to 2,300 miles, Zhuang Wudao saw dense people. Four senses searched, Zhuang Wudao’s sudden heart, three-legged medlars immediately grasped their intentions, a gliding, falling on the window in a small city.

There is a pregnant woman in the middle of the 20th, is frowns, and is constantly vomiting. The thoughts of Zhuang Wudao are in the belly of the pregnant woman. The three-legged Raven is also staring at the woman’s belly.

At this time, changes are occurring within the head of the fetus in the abdomen. In that place, the interval between life and death seems to be no longer there. A very pure, white paper-like, extremely weak Primordial Spirit, is infiltrating a little bit, blending with the fetus.

“It turns out that when the fetus was born, there was no soul in the beginning. Until three months later, the development of the brain has a prototype, which will attract the reborn of the new soul. The head of the person is Liuyang Kui, really good – ”

“There is also a blood vessel, the blood vessel of men and women, to attract the innate spirit, so that the creatures are born. The blood vessel, the blood vessel, is really the Taoist saying, the closest to Heaven and Earth mystery, the origin of the avenue There are countless mysteries hidden in the world. No wonder the world cultivator, what is desired is to return to the innate, close to the beginning of the source -“

“The human fetus, the reason why it is the magic, is far more than the monster. It is the blood vessel of the human being, which is the most powerful between Heaven and Earth, and closer to the origin of Heavenly Dao. So before birth, the mother can be born. Nene, gathered to more innate spirits.”

“Why do people say that the spirit of all things is loved by Heaven and Earth? In fact, it is not a human race. It was originally taken care of by Heaven and Earth. It is because the human race has its own ingenuity, fighting with the heavens, fighting with the earth, and fighting with the ancients. The result of the family struggle.”

Since the beginning of the robbery, the Terran has produced the most powerful people, and the Taoist two gates have surrendered to the world. The Peerless Immortal King in the memory of Yun’er has more than 200 people, and the immortal is even more unknown. The power of the blood vessel that can be left behind is also above any ethnic group. Even the dragon and phoenix is ​​far from being comparable.”

“However, the heavens are more than enough to make up for the insufficiency, and the gains will be lost. Just like the ancestors of the dragon and the phoenix, they are born strong. Pure blood dragons and phoenixes, after the birth, they have the strength of second-order or even third-order monsters. The tribes are not always in general. The Terran is also due to the strength of its own blood vessel. It is too much and too complicated. The strength of the tyrannical blood vessel is not known. The conflicts affect the involvement. Instead, it has no effect. Hidden in the body, it is difficult to trigger.”

Zhuang Wudao has a clear comprehension in her heart, and she feels that her heart is transparent. However, there are still doubts in my heart.

Those souls are not reincarnation through the eyes of reincarnation, so what is the eye of this reincarnation?

Together with this idea, the world that the three-legged ravens saw began to change.

The black and white color, the realm of life and death, disappeared in front of its eyes, a huge vortex appeared in the vision of Zhuang Wudao.

Containing Heaven and Earth, I don’t know how many squares are rotating slowly and irreversibly. Between life and death, across the two boundaries, like a huge disc, rolling and rolling. The momentum is vast and magnificent, and it is indescribable.

There are also countless stars, dotted on it. Look closely, these stars are not the soul?

“This is the eye of reincarnation?”

Zhuang Wudao’s original imagination in his heart completely collapsed. Originally thought that this so-called reincarnation eye is just a big water pool, or a whirlpool thing. But I don’t care, it’s so loud, it seems to be able to swallow the magnificent existence.

There is no such thing as a ridiculous feeling in my heart. Is it really possible to be mastered by such a reincarnation?

After carefully thinking about it, Zhuang Wudao is relieved. If it is really controlled by those aristocratic family, isn’t the cultivator in this world attributed to these aristocratic families?

In the hundreds of thousands of years, the number of cultivators in the Great Sect and Scatter, those innate talents is still far above Yan and the four aristocratic families.

It is estimated that it is only a little bit of involvement, and it is ridiculous to say what it is.

Immediately, Zhuang Wudao got a headache and his eyes were troubled.

The eye of reincarnation, he has already found it, and also knows the mysteries of the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the soul, how can he find those infatuated seeds to be their own, and plant the magic species?

Zhuang Wudao stunned, looking at the eyes of this reincarnation with the eyes of Mo Ling. These souls come from the opposite side of the whirlpool. In this rotation, all the memories and all the consciousness are completely smashed by the irresistible force of Heaven and Earth, disappearing without a trace.

And some of the weak souls, even directly in the eyes of this reincarnation, are crushed to the broken,

What should he do, find yourself in the soul of these blanks?

At the time of the headache, the ink spirit suddenly gave a clear sound, and then the whole body blurred. All the feathers were covered with gray gas.

Then another shivering wing, actually flew into the eye of reincarnation.

Zhuang Wudao The micro-seismic in the heart, the consciousness is that this is the three-legged ravens, the Divine Abilty ability to cross both life and death. However, in the future, if you have a closer look, there is a memory picture that is not your own and appears in the mind of Zhuang Wudao.

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